Friday, June 25, 2021

WHAT IF......



WHAT IF Yehovah now would overthrow the fake governments of the world?

WHAT IF He would judge those who have stolen a position of authority? What if the people in the land would come up with the proof of their infidelity to this nation and found guilty of treason?

WHAT IF our Supreme Judge of the Universe would arise and pass judgment to those fake judges, who have sold their soul for money and glory?

WHAT IF all evidence would come forth and the fake media be exposed for treason?

WHAT IF the blind citizen of this nation would suddenly have the revelation of this farce and take action?

WHAT IF the Spirit of Yehovah would be poured out on this nation and restore it to become even better than what it was in the past long gone?

WHAT IF those who have betrayed America would fall on their knees and cry out to Yehovah for mercy because now the fire of truth is coming near them to expose them?

WHAT IF they all unfaithful believers in the Messiah, Yehoshua HaMashiach, would now repent and cry out to Yehovah for mercy?

WHAT IF the evangelists who preach the fake grace of Yehovah would be illuminated and see the True Grace of Yehovah?

WHAT IF those ministries who are compromising the gospel would come to repentance as they receive a true visitation of Yehoshua?

WHAT IF the teachers who are teaching the children about gender and convincing them that they may be of another kind of person or even thing, such a cat, a gorilla, a stone, boy if the they are girls, and they are girls if they are boys, denying their true identity. WHAT IF they are making them loose their true identity to change them into becoming slaves to be used according to their will.

WHAT IF women love their babies in their wombs and would never kill their offspring?

WHAT IF people would stop killing humans with terrible drugs that cause afflicted humans to commit suicides?

WHAT IF idolatry would stop in the United States Of America and the world?

WHAT IF the whole world repents of sin and begins to worship the Creator of the Universe Yehovah?

WHAT IF people would begin to seek Yehovah and believe the gospel, repent of their SIN and accept Yehoshua into their own hearts, and begin to serve Him alone?

WHAT IF the Tribulation would begin next week?

WHAT IF the expected Mashiach Yehoshua would suddenly appear and separate the wicked from the just after the tribulation?

WHAT IF there is going to a Millennium of Peace when the devil, Satan, is bound? Yes, WHAT IF it is going to happen very soon?

WHAT IF the world will come to the knowledge of Yehovah and of His only Ben/Son Yehoshua and love Elohim with all their heart, with all their soul, and with all their strength?

WHAT IF the devil would be loosed again after the one thousand years and then another final war would take place?

WHAT IF after all these things the devil and the beast and the false prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone and be tormented day and night for ever?

WHAT IF there will be a New Heaven and a New Earth?

WHAT IF all true believers in Yehoshua will reign with Him for ever and ever and have peace, love and joy for all eternity?

WHAT IF all these things will take place? YES, now is the time for you to make things right with your Creator and forsake the false religions that are taking you to hell. Hell is real, as well as Heaven is real. Yehovah is our Creator and He is real. He also knows all about you.

Matthew 24 is for real. Yehovah will return at the sound of the trumpet and the just will be separated from the unjust. The angels will do this.

Please read the Sefer Chazon, or the Book of Revelation and be informed. The time to sleep as the five virgins is over. If you are not in the kingdom you will stay out of the New Yehrushalayim/Jerusalem for ever.

You can no longer say: I do it later. Time is running out. Do not be a fool, but believe.


Thursday, June 17, 2021



Today I need to speak about obedience.

Shaul was the first king of Israel. He was very humble in the beginning of this reign. But eventually He strayed. He did what he wanted to do. It is possible that he had fear of man, or simply confusion? I do not know. But when he was commanded to attack Amalek, and kill everyone, men, women and children, and every beast, he disobeyed. He kept the King alive and the best of the animals saying he saved them to offer them to worship Yehovah! Deception!

The Prophet Samuel was very hurt by this, and so was Yehovah.

Let us listen to what Yehovah said to Shaul.

Has Yehovah as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of Yehovah? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams.

Shemu’el 1/1 Samuel 15:22

This verse is very important for what I want to address today. I have gone to church for many years. I have heard all kinds of teachings. Although the church, at large, does not obey the fourth Commandment, which is to keep the Sabbath day holy, saying that is in the old Testament, they still obey Mal’aki because it concerns money.

Will a man rob God (Elohim)? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, ‘In what way have we robbed You? In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, for you have robbed Me, even this whole nation. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this.” says Yehovah of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.”

Mal’aki/Malachi 3:8-10

Every end of the year I have heard pastors saying to give the best offering for it is the end of the year and it will count for the income tax return.

Let us think about this. To whom are you giving the ten % to the IRS, to get money back, or to Yehovah? Do you know that first of all the pastor is misleading you. He is using manipulation which is witchcraft to entice you to give. He is sinning to make you give more for him to meet his wants.

Secondly you are sinning because your motives are wrong. You are giving your tithes and offerings to get money back. No matter how much or how little you get back, you are doing it for this reason, and this sin.

The complete tithe from your gross income belongs to Yehovah. Are you giving from the gross of net? If you are giving from your net, you are sinning. You need to repent and begin to do what is right.

Please no longer cheat Yehovah of His 10%!

You may be wondering why you are sick, and you are not prospering. The windows of Heaven seem to be shot for you. This is the reason. You have been cheating Yehovah with your tithes and offering. You are no different than King Saul.

Secondly, the pastors have been saying that it is OK, to get refund from your tithes so you can give more. Those pastors are deceived and please confront your pastor and tell Him that this is not Biblical. You are not supposed to file your tithes and donations for you are giving them to Yehovah, not to the government to get money back. The 501c3 is not of God. Think about this. The ministries and churches should pay taxes as all of us. Yehovah is their provider, not the government. Pastors, by having a 501c3 you are not obeying and trusting Yehovah. You are asking the government to help you, so the government is YOUR GOD. REPENT! You have to trust God to provide for your ministry. If you expect exemptions you are sinning and causing the congregation to sin.

Secondly when you submit to the 501c3 you cannot preach against sin that the government calls human rights. You cannot preach against abortion, and homosexuality and same sex marriages.

There are other sins in the churches also. Refusing to keep the Sabbath day Holy, is obeying the catholic church who changed the Sabbath to sun-day, the sun god day. Repent and do what is right, and trust God to provide for you. Do not compromise the faith for the sake of greed and convenience. Do not mislead the believers.

There is also another sin.

You refuse to teach what Yeshua, Jesus, said concerning His return. Read Mattithyahu/Matthew 24:29-31. He spoke very clearly. Do not preach an early rapture in order to not scare your congregation and you may loose your offerings. Be honest and teach His Word, not the word of theologians who have invented the early rapture taking verses out of context. When He returns it will will be visible to all and with the loud noise of the trumpet. Do not obey the general expectations of deceived men, but study the Word and teach what Yehoshua has said, not men.

Do not be deceived and do not deceive your congregation, for you will have to give an account to Yehovah very soon.


Monday, June 7, 2021


 Yehoshua said:

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”-Mattithyahu/Matthew 5:10-12

Father Yehovah, I ask in the mighty all powerful Name of Yehoshua to please grant me the grace to write this message, and grant the same grace to everyone who reads this message. Amen.

Let us agree that we are living in great perilous times. And, Biblically speaking, we are beginning to enter into the worse time this world has ever know. Sadly many in leadership have believed the lie that reducing the population will help them to have a better life, so that they do not have to deal with so many people. We know that doctors, generally speaking, are no longer concerned on saving lives, but to make their pay check. Sadly this is true.

Many are dying in the Hospitals for overdose of medication or lack of them. I have a family member who was and still in transition because she had been given 30 pills daily. Her body finally refused those pills, and refused to cooperate with the medication. She could no longer swallow and the organs went into transition. She is not out of it, she may still die. All this took place after she took the vaccine.

Many people are dying from the Corona virus, and from the vaccine. But many people do not yet know the facts and believe that when they take the vaccine they will not get sick, but this is lie.

The government wants to pass the law tho make the vaccine obligatory before taking a trip, or leave his state, and they want to make it obligatory to get the vaccine or a person cannot get a job, and get food. If they pass such unconstitutional laws, many will die of starvation. Which may be the devil’s plane. This is all population control and a New World Order plan. Less people alive the better. But this is not the will of Yehovah, our Creator, it is only the will of men. Yehovah said: “Be fruitful and Multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; Have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” Bereshit/Genesis 1:28

However those people who are thinking this way, that is to reduce population, are people who have disconnected themselves from their Creator.

We followers of the Way/Yehoshua, (who is also called Jesus), must read the scriptures and do what they say.

Do the Scriptures says to kill, or to hate those who persecute us? Should we hate the law makers? Should we swear at them?

No! Absolutely Not!

We are called to bless them, and not to speak evil of them or to curse them. This is the work of Satan and his demons, not our work. Why is that? Because their sin has blinded them. They are blind leaders.

We have to preach the gospel to everyone, and trust that Yehovah will open their eyes, minds, and hearts to believe and be saved.

But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Mashiach (Messiah), who is the image of Elohim (God), should shine on them. Qorin’tiyim 2/2 Corinthians 4:3-4

We cannot hate them.

But he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. Yochanan 1/1 John 2:11

Do you see that even a follower of the Way can give in the hate at times, and that means that he or she is walking in darkness, the light of Yehoshua is not in him/her. Followers of the Way, Yehoshua, I beg you to cleanse your heart and be ready for what is coming. Do not hate your brothers or enemies. Walk in love and so fulfill the Law.

Brothers and sisters, stop criticizing and speaking evil of dignitaries. Repent and begin to pray for the lost leaders who are blind because they refuse the light of the gospel. Yehovah loves them all, and wants no one to be lost. You also was lost, but now you are in the Kingdom of Yehovah. The same can happen to them if we pray and believe. Love is the key. Hate of of Satan.

I rediscover Jabez prayer.

Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain.” And Jabez called on the Elohim of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So Elohim granted him what he requested. -Divrey HaYamim 1/1Cronicles 4:10

Let me show you how I pray this prayer. This is only a sample on how you can pray.

Father in the mighty Name of Yehoshua haMashiach I ask you that you bless the leadership of this nation, the now president, and vice president, speaker of the house, all congress men and women, democratic and republicans, and the supreme court judges, and every governor and every mayor in this land, with a knowledge of Yehoshua haMashiach, our Supreme King and Ruler of the Universe. That You may grant them the wisdom to rule according to your will. That the fear of Elohim be upon them now, and that they would be set free from all evil. Bless them with salvation now, and great peace, love and joy.

Enlarge their territory by taking them out of the kingdom of darkness and transfer them into the Kingdom of Your only Ben/Son, Yehoshua haMashiach, in His Name I Pray.

I pray that Your Hand, Your Power, would be upon them, and that they will have a Divine Visitation, and see the Risen Lord Yehoshua, now. That their eyes be open and all blindness be removed from them, so that they will be able to see visions and dreams of Yourself and of Heaven. That their hearts be open to know and receive Yehovah and His only Ben/Son Yehoshua. Let Your Power rest upon them now I pray. Let them know how much You love them and desire them to be part of Your eternal Kingdom which will not pass away.

I pray You keep them from all evil, that their minds would reject the works of Satan, and trust their lives in you alone. I also pray that they will not cause pain to anyone.

I thank you my Father in Heaven that You heard this prayer, and because you love them so much, You will answer this today. Amen.