In the first message on
the Shabbat, I wrote the Scripture of Genesis chapter two concerning the
Seventh Day. Yehovah[i] blessed
the seventh day, but not the other days. He only blessed this particular day. He has
given us six days to work, and do what we want, of course without sinning, but
He claims one day for Himself, and that is the Seventh Day. He has chosen the
Seventh Day to be holy or separate unto Him. Every seventh day of the week is
holy to Yehovah. That day has never changed from the beginning of creation. The
names of the days in the pagan calendar have changed, but not the sequence. The
Shabbath is called Sabbath which some believe it has pagan origins, as all the other
days of the week. You may have learned about this fact when you went to school,
as I did. Or maybe you did not, for in America the curriculum is not the same
as in Italy.
Adam kept the Shabbat, and
I am sure he taught his children to do the same.
The Shabbat day was in
reality the first day of mankind existence. Adam, the first man, rested with Yehovah
and fellowshipped with Him, his Creator, on his first full day of existence.
What a blessing must have been for Adam! And what a blessing it is for each one
of us who keep the Shabbat day holy!
We have already talked
about the fourth commandment in my first message, which commands us to keep the
Shabbat day holy (Shemoth/Exodus 20:8).
This commandment was
given after Yisra’el came out of Egypt. Yisra’el voluntarily entered into Covenant
with Yehovah and promised to obey anything He said they needed to do. At that
time there was a mix multitude on Mount Sinai. When Yisra’el came out of Egypt
there were those who chose to follow them, as result of experiencing the acts of
Yehovah and the destruction that came to Egypt.
“A mixed multitude went up with them
also, and flocks and herds-a great deal of livestock.”- Shemoth/Exodus 12:38
The teaching of the church,
that the Torah, which is known as the “Law” was given only to Yisra’el, does
not make sense according to the evidence in the Scriptures. The church is
selective in what she says she needs to observe. She believes that she needs to
obey some Commandments that are given to us in Exodus 20 and other
place. But when it comes to the fourth Commandment which teaches us to give one single day of the week to Yehovah,
they refuse and say that Commandment is
only for the Jews, or that Yeshua[ii]
changed that day to Sunday! This is not
correct! The keeping of the Shabbat began at the creation of the first man Adam,
and not on Mount Sinai. On Mount Sinai there were diverse nationalities, not
only natural descendants of Abraham. They
all became integrated with the tribes of Yisra’el. This truth is also very
important to be understood by the Jews for some of them also teach that they
are the only privileged ones to be given the Shabbath. True, they received the
Torah, but it was given them in order for them to keep it and to teach the
Nations. Yehovah is no respecter of
person. He loves all of us, and all of us must keep His Commands if we want to
be in His House.
Both groups need to
repent, and read the Scriptures again with the help of the Ruach haQodesh. All
of us have received some lies, but we must forgive them, and now that we know
the truth, we must do the Truth. Yehovah
created the world for all people. In Adam we are all one, as we are all one in Mashiach/
Yehovah does not have
two set of rules, or He would cease to be righteous. However, He is righteous,
and making excuses does not go well with Him.
“Six days you shall do your work, and on the
seventh day you shall rest, that your ox and your donkey may rest, and the son
of your female servant and the stranger may be refreshed.”- Shemoth/Exodus 23:12
Can you see the love of
our Creator in the above passage once again? Absolutely. It is His love for us
which motivated our Creator, to give us the rest which our body needs once a
week. And He specifically has given us the Seventh Day because it is the Day He
finished all the work of creation. We cannot forget that He is the Creator and
therefore He is the Owner of this Universe. Our bodies need to rest after six
days of labor, together with our animals. But many people, although they claim
to love our Creator, do not obey Him.
Do you want to receive
His free love?
All creation needs to
rest once a week, and He has specified it over and over again. Why does man
refuse to obey Him?
When the church
continues to disobey the One they say to love, they are in sin. All the
commandments are for each of us. There is not distinction between Jew and
Gentile. In Messiah we are one New Man. From the beginning of time we are
called to obey one set of rules, not two.
The Shabbat existed
from Creation; it is not something given only for one group of people, for in
Messiah we are all brothers and sisters. There were no Jews or Christians at
creation, but one man, Adam, the father of us all. We claim rightly so, to be descendants of
Adam, then why refuse to obey the Commandments?
Let us not be foolish
and believe that a person has to become Jewish, or join that religion, before
he can keep the Sabbath. As I have said over and over again, each person alive
is responsible to keep the Commandment if they want to serve their Creator. We
must keep all the Commandments, not only those we are comfortable with. The
truth of the matter is, sadly, that those people have a distorted view of our
loving Creator. All Commandments have been given to us, not to burden but to
bless us.
The fourth Commandment
is very specific.
“But the seventh day is the Shabbat of Yehovah
your Elohim.” -Shemoth/Exodus 20:10
Let us notice that it
does not say “it is the Jewish Shabbat,” but Yehovah’s!
That verse continues to
say that no one can work. Each of us is included, not matter if we are slaves
or free man; Americans, Egyptians, Russians, Chinese, Europeans, Indians, etc.
The Commandment is for all who want to be in the Kingdom of Yehovah.
The stranger in Hebrew
is called the ger, (gimmel, resh). That includes all nations that desire to
serve the Elohim of Yisra’el, the Creator of the whole Universe!
If someone desires to
stay a heathen is free to stay that way. However, he cannot be included in the
Kingdom of Yehovah.
If the Shabbat applies
to animals, it certainly applies to us, who are created in His image! We need
the rest as much as the animals!
The heathen can repent,
and keep the rules of the kingdom, and they also will be accepted. I did not
keep the Shabbat for many years, until I came out of the religion I was in. But
I repented and now I am keeping His Rules, or I will die in my sin.
Yehoshua confirmed the
Shabbat to be for the Gentiles when He cleansed the Temple, which is known as
the House of Yehovah
“So they came to Yerushalayim (Jerusalem).
Then Yehoshua went into the temple and began to drive out those who bought and
sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the
seats of those who sold doves. And He would not allow anyone to carry wares
through the temple. Then He taught, saying to them, “It is not written, “My
house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations’? But you have made it
a ‘den of thieves.’” - Mark 11:15-17
Many church goers
cannot understand these verses because they do not keep the Shabbat Day Holy.
They have been taught wrong, and continue to follow the blind leaders. However,
we need to read the Word for ourselves. Teachers may have not taught us
correctly, but we are responsible to read the Word at home and learn of our
Elohim and of His ways. At judgment day we will have no excuse.
I will continue on my
next message. For now study and be diligent to keep the Commandments without
making excuses. No excuse will stand when you and I will face the Judge of the
whole earth. And remember you do not obey because I, or any Rabbi suggest to
you to do so, but because you know that it is the correct thing to do. Amen.
“Ye-varekhekha Yehovah ve-yishmerekha
Yehovah panav ‘eleykha vichunnekha
Yehovah panav ‘eleykha ve yasem lekha shalom.”
Bemidbar 6:24-26
bless you and keep you,
make His Face shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
lift up His countenance upon you, and give you Shalom.
/Numbers 6:24-26)
you do not know Yehovah as your Creator and His only Son Yehoshua who died for
your sin, you can call upon His Name today and be saved. Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow it
could be too late.
you are Hebrew please pray the following prayer.
HaBa ba’Shem Yehovah!” “Blessed is He who
is coming in the Name of Yehovah!”
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