No wonder many men today are trying to nurse babies without having the milk. They are not created to be women, but men, who also have a part of having a child come into this world. Men and women together have the ability through Yehovah their Creator to give birth to their descendants.
The fact that many women who adhere to be feminists have tried to ridicule motherhood should cause a sense of wonder, since every woman is born of a woman. Do these women forget the love and care of their own mother? What happened in their lives that they now reject their femininity?
Again, I must stress the reality that this world exists because of a woman fulfilling her destiny to reproduce.
What a wonder and privilege is to be a woman!
I do not desire to be anything else that who I was created to be: a woman.
Every human being came into this world from a real woman and a real man.
To try to deny who a person is is almost blasphemy against his or her Creator!
When young girls want to be a cat or a dog, or any other animal, or a man, she is declaring that she has something wrong in her brain. She is not a normal human being.
She needs medical attention, but most of all she needs to know her Creator, Yehovah.
She needs to stop listen to lies and accept the truth.
But she may have listened to the lie that we are too many in the world, and we do not have room for everyone.
We have as parents must guard the education of our children. We are responsible to teach them, not any agency. Parents will have to give an account on how well they did in fulfilling their duty before their Creator.
Stop listen to those who teach you to stop having children.
And if you by chance get pregnant, you decide to kill the babies in the womb to decrease the population.
Women need to wake up and reclaim their Elohim given right to have children, and as many children as Yehovah gives them.
Yehovah said:
Then Elohim said, “Let us make man in Our likeness.” - Bereshit/Genesis 1:26
Then Elohim blessed them, and Elohim said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply.”
Bereshit/Genesis 1:28
As you possibly know Yehovah created the first man and He called him Adam, and then from of his rib He create his wife, Chava. The translator called her Eve. She was the first woman who began this world after her husband Adam was created. She had many children, who also had many children.
This wicked anti-Elohim propaganda is anti-Elohim command. I hope you are not disobeying Him today and plan to kill your own baby, or to only give birth to one or two children, and cut your self instead to avoid getting babies.
I need to talk about my own mother. She left this world and went to Heaven in 1998, she was 95 years old. I had to leave home to go to work when I became 18. Then I married and was away from my mother. But even then, she would come to visit for a few month of the year to help me with my son. Eventually, in her old age she needed my help and I was given the privilege from Yehovah to spend several years close to her. My brother and I took turns helping our mother.
She had raised us up with all the love that a mother can give, and helped us when we needed help as adults. She not only helped us, but the neighbors who needed help. She was an exemplary woman. The best times in my life was when I could do something for her, who did all she could do to be there for me, when I needed her in the past.
The reason why she was so great in my life is because she loved Yehovah. She had an innate love for people. She grew up without a Bible, for the church would not permit the congregation to read the Scriptures. They forbade them. However, she, indeed, loved her neighbor as herself. She was kind and affectionate to all. Eventually after my Salvation experience she also received Yehoshua as her Savior, and I know she went to be with her Savior when He called her to her home in Heaven.
But I am a dreamer, and I literally dream every night. I have seen her in my dreams innumerable times, and when I wake up it is as I just left her. But was just a dream. However, Yehovah knows how much I miss her, and He graciously allows me to see her in my dreams.
Mothers shape our lives as children, and should be our models on how to live our lives.
Mothers are a blessing to society.
A husband is called to provide for the family finances and stability. Both husbands and wives will instructs their children to love Yehovah and teach the Word of Yehovah.
As you know long time ago the Bible was taught in Schools, but about sixty years ago this stopped. The government began to remove Elohim from society. But look what has replaced the Word! Atheism, idolatry and witchcraft!
Then they went further and now they confuse the children telling them they may be of another sex than how they are created. These heresies were all planed a long time ago, and now they are in full bloom. Yehoshua said that the Last Days would be as Sodom and Gomorrah. Look around you and see if we are now in the Last Days or not! Deception is also a major sign given by Yehoshua. Deception is rampant in this society. You can trust no one, except Yehovah.
He said, “Take heed that no one deceives you.” Mattithyahu/Matthew 24:4
We are bombarded with lies all over the place. If a person does not know the Word of Elohim lives in fear of even talking with another human being for fear of been affected by the virus. Social distance will not help anyone. The virus can afflict a person, especially when the person is walking in fear. Fear is a weapon of the devil, therefore he uses fear to make people sick. Awake and read the Word of Yehovah, and be safe!
Women do not fear man or what they say. Do not believe what you hear. Be an example to your children of living right and teach your children the Truth of Yehovah’s Word. Trust Him to keep you in Divine Health.
The Scriptures teaches about Yehoshua.
Please read the whole chapter of Yeshayahu/Isaiah 53: 1- 12. Verses 4-5 declare to us: “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; Yet we esteem Him stricken, Smitten by Elohim, and
afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, The chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.”
Yehoshua was beaten and suffered for our healing, as much as He was crucified for our sins. He has paid the price in full. His Blood cleanses us from our sins and also heals us when by faith we apply it.
Mothers, do not teach your children to be afraid of anything. Show your faith and be and example they will follow. They hear too many lies, speak into their lives and see the difference. Love them and help them. This is your main calling. But you can also be involved in other things when they are older. However, while they are little children, they need you.
I leave you with this thought: Be strong and courageous and be in the Word you and your children. Your lives will help many other children whose families may be not as great as yours.
Please read:
Elohim is the Hebrew word for God in the English language. The Word was written in Hebrew and some in Aramaic, but not I Greek or English, or any other language.
Yehovah is the correct name of our Creator and cannot be translated. Think about Giuseppe Verdi. You cannot translate his name into Joseph Green, for Giuseppe is Italian name and in English is translated as Joseph. Verdi in Italian language is a color and it means Green in English. Names are transliterated, which means they have to sound the sound the same in every language.
Another example would be Bruno Azzurro. Bruno means brown, and azzurro is blue. You cannot translate Bruno Azzurro into Brown Blue. Or Bruno Biancu into Bruno White. Biancu is a dialect last name in Sardinia, which is white in English. Do you see that it cannot be done? Also names in Hebrew have meaning, they say something about that person
The next name I need to speak about is Yehoshua which the translators erroneously translated as Jesus. I believe in the beginning they did use the correct name, but changed in the 1500 hundreds when the J was invented in the English language.
Yehoshua means Yehovah saves. What does Jesus mean? Nothing. Therefore I use the correct name of our Creator and His only Ben/Son, and of many others. I hope this has helped you to day.
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