Friday, October 28, 2022


Please read this message with tears in your eyes. Times are coming that many people do not yet know or believe they could really happen to this great land. But Yehovah is speaking a few words today for us to hear and begin to pray for His mercy. Fear is not the key, but repentance from your sin, is very much needed now. If you have sin in your life, if you are not serving the living Elohim (God), it is time now. If you have not yet given your life to Yehoshua, the only Son of Elohim Yehovah, now is the time. Please read my other messages and find out why. Each citizen contributes to the release of  judgment, because it us  our corporal sin.  If you have done abortions you need to quickly repent. But let us read what Yehovah has said to us today. Be careful those who have used the knife to kill.  This judgment is coming mostly because of the innocent blood shed in the land. How many millions of lives have been murdered in the womb alone, and even out of it?  The blood cries out to Yehovah. Repent and He may relent.

"The days are  coming when those who live will say: "It is like the old days. But it is not the great days of wealth and health, peace and prosperity, but a day of famine and distress. I am removing the comfort from America. The abortion law has been removed, and this is good, but I cannot leave unpunished the world beginning with America, for all the wickedness that has being done. All those murders and all the other offenses. He who kills by the sword perishes by the sword.  I am punishing. And My hand I am not drawing back. What has America done to bring Sodom and child sacrifice back to life? Who has the right to kill, but He who gives the life? That is Me, and only Me," says Yehovah. "The Judgment is here and I will continue to send terror until all the wickedness is removed from this land. Stay away from those who say peace and safety. They are not sent by Me. They will go into hiding when the missiles will fly." 

Bereshit/Genesis 9:6 "Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of Elohim  He made man."

Mattithyahy/Matthew 26:52 "For all  who take the sword,will perish by the sword."

Chazon/Revelation 13:10 "He who kills with the sword, must be killed with the sword."


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