Shemot/Exodus 31:12-17
“And Yehovah spoke to Mosheh/Moses, saying,
13 “And you speak also
to the children of Ysra’el, saying, ‘My Shabbathoth you are to guard, by all
means, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, to know
that I, Yehovah, qadosh (sanctify) you. HS
14 You shall guard
the Shabbat, for it is qodesh/holy to you. Everyone who profanes it shall
surely be put to death; for whoever does any work on it, that person shall be
cut off from among his people.
15 Six days work is
done, and on the seventh is a Shabbath or rest, qodesh (holy) to Yehovah.
Everyone doing work on the Shabbat day shall certainly be put to death. (How
many Christians would be put to death today?)
16 And the children of
Ysra’el shall guard (keep) the Shabbat, to perform the Shabbat throughout their
generations as an everlasting covenant.
`17 ‘Between Me and the
children of Ysra’el it is a sign forever. For in six days Yehovah made the shamayim
(heavens) and the earth, and He rested on the seventh day and was refreshed.”
20:11-12, 20
11 And I gave them My
Laws and showed them My Right –Rulings, ‘which if a man does, he shall live by
12“Moreover I also gave
them My Shabbats, to be a sign between them and Me, that they might know that I
am Yehovah who sanctifies them.”
20 And qadosh (hallow)
My Shabbats, and they will be a sign between Me and you, that you may know that
I am Yehovah your Elohim.”
I mentioned before that
“sanctifies” and “holy” means to be set apart unto Yehovah. To be sanctified means we are not to live as
the pagans do. When we keep the Shabbat we are set apart from the rest of the
world who does not serve our Creator. He
is saying to all of us that this day is set apart unto Him. It is His day, not
ours. He gives us six days to work, and the Shabbat belongs to Him. This day is
a sign, or a unique mark that we, who observe this day, are set apart unto Him.
The word sign in Hebrew
is “owt” and means a mark or proof.
Yehovah gave the
rainbow to Noah as a sign that He would never destroy the earth with water
again. He also gave a sign to Avraham, which is the circumcision. Those signs
are visible to all. The Shabbat is a sign to be visible to all and
distinguishes those who belong to Him. A mark testifies of the Covenant.
Some folks reading this
message will argue that the circumcision was given to the seed of Abraham and
not to the church. Absolutely! The
church did not exist, because it is a religious invention. The word church is not in the Tanakh, but
congregation and assembly is. The children of Yisra’el, including the multitude
that joined them when they came out of Mitsrayim/Egypt, (Shemot/Exodus 12:38)
represent the set apart assembly, and they were the only ones who were in Covenant
with Yehovah at that time. You see, the Commandments are for all mankind who
want to serve and honor Yehovah.
Anyone is required to
obey him, if they chose be in Covenant with Yehovah.
When heathens surrender their lives to their Creator
and want Him to be in control of their lives, they also must keep His Commandments.
To become part of the qahal or congregation a person must obey his Commander in
Chief Yehovah. The so called “church” is not part of the congregation
if does not keep the Rules of the Kingdom.
The Shabbat is not only
a sign to Rabbinic Judaism, nor was it made with the present State of Ysra’el.
The Shabbat is a sign
between Yehovah and His Bride which is the Set Apart Assembly of Believers who
love and obey Him. Only Yehovah knows who in reality His Bride is. Many church goers think they are the Bride,
but they disobey Him, therefore they will be disqualified if they do not
repent, and keep His Commandments. We are saved by grace, but we as result of
this grace freely given, we now must love and obey Him alone. We do not stick
to the teachings of denominations that say one thing, but do another. We, His
Bride, must only obey Yehovah and our Bridegroom Yehoshua, who is His only Ben.
So many people are
confused concerning this issue. It should not be an issue, but they make it to
be one. The Commonwealth of Yisra’el is not the Rabbinic Judaism, or even the
natural seed of Avraham as one of the Ten Tribes of Yisra’el.
Yisra’elites are
persons that belong to the Commonwealth of Yisra’el, which is the Kingdom of Yehovah,
and it is also called the Kingdom of Heaven, to those of us who are familiar
with the Messianic Scriptures.
The Shabbat did not end
when Messiah came to the earth and died for our sins. The church is not keeping the Shabbat and therefore she is not manifesting
the sign of the Covenant: the Shabbat.
By choosing to refuse
to obey the fourth commandment, they are endangering their relationship with
their Creator. They are not letting the world know they are children of Yehovah,
because His children have to obey Him.
There are not two
Brides: One Jewish and one Gentile. Yehovah
has only one plan for all. He does not give a child one thing to do, and the
other one goes and do what he pleases. Yehovah is not unrighteous as men can
be, and many times are.
The church needs to repent and keep all the Commandments,
not only those she feels are given to her. I would not gamble my salvation
knowing the Scriptures, but refusing to obey them. It is time to obey our
Heavenly Father. The time is now, not tomorrow or in the death bed, as many
people say they will do. You may not have time to repent after this moment.
Only Yehovah knows how long your life is. Do not gamble with eternity, and or
make excuses.
The Shabbat existed
long before Sinai, and of course it began to be observed at creation, as I
mentioned before. The patriarchs, without any doubt, kept the Shabbat before
Yisra’el went down to Egypt. The Shabbat was not a new commandment given on
Let us remember what
the Messiah said to us when He lived in Yisra’el, before He was crucified.
5:17-20: “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did
not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven
and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law
till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks on of the least of these Commandments,
and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever
does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I
say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the
scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Why the church does not
teach this truth? It is the anti-Semitism spirit that removed the Shabbat from
being kept. In reality it is demonic, although the devil uses humans to achieve
his evil plans.
The death and
resurrection of Messiah did not abolish the Torah, but instead made it more
powerful. We can now, by the grace given to us through His Holy Spirit, obey
Him and show the sign of the Covenant to the world, as we keep all the Commandments,
which include the Shabbat. The Shabbat is the sign, and if we remove it from
our lives, we are in reality declaring that we do not belong to the Kingdom of Yehovah.
Dispensationalism is a
false teaching. Many are led in to it, and are losing their place in the
I will continue on my
next message about an Everlasting Covenant.
For today know that you are loved and He is patient with you and waits
on you to repent. Be sensitive to His leading, and chose to follow Him where He
leads you. He has great things prepared for you. But are you going to inherit
them if you live in disobedience?
Yehoshua said: ‘You
love Me Keep My Commandments.” Do you love Him? Pray and seek His face today, and see Him for
who He is. Amen.
Ya’aqov/James 2:10:
“For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is
guilty of all.”
If a person may keep
all the Commandments minus this one, and thinks he is righteous, he is not
correct. We have been given 10 major rules to follow, not nine, and we are
going to be judged accordingly.
Yo’el (Joel) 2:32 “And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of
Yehovah shall be delivered. For on Mount
Tsiyon and in Yerushalayim there shall be an escape as Yehovah has said, and
among the remnant whom Yehovah calls.”
Will you call upon His Name today?
Will you choose to serve Him, and only Him, from today on? The choice is yours
alone. My prayer is that you, beloved reader, take this opportunity to call
upon the Most Holy Name, the Creator’s Name, Yehovah,
Yehovah, and be saved. Choose to obey His Commandments out of love, and not out of legalism. Be free in Him today and get to
KNOW HIM, for according to your decision today, it will depend where you spend
Let us remember that this evening at
sundown begins Yom Kippur. We who know the Mashiach know that our name is
written in the Book of Life. However, we keep
this day Holy,
and we do not work, but rest and seek the face of Yehovah.
Be ready to repent of any sin, and ask for His forgiveness. On the bases of the
shed blood of Mashiach Yehoshua, you and I can be forgiven. Let us
seek Him now. Shalom
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