Today in sense the need to speak on the issue of
fear. Yes fear. It was fear that caused King Herod to react violently.
The date of this fact occurred two years after the birth of our Mashiach, Yehoshua. I suggest you see the video of Jonathan Cahn when he speaks in great detail of the year and date of the birth of Yehoshua. According to his findings Yeshua was born the First of Nissan, 6 BC. Nissan that year was on March 20- 21. He was not born on December 25th. This is a lie, but those who gave this date knew the correct date, which makes it even worse sin. Nissan is the first biblical month. Yehovah gave us the calendar, and even though some celebrate Rosh hashana, or the first day of the biblical year on the seventh biblical month, it is not correct. Yehovah gave us the New Year, and that is the month Israel came out of Egypt'
"This month shall mark for you the beginning of the months; it shall be the first of the months of the year for you." Shemot/Exodus 12:2
In the Hebrew it says: haqodesh hazeh lachem rosh chadoshim...
"This month shall mark for you the beginning of the months; it shall be the first of the months of the year for you." Shemot/Exodus 12:2
In the Hebrew it says: haqodesh hazeh lachem rosh chadoshim...
Men from the east came to Israel looking for the King of the Jews in the days of Herod the king. When Herod heard this and all Jerusalem with him, he inquired from the chief priests and scribes where this king was to be born, and they told him that Bethlehem of Judea would be the place because of what the prophet had written about Him (Mattithyahu/Matthew 1-5).
you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are not the least among the rulers of
Judah; Are not the least among the rulers of Judah; For out of you shall come a
Ruler Who will shepherd My people Israel.”- Mattithyahu/Matthew 2:6 NKJV
The birth of this King was actually announced by the
prophet Micah.
you, O Beit Lechem of Efrat, Least among the clans of Yehuda, From you one
shall come forth To rule Yisrael for Me-One whose origin is from of old, From
ancient times.”- Micah 5:1 (The Israel Bible).
Once Herod found out this information he called
secretly the wise men, to find out from them what time the star appeared.
he sent them to Bethlehem (Beit Lechem) and said, “Go and search carefully for the
young Child, and when you have found Him, bring back word to me that I may come
and worship Him also.”- Mattithyahu 2:8
Meanwhile the visitors left and found the Child
Yeshua who was at this time about 2 years old. He was not a baby in the manger.
The star led them there.
they saw the star, they rejoiced with exactingly great joy. And when they had
come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother; and fell
down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented
gifts to Him; gold, frankincense, and Myrrh.
Then, being divinely warned in a dream that they should not return to
Herod, they departed for their own country
another way.” Mattithyahu2:10-12
angels of Yehovah also appeared to
Joseph in a dream saying to him that they must leave and go to Egypt with the Child
and His mother for Herod would seed to destroy Him (Mattithyahu 2:13-13)
Of course they left. And now we read how Herod
reacted to the fact that the visitors from the east, did not return to him.
Herod, when he saw that he was deceived by the wise men, was exceedingly angry;
and he sent forth and put to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem
and in all its districts, from two years old and under, according to the time
which he had determined from the wise men. Then was fulfilled what was spoken
by Jeremiah the prophet, saying:”
said Yehovah: A cry is heard in Rama-wailing, bitter weeping-Rachel weeping for
her children. She refuses to be comforted For her children, who are gone.”- Yirmeyahu /Jeremiah 31:14 (TIB) (Please note that I use the correct Name of Yehovah and not Hashem)
King Herod had a big problem with fear of losing his
kingdom. It is amazing how much hate and violence is hidden in humans when they
feel threatened of losing their position of authority. Can you imagine
murdering all those innocent children? Can you imagine the cruelty in the heart
of this man?
Yet, we see this cruelty manifested in our days. How
many millions of babies have been murdered in their mothers’ womb? How can we
rate this issue that we are facing? Should we be silent and say nothing? Has
the woman the right to kill her unborn innocent child? Her own flesh and blood in
the womb and also outside of the womb as it is happening in these last days?
What happened to motherly love? What happened to the Fear of Yehovah? Does
anyone care anymore? Or what about what is called “mercy killing”? Who has the
right to take life away? A life they have not created? Life belongs to our Creator alone.
How long before all of us will experience His Judgment? Yehovah is
longsuffering, and slow to anger, but although He waits on us to repent, if we
do not repent, we all are doomed for destruction. When are we open our eyes and
begin to cry out for mercy to our Creator Yehovah? I pray for the organizations
and doctors and all the people we have voted into power that Yehovah would help
them to repent. He is able to do this. But if they choose to not respond to him
positively to Him in repentance, which means to stop killing the innocent, and selling
them for profit, we, collectively will be suffering the consequence to our
Beloved readers, please think about this, and decide
what you want to do. As for me, I chose to serve Yehovah and Him only.
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