We, as people in a lost world, are defiled by what the masses speak about the condition of the times we live in.
I was praying on the subject of my next blog, and Yehoshua reminded me of chapter 58 of Yeshayahu/Isaiah. I will try to gather some insight on this chapter and maybe will help us to understand what is going in our own lives.
This chapter begins by speaking about Ephraim’s crown of pride.
What is pride exactly?
Individual pride is in reality glorifying self, instead of giving glory to Yehovah for the things we may achieve in life. Or having pride of being honored for our accomplishments. There is another pride of a specific sin. Becoming so much prideful that a person makes a parade of it! Forcing their sin on all of us! This is really that most base form of pride!
But all of us experience some form of pride one time or another. I remember when I first began ministry that my pastor used me as an example of good works to the congregation. He parade my works, instead of giving the glory to Yehovah, for without Him I can do nothing!
He spoke of my accomplishments publicly, and that, because of my own insecurities damaged me. As a new born again believer in Yehoshua, I became inflated in pride.
But, I think Yehovah that I had heard a teaching on fasting. The preacher said that fasting can help us in obtaining the victory over something that otherwise we seemed to be failing.
I decided to go on a few days fast to get rid of pride. Sure enough, Yehovah in His mercy, did immediately set me free. However, it did not end there, for the enemy continued to harass me with that. Nevertheless those attacks, became beneficial for me to learn how to get set free.
I had learned that through my quick repentance, consecration to Yehovah, and applying the precious Blood of Yehoshua to my life, I could quickly stop that spirit from taking hold of my life. I also learned to speak in the heavenly language I received on February 2, 1978 I would be set free. The more I spoke in tongues, the less the enemy was able to make me sin.
Speaking in other tongues is one of the greatest spiritual weapons Yehoshua has given us. Sadly many people neglect this gift, or literally say that it is done away with, but they can show no scripture to confirm their teaching.
What happened is, I believe, that some minister could not receive the Baptism of the Ruach HaQodesh/Holy Spirit, therefore he decided it was done away with it. The problem, was him, but he did not know. Idolatry, witchcraft, astrology, and consulting the dead, are grave sins that need to be repented and forsaken, or a person cannot receive the gift Yehovah wants to give him or her.
I know this from experience too!
Alright, we know now what pride is. As believers we have to learn how to submit to Yehovah, resist the devil, and he will flee from us.
Elohim (God) resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
Ya’aqov/James 4:6
As a believer, I have learned that I can resist Satan and all his works. Yehoshua has not left me or you fatherless. We have a Father in Heaven and we can call upon Him for help, and He will help us immediately, if we walk with humility.
Therefore submit to Elohim. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to Elohim and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble your selves in the sight of Yehovah, and He will lift you up.
Ya’aqov/James 4:7-10
Now we know how to deal with pride, which, by the way, is in the mouth of a fool!
In the mouth of a fool is a rod of pride, but the lips of the wise will preserve them.
Mishley/Proverbs 14:3
And now let us see what kind of pride was Ephraim oppressed by it.
Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty is a fading flower which is at the head of the verdant valleys, to those who are overcome with wine!
Yeshayahu/Isaiah 28:1
This passage is clearly addressing drunkenness. Wine is a tasty drink to some, and it is not a sin to drink a glass, however when the glass becomes many glasses, very soon the person is intoxicated and looses control of his own actions.
This whole passages speaks about this subject. Priests and prophets were becoming intoxicated with wine ! Today it is happening not only with wine, but with drugs. The body is being destroyed and the spiritual life of that person is lost. A person who abuses any substance is in danger of loosing of his own soul, because they have made the wine or drug or even food, their own private little god.
They no longer think on living right. They become abuses of other human beings. They become very selfish and self-centered. God, Yehovah is very far from their minds. Their pleasure is all they crave.
They no longer read the Word of Yehovah for it convicts them, and they do not want to feel convicted. Yehovah is not going to trespass their free will, and cannot really help them.
They have chosen to do what pleases them, and they may die and be separated from their Creator for all eternity.
Today I need to exhort you, beloved reader, that if you are one of those who has such addiction, there is hope.
You must consider for a little while, to be sober. This is the first step. You want to stop getting our of your mind.
Take some time off; sit in your private room, and think on what you have been doing. Next, if you want to stop your habit, begin to ask Yehovah to help you. You may not be able to do this alone, however, if you talk to Yehovah, in the name of Yehoshua, to give you the help or the grace that you need to stop this madness, I guaranty you, that He will help you!
He is waiting on you to make up your mind to want to change. Will you do it?
First repent of your addictions, and choose to believe that Yehoshua has died, and rose again three days later, to set you free. He is alive! He paid the full price for your salvation and deliverance.
Then ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Yehoshua. There is only One Elohim, in three Persons. Father Yehovah, Ben/Son Yehoshua, and Ruach HaQodesh/Holy Spirit. Shema’ Israel, Yehovah Eloheinu, Yehovah Echad!
Hear of Israel, Yehovah our Elohim, Yehovah is One.
Begin to read the Bible and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. He has been given us to help us. Do not delay. Act now, and be safe and saved! Do not forget to thank Him even before you know that you have being set free!
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