Sunday, October 2, 2022


 I have been doing some soul searching myself, and this message has also applied to me in a sense.

But let us go now to read the text and hear what Yehoshua is saying to us today.

Then He said: “A certain man had two sons. And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me.’ So he divided to them his livelihood. And not many days after, the younger son gathered all together, journeyed to a far country, and there wasted his possessions with prodigal living.”

Luqas/Luke 15:11-13

We have no understanding why this younger son would want to leave his home. He may have felt unwanted because his brother was the firstborn, and he would inherit the double portion. Yehovah has so decided that the firstborn inherits the double portion. Even if the firstborn was the child of the unloved wife, he had to get the blessing.

Ya’aqov got the birthright from his brother Esau. He wanted some of the soup, and his brother asked him for the birthright, which was supposed to be his anyway from Yehovah (Bereshit/Genesis 25:23).

And Esau said to Ya’aqov, “Please feed me with that same red stew, for I am weary.” That is why his name was called Edom. But Ya’aqov said, “Sell me your birthright today.”

 Bereshit/Genesis 25:30-31

Esau did sell it, for he did not really care for it. All he wanted was food!

In our story today the second child got his portion, which was half of what his older brother would get and left home.

He went and used up all his money in prodigal living (v.13). The time came when he was without any money left and he submitted himself to get a job of feeding pigs. I suppose that he did not find a better job.

If you keep Torah you know that we are forbidden to eat pigs. (Wayyiqra/Leviticus 11:24-43). Pigs are very unclean and in these last days we have learned to avoid eating pigs. Pigs have not been created to feed us. They are unclean.  This boy was not eating the pig, but only the fact that he was feeding them, it most have been revolting to his stomach. I know. I was raised in a home where we raised at least one pig every year. Pigs eat their own excrement if you forget to give them food! We should never eat such animals!

And this young man was very hungry, but no one allowed him to eat any of the pods he was feeding the pigs with! (vs.15-16) He was in deep trouble!

It was then, at this point of complete lack that his mind began to clear out.

Let us read what he thought.

 “But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants.’”

And he arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son.’

Luqas/Luke 15:17-21

Where are you today? Can you relate to this parable? This son was at the end of all resources. He used up all his inheritance. He had nothing left and was very hungry.

He had to walk home for he had no money to even hire a donkey or a camel to take him home.

Will you come to your senses as this prodigal son and cry out to your Father in Heaven? Will you humble yourself and come to your Father who still loves you with such compassion and forgives your trespasses? Can you for a moment envision this scene? A dirty son, defiled from the pigs of society runs to his rich father and begs to be used as a hired servant? He is hungry, and knows his father is the only one who loves him and will hire him.

His heart was so broken! Devasted and humiliated, yet he humbled himself and cried out for mercy. Can you see? Would you do this? Would you cry out to Yehovah now and ask Him to forgive you?

You do not want titles; you do not want high pay; you do not want television interviews; you only want a place in your home again with the love and care of your father which you had humiliated. You want to be forgiven and loved!  

Listen to what the father did.

“But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. And bring the fatted calf here and kill it, and let us eat and be merry; for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ And they began to be merry.

Luqas/Luke 15:22-24

This parable as you can see has been told by Yehoshua for you and me and the whole world. Each of us has sinned and gone away from our wonderful Creator. If you are in such condition as this prodigal son, and are even contemplation suicide, wake up and run to your Father in Heaven. He is waiting for you to come home!

For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, “But My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,” says Yehovah, who has mercy on you.

Yehshayahu/Isaiah 54:10

Sin has killed you, but your Father in Heaven will give you back your life. His love for you is infinite. He loves you unconditionally no matter what you have done. He is ready to make you comfortable and dress you and give you your authority back. You lost it all, but He can restore everything back to you.

 He is not like earthly fathers who will remind us of our failures continually and threaten us! I know some men who would do this. But our Father in Heaven understands us. He has created us, and He has given us life. He knows our shortcomings, and yet, He continues to reach out to us! Do not delay on calling on His name.

Yehoshua’s Blood was shed for you and me. We did not deserve for Yehovah’s Son to suffer and die to save us. Yet, He did for you and me. He took the crown of thorns upon Himself which we placed upon Him with our sins. We gave Him those 39 lashes on His back. Those lashes belonged to us, but He took them, the Sinless One. He took the spiting, the rejection that you today may be experiencing. He took the punishment that belongs to you and me without complaining, but with joy.

Today if you please consider these words and humbled yourself as the prodigal son. Go back home to your Father in Heaven, and be reconciled.

If you do not know Him, please do what I did when I was lost in sin. I cried out to Heaven saying: “God, if you are real and are up there, I want to know. Jesus, if you are up there, I want to know.” I cried out a few times and then suddenly I knew. I KNEW HE WAS REAL!

And that knowledge caused me to humble myself and repent for all my rotten awful sins I had committed. I know what it means to be pardoned! I am a living proof of it.

Please, today call upon Yehovah and repent of your sin. Believe Yehoshua and be saved. His Blood is alive and will cleanse you from all sin.

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of Elohim, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of Elohim.

Yochanan/John 1:12-13

There is great joy in Heaven over a soul who comes back home to the Father.

Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of Elohim over one sinner who repents.

Luqas/Luke 15:10

Shalom, shalom.

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