Continues...part 2
We saw how the thief on the cross repented of his sin, and believed in Yehoshua. I must remind you, that no matter what you have done in your life, you will be saved if you do as the thief on the cross. Recognize that Yehoshua suffered this horrible death for you and me. He fulfilled Scripture concerning His first coming to the earth. I cannot bring the scriptures here for you but read some in your Tanakh and will learn that He is your Mashiach. One very important chapter is: Yeshayahu/Isaiah 53. Please read it and see Yehoshua there, He is your Mashiach. Do not wait, to day is your day of salvation my Hebrew brother!
I now continue with the words Yehoshua spoke while on the cross.
Women, behold your son!
Yochanan/John 19:26
Yehoshua made provision for His mother. Most likely she would be living alone now, since the other children may be already married. And to Yochanan He said:
Behold your mother!
Yochanan/John 19:27
Next Yehoshua needed to fulfill prophecy again, and said:
"I thirst!"
Yochanan/John 19:28
"Father, into Your hands I commit My Spirit!"
Luqas/Luke 23:46
"It is finished!"
Yochanan/John 19:30
Yehoshua was conscious and knew what He was doing until the end of His earthly life. He said it is finished because He fulfilled every prophecy spoken about His first coming. You my want to by my book on Amazon "Yehoshua the Risen Mashiach," and I highly suggest you do so. I was inspired to write this book by Yehoshua. I am not a learned writer, but I love my Creator and obey Him. When He led me to write this book, I had very hard time to obey Him because I know my shortcoming in English. But finally was convinced I should write what I knew. Please buy that book and be blessed.
Yehoshua took my place on that cross, and also your place. Let us not forget the truth that if we do not repent of our sins, we are doomed to destruction. We cannot save ourselves with good works. Our righteousness is as filthy rags, and I do not care who you are. Yehovah declares you guilty, for you have sinned. There is none righteous, not even one. Can you today stop for a moment and examine yourself and see if there is any wicked thing in you? I do it daily. I try to keep clean in this pig pan of this world. Satan is always coming to us to make us think evil thoughts and become guilty. Please do not waist any time, but take time out between you and Elohim and ask Him to show you if indeed you need to repent. He will without fault your need to believe in The Way, The Truth, and The Life, who is Yehoshua. (Yochanan/John 14:6).
Our Hope is only in the ONE WHO HANG ON THE CROSS FOR US.
He hang there for six hours. Six is the number of man, which is incomplete. Seven is the number of perfection, and Yehoshua gave us seven words on the cross.
We come short of perfection, therefore we only have six thousand years* on the earth to prepare us for Heaven.
Will you today seek Him, and find out if indeed Yehoshua is your Mashiach? Will you please? He is waiting on you to come to Him. He is alive and His love for you and me, we see on Yehovah giving His own beloved Ben/Son on the cross. Can you imagine how much He, your Creator loves you to crucify His own own Ben for you! Can you imagine how great the love of the Father and of the Ben/Son who obeyed Him, and willing went on the cross to suffer such horrible death for you? Please take this message seriously and cry out for mercy to your Elohim to reveal Himself to you and save you! Time is going to end soon. War is coming to America and the world. Now is the time of salvation. Do not wait.
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