Thursday, January 6, 2022


Yesterday a good friend of mine sent me some verses of Scriptures that ministered to her. One of them concerned making vows to Yehovah.

Vows made to You are binding upon me, O Elohim; I will render praises to You.

Tehillim/Psalm 56:12-13

As I read this Psalm I decided to make a little study on vowing, although I have done some blogs in the past on this subject.

What is a vow?

A vow is a solemn promise

Am I responsible to fulfill it?

Yes. It must be kept.

What is a pledge?

A pledge is a solemn promise or undertaking.

According to the dictionary a pledge is a thing that is given as security for the fulfillment of the contract or payment of debt liable in the event of failure.

Vows are binding. Pledges are binding. They are in reality the same thing, for we will be judged for every word that comes out of our mouths.

A good man out of the good treasure brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Mattithyahu/Matthew 12:35-37

What I am going to say will not be accepted by some organizations, but if you heed to what I say, you can be set free from having good people become bound under you.

You will honor people, not misuse them.

I remember when I attended a particular congregation and I was in some form of leadership. The pastor often had people make pledges. He made us write the amount on a card and give it in the offering. He was doing this to bind the person to the pledge they felt to do under compulsion. There may have been a building project going on, or some form of special need and the leadership felt they needed people to commit to give specific amounts.

One particular day I was in one of those meetings, and the congregation was still growing. We were only a few people. Some, or most of them did agree to make a pledge. They did not know the meaning of the pledge. I felt constrained to also do a pledge although my salary from that church would did not permit me to give that amount in such specific time limit. But because I was in leadership I had to do something! I had to be an example to the sheep, as we were told by the lead pastor.

I am not trying to speak evil of anyone, I am only speaking the facts. We must change our ways if we want to please our Creator by our obedience and walking in love. Loving people and not taking advantage of them.

After I made the commitment, I knew I made a terrible mistake. It was no way possible for me to come up with such amount on money in just a few month. Yes, there was a time limit to the pledge.

I knew enough of the Word of Yehovah. I knew that I had to give what I promised. But I had only that little salary, and I could not keep my promise, or pledge as he call it. Remember that every thing we say or do will come under judgment.

If a man makes a vow to Yehovah, or swears an oath to bind himself by some agreement, he shall not break his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.

Bemidbar/Number 30:2

I will pay my vows to Yehovah now in the presence of all His people.

18 I will pay my vows to Yehovah now in the presence of all His people, in the courts of Yehovah’s house, in the midst of you, O Jerusalem.

Tehillim/Psalm 118:14,18

I will go into Your house with burnt offerings; I will pay You my vows, which my lips have uttered and my mouth has spoken when I was in trouble.

Tehillim/Psalm 66:13

This is what I had to do. Even though I did not do this directly to Yehovah, to give some sacrifice, in reality it was done to Him. Words are binding. I was doing for His work in the Kingdom, so the pastor could pay the loan he took, I suppose. I did it out of fear of the pastor, for I knew I had to do it.

I did not do it because the Ruach HaQodesh/Holy Spirit had inspired me to do it. For if He had directed me, I would be confident that He would provide me the finances to pay for the pledge.

No. I only did it to please the pastor, and now I was bound up by that pledge, and had to give it one way or another! I was not happy!

One day I read in a magazine about selling pizzas for found raising. So I did. I actually got the little congregation to help me selling the tickets, and we made a profit of abut 400 dollars, but it was not enough to pay my pledge. I still had to pay the most part of the pledge. I did all I could to save on things I needed and paid it back. What a release it was to my spirit! But I still did not learn, and did again, for the same reason, some times later. Yes, I made pledges again while at that congregation! But this time I was working at a secular job and could come up with the pledge although I realized I should not have done it. And I do not believe Yehovah accept that pledge as an offering to Him. For my heart was not in it.

When you make a vow to Elohim, do not delay to pay it; for He has no pleasure in fools. Pay what you have vowed- Better not to vow than to vow and not pay.

Qohelet/Ecclesiastes 5:4

Why is this? Because we must give an account of every word we speak to Yehovah. When we make foolishly a promise we are responsible to fulfill it.

The person whom we promised has legal rights against us. If it is a ministry will not take you to court, but you are guilty before Yehovah for it. Think twice before making any vows. It best never to vow.

I personally do not fall into that trip again.

There is also another problem, you may die before you pay your debt. Remember that a promise is a debt that you must pay. Let this be in your mind.

There is another way ministers or any other person asks you to make pledges.

How many of you receive letters asking you to commit to give a specific amount every month to a specific ministry? This is also evil. A minister should never ask this of anyone. First of all they are building their ministries on other people’s money. They use this technique to make you give a certain amount so that they fulfill their budget.

Yehoshua said to the disciple to pray the following:

Our Father in heaven,

Hallowed be Your name

Your kingdom come, your will be done, on Earth and it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread, (some say: our bread continually)

Mattithyahu/Matthew 6:10-11

If a ministry is indeed is doing what Yehovah has told them to do, He will provide for them for that need. The problem arises when they make their on budget for things Yehovah has not called them to do at that time. They go ahead of Yehovah’s plan, and they must pay the bank for loans they have taken. But this is their problem, not the congregation problem or responsibility!

Pastor wake up, and stop using manipulation to make the sheep pay for bills you have made! Repent and do what is right. You may not be called to be such big ministry as you have made plans to be.

Be content with the place you have in the kingdom, and do not misuse your sheep, for you will have to give an account.

I want to spare you.

If you are beginning your ministry, seek Yehovah for every thing you do. He will not make you misuse the sheep He has placed under you! He loves Every Sheep, as He loves you. Listen carefully to know His will, and obey Him.

Read the Scriptures, and do not make your sheep slaves to you desires.



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