Tuesday, December 17, 2019


 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. “
 15 “As the father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep.”
- John 10:11,15
            These verses of scriptures are very challenging to me. Yehoshua is the Supreme Elohim, and the only Good Shepherd.  We may say that He rebuked the Pharisees and called them “brood of vipers,” but, He did not rebuke the sheep, instead He taught them.  He rebuked the Pharisees leaders because of their hypocrisy. Please also read Matthew 23 today to have better insight on this subject.  The Pharisees they might have  taught the Torah, but added and took away many rules from it. They created so many extra Commandments, that a person never really knew what the true Commandments were. They could not read the Sefer (the Book) because they did not sell them in the store as they do today.    
Yeshua was eventually was arrested and  executed because He would not obey their takanot and ma’asim, or their extra rules.   They became jealous of Him because the multitudes were following Him. They falsely accused Him to get rid of Him. He did give His life for us, His sheep!
            I have not heard of any pastor murdering another pastors lately, but I sense that some of them are jealous of one another person success.  In addition, some pastors, many times, prevent the growth of new believers.  How do they do that you may ask?  By keeping believers from obeying Yehovah  in their calling. They do not want to  release them to fulfill their individual calling. If they leave their ministry they tag them  as backsliders and rebellious.  They want to use the congregation for their own benefit.
            But each of us has to submit only to Yehovah concerning our own life. We have to obey Him alone by doing what He has called us to do. Individually we will give an account for our lives. Each of us has been given us a mission to fulfill. As pastors we cannot forbid a person to fulfill their destiny.
            Some pastors also prevent the exercise of the  gifts of the Ruach ha’Qodesh in their services. They will not allow the sheep to flow in their gifts  (1Corinthians12-14). They are forbidden to give a prophetic word to the congregation.
            Not every pastor has the ability to minister and to teach to all people.  Maybe you  are one of those pastors!  But you have learned that Yehoshua loved the sheep so much that He  gave His life for them,  as He did it for you.
            You must not to restrain the sheep that comes to worship at your building by preventing them to prophecy and speaking in tongues. You must  love them  as Yehoshua loves them unselfishly,  and release them to serve Yehovah according to their calling.  If you will learn this simple but powerful rule, you will prosper, and Yehovah will send many more lambs for you to teach and train in the ministry.
But remember that you cannot hoard them. They have a Shepherd, and He will lead them as He leads you. You cannot expect them to ask you permission for anything. Yehoshua is their headship, not you. You are not the Head, Messiah is. “But I want you to know that the head of every man is Messiah, the head of woman is man (the Husband), And the head of Messiah is Elohim.”- 1Corinthians 11:3 
            They must obey Him first of all. Do not demand they obedience to your commands.  Encourage in their own calling, and do not forbid them. If you are indeed a pastor, and you are doing all the things I mentioned, please repent today, and seek Yehovah with all your heart. Get rid of fear of losing the sheep He has entrusted with. Release them into His care, and you will be blessed. Do not wait another day. You do not know when the Good Shepherd will appear, and when He does, it will be too late for you to repent.

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