Part 2.
I continue talking on the same subject. Stay with me please.
Israel knew the Name since the beginning, even from the book of Bereshit/Genesis. All you must do, is to read it. Mosheh learned the Name of our Creator from the mouth of Yehovah Himself.
But now let us hear Mosheh asking Yehovah to see His glory. He had been on the mountain and spoke with Him face to face, but he was hungry for more of Him. You can read Shemot/Exodus 33 to 34:5-8.
“See You say to me, ‘Bring up this people.’ But You have not let know whom You will send with me. Yet You have said, ‘I know you by name, and you have also found grace in My sight.’ Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight. And consider that this nation is Your people.” And He said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’
18 And he said, “Please show me Your glory.”
Shemot/Exodus 33:12-14, 18
Mosheh wanted more. And He got it.
Now Yehovah descended in the cloud with him there, and proclaimed the name of Yehovah. And Yehovah passed before him and proclaimed, “Yehovah, Yehovah Elohim, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.”
Shemot/Exodus 34:5
Now of course in the NKJV you never find the name Yehovah, but you notice that the name is replaced with the title ‘the LORD.’ I already wrote about in the first message. Yehovah forbids us to add and to take away from to the Word He gives us (See Devarim/Deuteronomy 4:12; 12:32). The translators are not allowed to change, add, or remove any Word of Scriptures. However, we do find things done that should not been done. They have been following the traditions and commands of men, and disobeying Yehovah in the process. Each of us needs to search the Scriptures in the original Hebrew language whenever possible. Not the Greek for the Scriptures were translated into Greek. Yehoshua spoke Aramaic and Hebrew, not Greek.
I am not the one finding such issues, but there are men who are dedicated to see the Word of Yehovah translated correctly, and they are finding many passages which are not correct.
Removing the most powerful name of the Universe is to steal us the believers the intimacy with can have with our Heavenly Father. The Supreme Being who wants us to call Him by his name, is also our Father, and we should, and must know His most Wonderful Sacred, Glorious, and all-Powerful name Yehovah. He did not give us His name to keep it hidden. He has not forbidden us to speak His name. He wants us to call upon His name and worship Him. He wants to have intimacy with us. We are His children whom He infinitely love. If you doubt this fact, please read the Scriptures, and discover the greatness of His loves for you and me.
It was necessary to restore our relationship that we lost in Adam, and He sacrificed His only Ben/Son Yehoshua HaMashiach to adopt us as His children. He sent Him to this planet to take our place on the cross and to die to redeem us from that sin. Please read the complete Bible, the First Covenant and the New Testament and learn more about Him.
How can you or I say that we love Him, and do not know His name?
He wants us to call Him by His name, but most of us do not know His name. He has given it to us, but it has been stolen from us.
Please pray and seek Yehovah today as Mosheh did. He wanted to see the glory of Yehovah, and He gave Mosheh His name, and His character. Who He was and is to each of us. His name declares Who He is.
Yehovah, Yehovah Elohim, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy to thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.”
I want this to enter the mind of the readers. Yehovah wanted Mosheh and you and I to know His name and who He is. How does He feel about each of us. His love is beyond understanding.
He also wants us to swear using His name, for we cannot swear in His name if we do not know the name.
“You shall not take the name of Yehovah your Elohim to naught, for Yehovah does not leave that one unpunished who brings His Name to naught.
Shemot/Exodus 20:7 (Messianic Bible)
“You shall not take the name Yehovah your Elohim in vain, for Yehovah will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain.
Shemot/Exodus 20:7
“You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
Shemot/Exodus 20:7 NKJV
Taking the name in vain releases His punishment.
At this point I strongly suggest that you read HIS HALLOWED NAME REVEALED AGAIN by Keith E. Johnson.
You will be blessed.
But now let us see the Hebrew word shav (shin, vav, alef) which is translated vain. Keith’s book helped me, but I also went to the internet myself and got even more words. Vain is only one aspect of Shav.
Shav, the sense of desolating, evil, deceit, deceitful, deception, malice, emptiness, empty, false, uselessness(as deceptive), falsehood, lies, vain, vanity, visions, and worthless.
And now let us see some examples.
In vain [shav] I have struck your sons, they accepted no chastening.
Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 2:30
I personally have learned that when we add the idea of speaking “in vain,” it changes the meaning.
Whose mouths speak deceit {shav}, and whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood {shaker}.
Tehillim/Psalm 144:8
I shared these two examples to simply give you an idea. But the point is that His name must be used righteously, and not falsely or deceit, or bringing it to naught.
When we swear, for instance, we are commanded to swear His way saying,
“As Yehovah lives.”
“If you do return, O Israel,” declares Yehovah, “return to Me.” And if you remove your abominations from My presence, and cease straying, and shall swear, ‘As Yehovah lives,’ in truth, in right-ruling, and in righteousness-then nations shall barakh themselves in Him, and they shall boast in Him.”
Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 4:1-2
Can you imagine the gravity of not been able of saying His Name? The nations are blessed in Him when we learn to swear in truth and righteousness.
Her shav is translated as falsely.
“Even when they say, ‘As Yehovah lives.’ They swear falsely, for certain.”
Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 5:2
He wants us to swear in truth in His name.
“And it shall be, if they learn well the Ways of My people, to swear by My Name, ‘As Yehovah lives,’ as they taught My people to swear by Baal, then they shall be established in the midst of My people. But if they do not obey, I shall pluck up, pluck up and destroy that nation,” says Yehovah.
Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 12:16-17
To be continued, but I got a word from Yehoshua a moment ago:
Great disaster is coming to the world. Many will be caught by surprise. Many cities will burn on fire that is coming from the sky.
Pray for those who do not know Yehoshua to be saved.
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