Why should I bypass America from judgment when she has become a harlot, an idolater, a murderer of the innocent? The judgment will be severe. Many will die as martyrs. Many will be lost for eternity.”
Let us understand America is not different than Africa or any other nation in the world. The prophets who say that everything is well, that the government will change, and we will be blessed, they are deceiving you. Those prophets have lost their sight as Samson did, but he repented and was restored.
Yehovah is coming in judgment because we deserve it, and He does it so that many will repent and come back to Him. This is His desire, and He knows already who will repent and who will not. He is All Knowing. Nothing escapes Him. He is also All Powerful, which many chose to forget.
Yehovah does not delight in judgment, but He has to do it, or He would not be righteous. He has given us Commandments.
3 You have no other mighty ones (gods) against My face.
4 You do not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of that which is in the shamayim (Heaven) above, or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth,
5 you do not bow down to them nor serve them. For I Yehovah you Elohim, am a jealous El, visiting the wickedness of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me,
6 but showing kindness to thousands, to those who love Me and urd My Commands.
Shemot/Exodus 20:3-5 HS
7 You do not bring the Name of Yehovah your Elohim to naught, for Yehovah does not leave the one unpunished who brings His name to naught.
8 You shall keep the Sabbath day holy. (Read the whole passage please)
13 You shall not murder.
14 You shall not commit adultery
15 You do not steal.
16 You do not bear false witness against your neighbor,
17 You do not covet…..
Shemot/Exodus 20:7-8, 13-17
Please read Shemot 20 completely and Devarim 28 and the whole Word and be blessed. May the fear of Yehovah come upon you who is reading this page.
Do you think He said lightly the following words?
“See, all things are Mine, the being of the father as well as the being of the son is Mine. The being that is sinning shall die.”
Yechezqel/Ezekiel 18:4
Do you no know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the reign of Elohim? Do not be deceived. Neither those who whore, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor greedy of gain, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers shall inherit the reign of Elohim.”
Qorin’tiyim 1/1 Corinthians 6:9-11 HS
Please stop thinking that America can be set free by some idol worshiper! Those who worship idols do not fear Elohim, and they will do everything to enhance their career. They do not fear Him. They are against Him. They do not believe killing is sin. They do not honor their Creator.
I live in an area where are idols all around me. I open the front door and there is an idol. I am very much against idols for Yehovah Himself send fire from Heaven to burn my idols in 1979 on Maui. He hates Idolatry. People who worship idols are confused and do not know what to do. They are sad. I spoke with a women who lives across my home and she was so pale and sad. I asked her if she was sick. She answered that she had been doing meditation to Buddha. There is another elderly lady who walks like a zombie. She wants to stay Buddhist because her father was Buddhist! I have shared the gospel with her but with no response. However, I am praying for her that her blindness will be removed before she faces Yehovah. There are millions and millions the same way as this little woman! Church wake up and at least pray for them.
Idolatry was not seen in 1960 as it is now. But now the people have rejected their Creator and worship idols who cannot save them. They display them in front of their houses for all to see their degradation. They are blind and want you, who love Yehovah, to become blind as they are.
This world is a chaos. What is it that you love so much and want to preserve for your descendants? Idols? Lies and stealing? Deception? Drunkenness and drugs? Murder?
Are we not called to be the light of the world? What are we doing? Are we speaking against these sins which are the cause of the Judgment coming?
Are we warning the citizens of this nation of the judgment that is coming, and compelling them to repent? If the pastors are silent, and the people who attend their services are still living in sin, they need to repent. Yehovah will remove many pastors who are unwilling to preach the complete gospel. When the fire comes close to them, many will save their lives by submitting to the communist regime. This is coming.
Chose today what you are going to do.
I choose to serve Yehovah, who is my Elohim, and Yehoshua whom He sent to save me and give me eternal life. He did it for me and for you.
You can contact me at:
Shomerhatorah@gmail.com or at Deborah.atzori@aol.com
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