Thursday, September 8, 2022


Today I sense the need to talk about nursing a baby. The Word speaks about milk, and I spoke about this in another message. So, what can I add to it?  Let us begin with reading some verses of Scriptures in the Bible.

Yehovah, the Elohim of Yisra’El, lifted His hand in an oath saying:

Yechezqel/Ezekiel 20:5,6

“And you shall say to them, ‘Thus said the Adon (LORD) Yehovah, “On the day when I chose Yisra’el and lifted My hand in an oath to the seed of the house of Ya’aqov, and made Myself known to them in the land of Mitsrayim (Egypt), I lifted My hand in an oath to them, saying, ‘I am Yehovah your Elohim.’ “On that day I lifted My hand in an oath to them, to bring them out of the land of Mitsrayim into a land that I had searched out for them, flowing with milk and honey, the splendor of all lands.”

He continues to tell to get rid of all abominations. They had to obey Him and He would bless them. He continues to warn them in the next verse below of the consequences of their disobedience, see Yechezqel/Ezekiel 25:4.

After the chastisement Yisra’El would again be prosperous with milk.

Yo’el/Joel 3:18 “And it shall be in that day that the mountains drip with new wine, and the hills with milk. And all the streams of Yahudah shall be flooded with water, and a fountain flow from the House of Yehovah and water the wadi Shittim.”

I want to make a warning to the churches that teach replacement theology saying Yisra’El is done, or is no more, and the church is now the chosen one. First of all the church leaders need to get rid of anti-Semitism, and then to begin to read the Scriptures, such as this one, and many others that declare the blessings of Yehovah to Yisra’El in the end times in which we are in now. I urge in love, pastors, to please remember Bereshit 12:3 “And I shall barakh (bless) those who bless you, and curse him who curses you. And in you all the clans of the earth shall be barukh.”

Church you are not in the blessings of Yehovah when you try to steal His Word He gave to Yisra’El. Beware, He is not sleeping!

Tehillim/Psalm 121:4  

He who is guarding Yisra’El neither slumbers nor sleeps.


Yeshayahu 60:16-18

“And you shall drink dry the milk of the gentiles, and shall milk the breast of sovereigns. And you shall know that I, Yehovah, your Saviour and your Redeemer, am the Elohim of Ya’aqov. ‘Instead of bronze I bring gold, and instead of iron I bring silver, and bronze instead of wood, and iron instead of stones. And I shall make your officers peace, and your magistrates righteousness. Violence shall no longer be heard in your land, neither wasting nor ruin within your borders. And you shall call your walls Deliverance, and your gates Praise.”

Yehovah has never taken back His Word. Just as the Sabbath is still our commanded day of rest  for all mankind who wants to serve Him and keep His rules, so is His commitment to Yisra’El. The Gentiles or nations will and are feeding Yisra’El even now. Therefore, love them, and receive the blessings of Yehovah upon your own life.

His Word does not change, only men change to their own detriment, sadly.

I used these verses to say that Yehovah gives us humans milk. Milk is as a very important food and He also gives us honey.  Honey is used to heal many sicknesses. But first let me mention again how milk is spoken of in the Scriptures.

Qorin’tiyim 1/1 Corinthians 3:1-3

I fed you with milk and not with solid food for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able.

These words let us know that milk represents the Word. Milk is for the newborn into the kingdom, for eventually they will need solid food. See also Ivrim/Hebrews 5:12-13.

 Kepha 1/1Peter 2:2

As newborn infants, desire the unadulterated milk of the Word, in order that you grow by it.

I am writing today about the need of mothers to nurse, or allattare, their newborn babies. We have read that Yehovah promised to Yisra’El a land with milk and honey. Why milk? Milk is the food every child needs after he is born. It is a complete food for an infant. This is the reason the Scriptures teaches symbolically to drink the milk of the Word when we first come to salvation in Mashiach (Messiah) Yehoshua.  When we do it, we become attached to our Father in Heaven. We begin to love Him and desire to continue to read His Word. The Word with teach us what we need to know about the One we choose to serve. Therefore the Word is undeniably important for our spiritual growth.

I want to encourage women today to most importantly give birth to the child growing in their womb, and when he is born, to nurse him. This baby is a human being and needs all the cares that only a mother can give. And one of those cares is to give him the milk Yehovah has provided to feed him.

The women not only carried the baby in their womb for nine months, but to also be the source of keeping the baby alive with what Yehovah has provided for their infant.  He not only gave the baby his life, but also provides for his sustenance.

This necessity of nursing is so important that He uses the analogy of calling His Word milk. The Word nourishes us as newborn in the Spirit, and so much more does the milk of the mother nourishes her newborn child!

The child comes out of the womb, and he feels lost. He misses the water around him.  Then the doctor may spank him, and he cries. But when the breast of the mother comes into his mouth, he starts sucking life into his being and he becomes quiet.  From then one he will seek the breast when he is hungry.  

In the hospital the nurses may give him a bottle because the mother has decided to not nurse her son or daughter!

When this happens the mother is cutting off what is ordained by Yehovah to be providing the source of food that her own child needs. There is no substitute, and this is the reason Yehovah uses the analogy of drinking the milk of the Word soon after salvation.

The milk of the mother is complete and is digested by the child immediately which causes him to grow strong and to grow. But there is more to this truth.

When the child sucks the milk he is uniting with the mother in a way that cannot be compared to any other way. When the child is nursed he feels the love and affection of the mother and makes him content. He feels happy and seeks the breast when he is hungry to make him feel good. He does not understand, but he knows this is what he wants and seeks it. Sucking the milk is actually what will make him to be a happy child. A child that is loved and will never feel insecure.

When the baby is not allattato or nursed, he lacks something in his soul. Many children become mentally sick because they have been denied the breast. Yehovah created us with this need as babies, and He did not tell us to drink the milk of the goats. This is a substitute to the perfect milk of the mother, but it is not what a baby is created to drink.

Goats needs to milk their little goats, and cows need to feed their newborn. And humans need the mother’s milk and there is no substitute.

Women, please nurse your baby and see how much he will love you, and how much you will love him! How can you say you love your child when you deny him what Yehovah has create you to give him? Nursing is a vehicle to nourish your child naturally and spiritually.

Nursing is a means from Yehovah to unite the newborn to his mother. And cannot be replaced by any other means.

I hope you will nurse your baby if you are expecting a child now. Please do things according to the perfect plan of our Father in Heaven. For He is perfect, and His ways are much higher than ours.


Note: Allattare is Italian for nursing. I life the word better than nursing because I grew in Italy.


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