Wednesday, October 12, 2022


 Good morning friends,

I hope this message will not upset you a lot. I want all my friends to read this.

Today i read a message with the title of: HE CAST TRUTH TO THE GROUND, and you can find it on YouTube, I suppose.   I sent it  to my friends. I know it is controversial.  Then I was praying and I received this message from Yehovah. 

"I said and say it again, disaster is coming to America because My people have lost their sense of direction. The church is blind, and are following the blind. Nothing you say will turn their hearts away. Stay away from such people. Stay close to Me. Enough now. Do not send anything any more, one way or another. They are lost and will end up dead many of them. 

I reveal Myself to the faithful when they are sincere. You let them go now. Do not answer any email. I forbid you. It is done. You are coming home to Me.  I already warned many of them, but they do not listen. Pray for their soul that they awaken. The powers of darkness are unleashed to this nation because they are blind and deaf. Their eyes and ears need to open up. Warn My people to seek me now." 

 When Yehovah is speaking of "My people" here is everyone who says is a Christian. Sadly the church is following the blind, and needs to awaken. I am praying for my friends and America. I pray the church seek Yehovah and Yehoshua to read His Word and know what a leader supposed to be. If he does not meet the standard, we as believers of the TRUTH cannot vote for him whoever he may be. We sin if we vote for the person whose life is not right. We actually partake of his sin, and we will be cursed instead of being blessed. I pray that the eyes of everyone will open up.Voting is a serious matter. Personally made mistakes in the past, and I know I cannot do it again. Be wise.

Please for your own life. Seek Yehovah now and let go of sin in your own life. Pray for America. Be humble and refuse compromises. 

Shalom to you.  

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