Part one. I have been thinking on my own life and yours. I was reading the Word of Elohim and my attention was captured by the words of Yehoshua on the cross. I want to share with you my thoughts.
First of all we learn that Yehoshua, the Son of Elohim had come in the flesh to save sinners. This is the most important truth we need to know.
He was not received by His own, and eventually was crucified. He was sinless. He was 100% righteous.
I will not speak in detail about this, for you already know it, or so I hope. But if you do not know all you need to do is go to the Word of God (Elohim) and read about it.
Now let us go to the cross and hear the Words He spoke.
"Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? Translated in English is, "My El (God), My El, why have You forsaken Me?
Mattithyahu/Matthew 27:46
Why would He say this? He was sinless. Yehovah did not forsake Him personally, but because He was there giving His life to save us sinners. He was taking the place of us sinners. He was there instead of you and me. We are the ones He was dying for it and suffer our separation from our Father,
He came to save the lost sheep of Israel, and the whole world. He was placed on the cross in the place of Barabbas, who was a murderer. He was there instead of you and me the worse Barabbas of the world!
You see the disobedience of Adam passed you and me. We all were born with the propensity to sin, and sure enough we all fell into it. Satan made sure you and I obey him instead of obeying our Creator,Yehovah and His only Ben/Son Yehoshua. You may be the king of England, or the king of any nation, but you are a sinner. In the day Adam sinned you and I also sinned.
We read in the first book of the Bible, Bereshit/Genesis the fall of man.
Then Yehovah took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. And Yehovah Elohim commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.
Continue to read the Bible and discover that he disobeyed His Creator, and the result was death. He died immediately spiritually, and eventually physically.
We all come from Adam, and we have become disobedient as he had. For this reason we have been alienated from our Creator and will die and go to hell with the rebellious angel Satan and his angels.
Bereshit/*Genesis 2:15-17
But Yehovah made a promise to Adam. He cursed the serpent who was full of Satan, and told him:
"I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise His heel."
Bereshit/Genesis 3:15
This prophecy was fulfilled when Yehoshua died on the cross. He was there taking your place. You and I have continually disobeyed Him.
But let us continue to the seven sayings of Yehoshua on the cross.
Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do."
Luqas/Luke 23:34
More can be said about this, but it is enough for you to understand that Yehoshua was obeying His Father by dying on the cross for you and me.
Next we read that the thief on the cross recognized who what dying next to him and repented of his sin and spoke to Yehoshua. You can read it in this same chapter. Yehoshua answer to him was the following:
"Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise."
Luqas/Luke 23:43
Can you see something special in the answer Yehoshua gave to this criminal? He did not say, "Today you will be with Me in Hell, but you will be with me in Paradise! There is a teaching the makes the cross of little value when they say Yehoshua had to go to Hell to pay for our sins. The judgment was death, spiritual and physical, and Yehoshua was experiencing it now, when He was separated from the Father, and physically when He would give up His Spirit .
No matter who you are today, th worse Barabbas, the worse criminal, the worse women w*/ho has killed her children in her womb, one after another, or the one who has betrayed his country selling it to the enemies, or the one who is planning the revolution, or the worse person who cheats and steals, and is deep in lustful affairs, no matter who you are king of any nation or a beggar, you have sinned, but there is hope for you on the cross. You can cry out to Yehoshua now and be saved. He will take you into His Kingdom if you choose to repent of all your sins.
I will close this little message today, because i need to give you time to repent of your sin, knowing you can come to the foot of the cross and see your Savior bleeding for you, and saying "Today you will be with me in Paradise." You may or may not leave this earth today, but this promise is for you. Receive it and believe your sins are paid for it from our Savior.
I will continue on my next message.
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