Thursday, October 20, 2022


Part 3

We bless in the Name of Yehovah!

“Now behold, Boaz came from Bethlehem, and said to the reapers, “Yehovah be with you.” And they answered him, “Yehovah bless you.”

Is this not something we should be doing instead of criticizing others continually? We need to one again to greet people by blessing in the name of Yehovah. By His grace, I will do it myself! What a change will take place in our neighborhood if we speak His Name when we open our mouths to greet them!

We praise and sing His name!

I will praise You, O Yehovah, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in Your name, O Most High. 11 Sing praises to Yehovah, who dwells in Zion!

Tehillim/Psalms 9:1-2, 11

His name is excellent!

O Yehovah, our Adon how excellent is Your name in all the earth, You who made Your splendour above the shamayim!

O Yehovah, our Adon, How excellent is Your name in all the earth!

Tehillim/Psalms 8:1, 9

King David could not stop admiring and praising the name of our Creator Yehovah, our King and Father! Yes, He is, and much more. Our love and adoration toward Yehovah should increase with every passing moment of our lives. We should be so in love with Him, that we cannot stop adoring Him, and speaking of Him to all mankind!

But how can we do it if we do not know His name?

What about our earthly father. Do we have to ask someone to find out the name of our heartly father? Do we live our lives without knowing his name? NO! We know his name since we are born, and as soon as we can speak, we cry out: Dad! Then we learn his name, and we tell all our friends how blessed with our father. We are proud of him. He is very important to us, and we get offended if someone speaks evil of our him.

However, we not know the name of our Heavenly Father Yehovah who has created us with Yehoshua his only Ben/Son and the Ruach HaQodesh (Holy Spirit)?

 We do not know it because someone forbade to say His name.

Briefly I must mention the fact that the heathen Greeks came to Israel in 168 BCE and tried to obliterate and complete destroy the faith of our brethren by also. They offered up a pig to their god Zeus in Yehovah’s Temple.  They forced the Jews to eat that meat. Many gave in and followed their teachings. However, three years later in 165BCE the Hasmoneans family rose and defeated the Greeks. The Temple was cleansed, and we now celebrate the feast of Chanukkah. After this event some Jews continued to be alienated from the true Elohim. There were three sects of religious groups in Israel at that time, the Essenes, Sadducees, and the Pharisees. The Hasmoneans were Sadducees and wanted to restore the name, But the Pharisees and Essenes refused. Therefore, they began to forbid to call on the name Yehovah. Certainly, we do not know all the details, but we know the fruit. His name is not pronounced until this day by many Jewish people who choose to call Him Adonai, which is lord and only a title, no matter if written in small or capital letters.

It seems that it happened after 70 AD that the ban took place. The Essenes wrote a document called, Rule of the Community, saying:

Anyone who speaks aloud the M[ost] Holy Name of God [whether in…] or in cursing or as a blurt in time of trial or for any other reason, or while he is reading a book or praying, is to be expelled, never again to return to the body of the community. (1QS 6:27-7:2) 71

I wrote this with permission from Keith E. Johnson. He has much information in His book I already mentioned, HIS HALLOWED NAME REVEALED AGAIN. Please get the book. I cannot speak too much on these issues for I have not personally examined the documents as I should. But I trust his ministry, and everyone can find out for themselves. There is another prohibition.

It is forbidden to read the glorious and terrible name as it is written, as the sages said,”He that pronounces the name as it is written has no portion in the world to come.” Therefore it is must be read as it it were written Adonai.

Mishanah Berurah 5:2 

Did you notice? They make themselves Elohim deciding who is going to live eternally with Yehovah. This is a cult.

Please be informed and read Keith E. Johnson’s book. It could set you free.

Those early rabbis or leaders have taken verses out of context to support their actions. Do not be afraid to find out the truth. It is the truth that will set you free.

Then Yehoshua said to those Jews who believed Him, “If abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Yochanan/John 8:31-32

You see my friend, if you obey the ban, you are honoring man, and that is a snare to you.

The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in Yehovah shall be safe.

Mishley/Proverbs 29:25

If you are under the ban you are in a trap, and you need to be set free.

As snare is a trap to catch animals and birds. You are not an animal, you have been created in the image of Yehovah, will you please think and realize you are in error? Yehovah wants to hear your voice as you sing to His name. He wants you to be free and rejoice in His name! He wants to bless you in ways you never thought possible if you choose to call Him by His most Glorious, Majestic, Sanctified name that has been freely given to us.

The name Yehovah has been spoken since He has given it to us. He wants us to be intimate with Him, and not be fearful and deceived by doctrines of men. Let us not be distant from Him like the heathen, but embrace Him as our own loving compassionate and forgiving Father, for He indeed is.

As a reminder, we cannot change the Word of Yehovah. His Word is eternal and cannot be messed up with.

“Now, o Israel, listen to the statutes and the judgments which I teach you to observe, that you may live, and go in and possess the land which Yehovah Elohim of your fathers is giving you. You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of Yehovah.

“Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor about them in my next message. take away from it.”

Devarim/Deuteronomy 4:1-2; 12:32

To be continued.


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