Friday, March 25, 2022



Part 2

Yehovah said to Mosheh (Moses) the following:

“Rise early in the morning and stand before Pharoah, and say to him, “Thus says Yehovah of the Hebrews: “Let My people go, that they may serve Me, for at this time I will send all My plagues to your very heart, and on your servants and on your people, that you may know that there is none like Me in al the earth. Now if I had stretched out My hand and struck you and your people with pestilence, then you would have been cut off from the earth. But indeed for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name many be declared in all the earth.”

Shemot/Exodus 9:13-16

Yehovah wants His name known! If we do not say His name and called Him by the LORD, we are going against His will.

The power is in His Name. The titles only describe who this Person with the name Yehovah really is.

When we see the Lord in the Scriptures it means they are calling Him by the title Adonai. But the Lord is not His name, no matte if it is written with capital letters or not.

Yehovah gives names. He called the first man, Adam because he was taken out of the earth, adamah, which means earth.

Adam was a man, in Hebrew man is called Ish, and he called his wife Ishah, which means taken out of man.  

Later on he called his wife Chava which means mother of all living, not Eve, as it has been translated!

You understand that in the Hebrew Language the name Yehovah has a meaning, He is like the verb to be. When Mosheh was ordained to go to Mitsrayim (Egypt) to talk to his family he asked Yehovah a question.  What if they would ask him 

“What  is His name? what shall I say to them?’ and Yehovah said to Mosheh, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say t the children of Israel, ‘I AM  has sent me to you.’” Moreover Elohim said to Mosheh, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: Yehovah Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Avraham, the Elohim of Yitschaq/Isaac, and the Elohim of Ya’aqov, has sent me to you. This is My memorial to all generation.”

Shemot/Exodus 3:13b-15


He said “I AM has sent me to you.” He is the self existing Elohim. He does not need anyone or anything more to make Him who He is. There is no confusion when we call Him by His name Yehovah. There is only One Person with that name. After all you and I have names. When you were born you received a name that was registered in the books. If you are a woman, and got you married most likely you changed your maiden last name and took on your husband’s. This is important in the case of his death,  for you will become the legal heir.  Couples who only live together they are avoiding responsibility. They refuse to give their name on paper anywhere so that they are not responsible for anything for their partner. Yes, partner, for indeed the woman is only a partner, not a true wife, for the man does not want to share his name and wealth with the woman. However, Yehovah wants us to know His name and share in our inheritance in Him. We receive eternal life if we are born again and serve Him. We have blessings in His name. We can heal the sick in the name of Yehoshua. Which is the name of His only Ben (Son). Yehovah has the name of the Father and has the Power of the Father through His name. I will speak more on this subject on some of my next messages.

I will continue next week, please visit and get one of my books there on sale. You can download very cheaply, or order a softpack.

New Life Glory is my autobiography worth reading.

Strings Of Pearls is a Woman’s Devotional for everyone…

The Lost Sheep is a novel with true stories.

Thank you for your support.


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