You may wonder what I mean by saying revival at a cost, right? Well, it is very simple. Revival costs us something very important: passion, obedience, time, prayer.
If you are a pastor with a congregation that seems to be doing OK, even though you are not experiencing the Presence of Yehovah in every meeting, and you are not experiencing miracles, and salvation, you may not be interested in this little message.
My question is, how will you face Yehovah HaShophet/Yehovah the Judge, at the end of your days? What are you going to present to Him?
“How many souls have you personally brought to Me? How many souls are now serving me and making My Name known in their world? Can you give me some names?”
You may fumble a little and your face my become red with shame. Actually you do not really remember anyone in particular. Oh, yes, you may say, so and so were born again when I first was saved. I was on fire then.
Yehoshua may continue to probe you by asking, as though He did not know already, “How many years did you have the fellowship I gave you to shepherd?
Now you many feel more awkward. You may turn from side to side to find help, but there is no one who can help you, then suddenly you give your answer. 45 years Yehoshua.
Yeshua may continue to say to you,
“How many sermons you have preached on sin?”
Now, you are in deep trouble. You did no longer preach on sin, for a very long time. You avoided speaking against stealing, cheating, lying, committing adultery, abortion, homosexuality, gossip, pornography, gambling, secret drinking, having told your congregation to take the vaccine, and so forth. Yes, maybe about fourty or more of those years you have stopped speaking directly about sin!
Yeshua looks at you with so much love, and then He says to You: “When is the last time you prayed for the lost souls?” When did you have a prayer meeting for revival in your fellowship? Have you ever considered that you have neglected your duties as a pastor? And what about those secret sins in your own life?”
You may be there standing in His presence and wish you could come back to life and begin all over again. However it is too late. You have not been the shepherd you were called to be. You cared more for your big house and Mercedes you drove, and your reputation of being the pastor of the biggest church in you town. Oh yes, you loved been called pastor. That made you feel you were above all of your congregation who actually were paying for your extravaganzas. You may have spent time watching movies, and going gambling. You may have been involved in the secret sin as pornography, and now it is too late to repent and make things right.
You did not want to rock the boat by talking about adultery because the biggest givers were living in adultery. Some others were homosexuals, and you did not bother to share the gospel with them showing them they were not misfits, but created to become children of the Most High Elohim! You feared offending them! Meanwhile you left them in their sin. You could have prayed with them, and help them to be healed. You could have helped to come to the Savior, but you did not. Yeshua would have healed them and
set them free. But you chose not to get involved, as long as they came to your services, you felt that you did your job.
Yehoshua does not have to tell you that you have lost your salvation, because your own sin and neglecting to preach the full gospel with love and compassion. You know now you will be lost for eternity. You thought that as long as you had enough money in the offering you were pleasing Yehovah and continued in your sin.
You never had time to have corporate prayer meetings for Yehovah to send revival into your dying congregation. Actually you were now numb to the reality that you were lost in sin, and were letting your congregation also stay dead in sin.
You could not let go of your personal sin, and now you are on the way down, the place you never thought you would go.
Pastors, I have not tried to make you feel guilty, but only aware. If you are one of those mentioned in this message, please wake up, repent, and return to your first love.
I realize this story is intense, and does not apply to all pastors, but much of it does apply to many pastors.
If you, dear brother pastor, find some similarities in this scenario in your own life, by all mean, please repent now, and I mean now. Do not wait for tomorrow, for tomorrow may never come for you. Tonight your life can be taken away and find yourself face to face to Yehovah HaShophet/Yehovah the Judge.
My dear friend and pastor, today you can begin to change your worldly methods. Do not think you are doing well when you have the most famous speakers speaking in your fellowship. Do not count on worship and some easy sermon to to please Yehovah. Prayer is the key to revival.
The disciples they had to leave the serving on tables give themselves to prayer. Please read Ma’aseh/Acts 6 and learn the importance of prayer. If you do not pray your congregation will also not pray. And that is disastrous.
You must practice seeking His Face, and teach on repentance, forsake sin, and prayer. Remember 2 Chronicles 7:14. Yehovah always answers prayer when it is from the heart.
This call is for all, pastors and congregation. We as followers of Mashiach/Messiah must now dedicate ourselves to prayer more than ever. He is coming back soon, and much will take place before His return. If you do not teach your congregation to seek Him, you have failed personally and as a pastor. I will talk more on prayer in another message.
But today I also want to speak on the Fear of Yehovah, which not as the fear of man.
Stop fear of men.
The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in Yehovah shall be safe. -Mishley/Proverbs 29:25
Because of fear of man you may have made the wrong choice to avoid speaking the complete gospel, even disobeying the commandment of Yehovah, such as keeping the Sabbath day Holy, start to make changes now and see the blessing of Yehovah come your way.
Teach on the Fear of Yehovah.
Yehovah, who may stand in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in You holy hill?
He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, ans speak the truth in his heart; He who does not backbite with his tongue, nor does evil to his neighbor, nor does he take up a reproach against his friend; In whose eyes a vile person is despised, but he honors those who fear Yehovah; he who swear to his own hurt and does not change; He who does not put out his money at usury, nor does he take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved.
Tehillim/Psalm 15:1-5
This little psalm has only five verses, please memorize it. It will help you and the congregation. Try your best to change the way you have been doing, and you and this nation will experience revival. Please also read the verses I have written for you, it will help everyone including you. Do not get angry with yourself, but be determined to change for the better. Listen to Yehovah in your prayer life. He is ready to help you. He loves you and the lost in your congregation.
Mishley/Proverbs3:7, Mishley/Proverbs 14:27, Mishley/Proverbs 9:10,
Mishley/Proverbs 15:33, Mishley/Proverbs 22:4
“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”-Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 33:3
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