Monday, November 29, 2021


  As I was praying today, I felt very upset about the false teachings in the churches. 

Many prominent preachers teach that Yehoshua was born again at His resurrection.

 This is a lie and is heresy. They say He took all our sinners, therefore He died and 

went to hell. He was not Elohim in the flesh. This is heresy. He received worship 

by many. Read the scriptures and find out. He was fully Man, and fully Elohim.

 Yet, so many prominent ministries teach this error. This is the great falling away 

before the return of Yehoshua.

They also teach that we are as God, and one of those televangelists even said of 

himself: ---(his name)--------- Jehovah, and he chants together with other 

televangelists “I Am..I Am….” This is blasphemy, and it is done to begin the 

preparation to receive the anti-Mashiach commonly called anti-Christ!

Those leaders, teach also teach that now we can bring about the Kingdom of God 

before “Jesus” returns. They do not even know His Name!

Let me correct you, again, Jesus is not the correct name of our Savior.

Yes, He may respond to you if ignorantly, as I did in the past, called Him Jesus, 

however, when you study the Scriptures you find out that -that name came about 

only circa 500 years ago after the letter J was invented. The letter J did not exist 

until then.

Yehoshua was born to a Hebrew family, and was Hebrew, and spoke Hebrew, and he Scriptures were written in Hebrew, not in Greek or English or any other language, except with some Aramaic. He received the name Yehoshua, and later on they wrote the contract form, which is Yeshua.

Yehoshua means Yehovah is Salvation, for He came in the name of the Father. Yeshua means Salvation,, because He came to save us from our sins.

Let us also be aware that the name of our Creator is Yehovah, and you can find the 

Name correctly written in various Hebrew manuscript. You can read the book “His  

Hallowed Name Revealed Again” by Keith Johnson, for more information. What 

the rabbis did is they removed the cholem from the letter hey in order to remember 

to pronounce the name differently. However the correct name is found in many 

important manuscripts. However, they persist to continue the tradition of the older 

rabbis and pronounce the Most Holy Name as a title such as Adonai, (Lord) or 

HaShem, (the Name), and some others they also pronounce the Sacred Name as 

G’D. In the English Scriptures the translators have given us, instead of the correct 

name Yehovah, the simple title “the LORD” out of fear of men, which is to be a 

coward. This is evil, and we read in the book of Chazon/Revelation that the 

cowardly will go to the lake of fire! Therefore this morning I am praying:

Father Yehovah, I repent for all the times, I, myself, called You the Lord, not 

knowing Your correct Most Holy Name. And I repent for every Messianic rabbi, 

and every evangelist and teacher and any believer who is calling you lord, and 

refuse to submit to Your Word and call YOU by the correct Name You have given 

us. I ask for your forgiveness and for your mercy.

I ask that in your mercy you will remove the fear of man, the cowardly emotions, and replace them with the holy righteous Fear of Yehovah. And I also ask that You will cause the church to obey you to keep the Sabbath day holy according to your Commandment.

I pray that You be merciful to us and grant us the fullness of Your Spirit by 

sending us another Pentecost to refresh us, and remove all false teachings 

concerning the Word You have given us, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and 

speaking in tongues. I thank you that I speak in tongues and will not allow 

anyone to convince me otherwise and to become a coward!

I know the power we have against the devil when we speak in tongues. And I 

know He has convinced many denominations to stop speaking in tongues 

because his kingdom, Satan’s, is in danger and been destroyed by it. I pray you 

dissolve all false teachings concerning the deity of Yehoshua. Please intervene 

and help us to become what You have created us to be.

Release Your Hand to Heal as you did to the apostles in the beginning of their 

ministry when they were forbidden by the religious leaders, to speak the name of 

Yehoshua. This has happened again, but You can change it.

Please shake the foundation of out beliefs and help us to serve You in the holy Fear of Yehovah, which is the beginning of wisdom, and of knowledge, and protects us from sinning against You.

Please change us from our wicked ways, and help us to be pleasing to you and 

love you with all our hearts, souls and minds. Do not let us go astray, but save us 

from our iniquities. I thank you Yehoshua for the blood You shed on Calvary. 

Help us to believe Your Word, which says, “I am the way, the truth and the life, 

and no one comes to the Father but through Me.” Let the lies of Satan be 

revealed to the ignorant, and to the deceived, and Your truth be established in all 

our lives. Amen.

Yochanan/John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

Mishley/Proverbs 1:7 The Fear of Yehovah is the beginning of knowledge, but 

fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Tehillim/Psalms 25:14 The secret of Yehovah is with those who Fear Him, and 

He will show them His Covenant.


Tehillim/Psalm 15:10 But He honor those who Fear Yehovah.

Chazon/Revelation 21:7-8 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will 

be his Elohim (God) and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, 

abominable, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake 

which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

Friday, November 26, 2021


I have discovered the cure for deep sadness or even depression.

Let us consider depression. Depression is at times a physical problem and a person is tormented with thoughts. Many times suicide. Depression is a complete lack of peace and joy. This condition could be caused by personal sin, or sin in the blood line. I consider depression to be a condition of having lost faith and trust in our most generous Creator Yehovah. He is generous. He sent His only Son Yehoshua to die and rise again from the dead in order to Redeem us from our sin.

Many people will celebrate His birthday on December 25 every year. Of course, we know, that this is not His Birthday, for we now know for sure, that Yehoshua was actually born April 1, or the first day of the Biblical Calendar.

We also know that all sun god worshipers will celebrate that day to their false god. I had to pray about this and asked Yehoshua (Jesus) how does He feels about this. I understood that He looks at the heart, and if they are indeed honoring Him, not the gifts on Christmas, and not the great dinners, or the football on television, He will accept them no matter what day of the week or month they honor Him. His answer settled my issue.

As already mentioned, Yehovah is generous, in fact He is the most generous Being in the universe! He has given us life, and ability to live with the body He has given us. He has given us air to breath, and He answers our unselfish prayers. The list goes on and on.

Since we are His children, we have in us His DNA. Every believer who has had her sins washed in the blood of Yehoshua HaMashiach, (Yehoshua the Messiah) should be very generous for it is in our DNA!

Why then we still see believers who do not even give the ten percent to Him, in thanksgiving for giving us the paycheck in the first place? But today I am speaking behind the tithe which belongs to Him alone, and if we refuse to give it we are stealing from our Creator. Such people are never going to experience the joy Yehovah has for them.

From experience, by looking on people around me, I can say that when people hold on to money, without considering the poor around them, they are selfish, and that can cause them to loose their inner joy they should have, and even get depressed because they are sinning!

I am speaking especially to believers in Yehoshua (Jesus). I have noticed the most happy ones are those who give sacrificially!

First all let us read one verse in the gospel of Luke which records the very words of Yehoshua.

Give and it shall be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”

Luqas/Luke 6:38

Now, why would not a christian first of all pay the tithes, (See Mal’aki/Malachi 3:8-10) and next give offerings to the poor and or a worthy ministry, when Yehovah has given us such a great promise? It is obvious that Satan is blinding the eyes of the believers in order to keep them in bondage under his control. When they do not give Satan has the legal right to afflict them with sicknesses and poverty. At the same time it is damaging the Kingdom of Yehovah by depriving the faithful to proclaim the Name of Yehovah and of Yehoshua all over the world. Think on this for a while.

Let us read a few more verses now, and I hope it will light a light in your heart as you read. The apostle Shaul is writing to the Corinthians to remind them of the promise they make to give to the Macedonians.

Therefore I thought it necessary to exhort the brethren to go to you ahead of time, and prepare you generous gift before hand, which you had previously promised, that it may be ready as a matter of generosity and not as a grudging obligation. But this I say: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for Elohim loves a cheerful giver. And Elohim (God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. As it is written: He has dispersed abroad, He has given to the poor; His righteousness endures forever.”

Qorin’tiyim 2/2 Corinthians 9:5-9

I want to mention that many times believers are asked by ministries to give the same amount they pledge monthly, so that they can receive a CD in the mail every month. I have done this and it is not good. Some months I have had other obligations and it had become a burden. Therefor I paid the full amount after a few month so that I fulfill my promise, which is a vow. If you do not pay what you have promised, you find yourself under a curse, instead of a blessing. Therefore I no longer make long term promises. I give to whom Yehovah leads me to give, and the amount He leads me to give.

When you make a vow to Elohim (God), do not delay to pay it; for He has no pleasure in fools. Pay what you have vowed -better not to vow than to vow and not pay.

Qohelet/Ecclesiastes 5:4-5

All our words are record in heaven. Therefore we should never make a vow, which is a promise we make to Yehovah. He will not bless you if you do not keep your vow, or promise.

The Corinthians had promised to give, and now the apostle Shaul/Paul, was reminding them, for their own benefit that is. He knew they would not be blessed if they fail to fulfill their promise.

Let us see the other part of the verses in Corinthians. We will be blessed, and he says that according to what measure we use we will also receive. This is a huge or very great promise. My question is: why do believers still do not give? Or why give only very little when they have the ability to give more?

I can give you the answer. They do not believe Yehovah is going to bless them. They do not trust Him.

And they are living in fear of lack. They do not have faith in Him. They do not believe He will bless them. This is sad, and miss on so many blessing, including joy.

Personally I have experienced that when I give all I receive tremendous joy. Immediately I sense Yehovah is pleased with me.

Therefore I choose to give and I trust that He will not allow me to starve if I give, but even if I would, I figure, I go to heaven ahead of time, and that is wonderful.

This is how I actually fought the devil when he temped me no to give. However, Yehovah always abundantly blessed me, especially when I gave sacrificially.

I pray, you, reader, if you have not yet learned to be generous, please begin now. Especially now in the coming month of December, begin to send gifts to those who have offended you, and you will experience joy unspeakable!

Give to all Yehovah leads you to give. And please, do not expect to receive back from those you give. But Yehovah will be faithful and surprise you with supernatural income!


Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Shalom friends,

I need to share these few words today, not to cause fear, but to prepare you to be able to stand in the time of troubles. As you notice the freedom we enjoy until a little while ago is gone. For some reason some high up leadership thinks we need to be restrained.

This is the word I received this morning.

A great avalanche of despair will attack the world soon. Everyone will feel as though there is no way out, like they have been put in cages like wild animals!

Freedom has been removed. But there is always hope in Me. (Yehovah). I make a way in wilderness. I am the Light of the World. The eyes of the world need to be placed on Me.

A tiredness will also come to the faithful. Pray for one another daily. Lies, lies, and more lies are been told to confound the wise. But My Word is Truth. Hold on Truth only and discard the excess (what is not Truth). Fix your eyes on Me only. There you will find safety.

Beware of what you hear.

But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I would write t you. For your yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Yehovah so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.”

Tas’loniqim1/1Thessalonians 5:1-5

A horse is a vain hope for safety; neither shall it deliver any by its great strength.

Tehillim/Psalm 33:17

The world, or a man, cannot give you safety, the only safety is in Yehovah alone!

The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but deliverance is from Yehovah.

Mishley/Proverbs 21:31

Let us come to Yehovah alone for safety; He is our only help.

The beloved of Yehovah shall dwell in safety by Him, Who shelters him all the day long.” Then Israel shall dwell in safety, the fountain of Ya’aqov/Jacob alone, in a land of grain and new wine; His heavens shall also drop dew.

Devarim/Deuteronomy 33:12, 28

For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now I will arise,’ says Yehovah, “I will set him in the safety for which he yearns.”

Tehillim/Psalm 12:5

I hope today your have understood that you can only trust Yehovah to

be there for you in times of need. Call upon His name now and be saved!

And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the nae, of Yehovah shall be saved.

Yo’el/Joel 2:32


Monday, November 8, 2021


Today I need to publish a dream Yehovah has given me a few hours ago, and the explanation of the same dream.

I was in a great building with two friends, and it was empty. We were waiting for

 something to happen, but nothing was happening. It seemed to be a political place. 

Trump was supposed to come, but did not at this time. Then my two friends 

disappeared and went to the bathroom. Finally came back. One of them, I 

remember was in the dream may have been Kellye who in reality is in Heaven 

already did not come back, but I am not sure if was her or another friend who is 

still alive. However the second friend did not return. The friend who came back is 

my good friend Tsha, came back dressed with the same kind of clothes I have in 

real life. She word a long blue skirt, and a white shirt, and she had something on 

her head that she really liked to have on, it seemed round like a halo, but only in 

natural material.

 Then I wanted to use the bathroom, and found them, they were right behind me. I ]

was shocked when I found them, for they were also all empty and they had no 

doors. The bathrooms faced each other and could see each other naked when using 

the bathroom.

Then someone was serving cordon bleu with pork. I did no teat any of that.

My friend asked the lady to slice it and give me half. But I did not eat it. The place 

was empty and shabby. Not really clean and not in order.

I got up and sensed that I needed to write this dream. I prayed for interpretattion.

Then I went on the floor and prayed and worshiped.

At first I sensed that although the sons were trying to get Trump to come, he was not coming. I am talking about the dream, not reality.

Then I remembered about the mud in Dana’s dream. The snow is made of frozen 

water and earth. The snow may represent the light righteous judgment of Yehovah 

upon us. Then when it dissolves it reveals the dirt or filth on the earth and forms 

the mud. When He sends the judgment in the beginning it supposed to reveal to us 

our sins. We need to pus through, and get rid of it.

Then Yehovah the Father in Heaven spoke to me.

The trees are blooming, but the flowers are scarce, there is only a remnant 

that I have, but they do valiantly. Many others will continue to fall into the 

mud. Pick them up and restore them before it is too late. I long for them, they 

are mine, but They do not know Me. Substitute work for love and affection to 

Me, their Redeemer.

Open their eyes through My word I have given you. Do not fear their 

reproach. They are blind, leading the blind. Be firm and resolute. My grace 

is upon you for good. Trust Me only.

I use who I want. I use the humble to confound the wise. What you saw is the 

church exposed. Empty. Only a prophet or two is holding in to My return.”

(I cried: please raise the dead!)

I am sending tribulation for the church to arise. Be valiant. Be strong.”

(Your will be done, Most Holy Father Yehovah!)

Exodus! The greatest exodus the world has ever seen is about to hit the 

church. Freedom from bondage. Freedom is in Me alone. Many pastors will 

go into hiding. They will be ashamed. Yet there is grace for them too. If they

 seek Me only. The river will flow again much more full than it was before. 

The faithful will find shelter and refreshment in it.”

I publishing this word and I pray you pastors hear. Congregations get rid of 

sin. Now is the time to return to Yehovah, God, your Creator, and serve Him 

with all your heart. Do not wait until it gets too hot to repent. Tribulation is 

coming. Find Him now, do no wait.


Sunday, November 7, 2021


Part 2

Please listen to this word and take heed.

Doors are closing down. Famine is coming. The gold is loosing its power. Platinum and other precious stones are elevating their value. Jobs are scarce. Criminality is increasing around the globe. We are entering a period of terror not yet known to men. The expected leaders is removed from my kingdom, he has his own kingdom which is falling down like dead leaves. His heart is elevated. He thinks he is invincible because of his money and his charms, but he will fall like Nebuchadnezzar.

A time of terror is coming. Prepare, be close to me. Do not move apart from My will. I know all the pitfalls. The silver and the gold he has will be his destruction. There will be no place to hide. Only My hiding place is secure. Do not fear what they will do to the body, fear Him who has power to take you up, or let you go down. The days are shortening. Time is running out. Where will you go?”

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of Yehovah, “He is my refuge and my fortress; my Elohim in Him I will trust.”

Tehillim/Psalm 91

Memorize this whole psalm and it will help you in times of need.

Yehovah has released this word today because things are escalating and going the wrong way.

I need to warn you not to put your trust in anyone, no man can save you. Yehovah is getting ready to release judgment. It is going to be a very difficult time for everyone, rich and poor. But understand that if you seek Yehovah now and begin to serve Him with all your heart He will reveal Himself to you as you never thought possible. Understand that the way of salvation is only in one Person, Yehoshua HaMashiach. Please read the scriptures today, and decide to receive His gift of salvation.

Repent of your adulteries, your common law arrangements you have made to save money and have sex at the same time. Renounce the sin of homosexuality which is an abomination to Yehovah. Stop murdering your children in your womb and out. Stop stealing, stop robbing the poor. Stop lying, and stop drugging yourself until your brains are getting destroyed. Stop drinking gallons of that beer, and other alcohol drinks. Stop gossiping. Stop pornography, and abuse. And you know what sin you are in. Stop all these things and give your life to Yehovah and Yehoshua. Now is the time to change and serve Yehovah, or when the terrible times will come you will not be able to survive.

But Love Yehovah with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself.

Visit Amazon and see my books. They will help you to live right.

Get ‘New Life And Glory,’ and I suggest also “”The Lost Sheep.”

Have a blessed day in Him!

Contact me at:


Wednesday, November 3, 2021


I was considering the life of the apostle Paul. He had been on its way to Damascus to persecute the followers of Yehoshua.

However, his plan changed when He saw Him, the Man he was persecuting in the sky.

O well, he only thought he was going to arrest the followers of the Way, but he did not know the Way.

As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, “Shaul, Shaul, why are you persecuting Me?” And he said, “Who are You Adon?” Then the Adon said, “I am Yehoshua whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goads.” Then the Adon said to him, “Arise and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”

Ma’aseh/Acts 9:3-6

Meanwhile Shaul/Paul, became blind because of the intense light He had seen. But Yehoshua sent a true prophet to minister to him. Shaul received his sight back, was baptized, and he was told what to do.

( See Ma’aseh/Acts 9:8-19)

Shaul was called to be the apostle who replaced Judah who betrayed Yehoshua. He was called to bring the gospel to the Gentiles. Because of his obedience the whole world heard the good news of salvation even to this day. His letters instruct us on the Way of salvation. Yehoshua is the Way, the Truth, the Life.

When Yehoshua told the apostles that He would be going away to prepare a place for them, but He would return, He also said,

And where I go you know, and the way you know.”

Ma’aseh/Acts 14:4

But Thomas had a problem with that, and he asked Yehoshua a question:

Adonai, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?” Yehoshua said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me.”

Ma’aseh/Acts 14:5-6

There are many religions, that are invented by men, but there is only one Way, and the new believers called themselves followers of the Way. For there is only one Way to our Father in Heaven.

The Apostle Shaul met Him on his way to incarcerate the followers of the Way. But he changed his mind once he found the true Elohim who would give him eternal life.

He received the revelations of the Kingdom of Yehovah, we can read all his letters that he wrote even when in prison for his faith. But the persecution could not stop him from proclaiming the truth. What is stopping you from following Yehoshua?

Eventually Shaul/Paul was taken to the third heaven. Let us read what he says,

I know a man in Mashiach who fourteen years ago-whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, Elohim knows- such a one was caught up to the third Heaven. And I know such a man-whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, Elohim knows-how he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words which is not lawful for a man to utter. Of such a one I will boast; yet of myself I will not boast, except in my infirmities. For though I might desire to boast, I will not be a fool; for I will speak the truth. But I refrain, lest anyone should think of me above what he sees me to be or hears from me.”

Qorin’tiyim 2/2Corinthians 12:2-6

Shaul/Paul is our example of a person who was so contrary to the faith in Yehoshua, yet once he received a personal revelation of the WAY his life was immediately transformed. After his encounter, he became completely obedient to the call. Please read all the letters that her wrot. They are to be found in the Bible, in the New Testament. In spite of being persecuted himself, he continued to preach the gospel with signs and wonders until his death. He did not fear persecution. He was transformed.

Yehoshua spoke about us been persecuted.

Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to councils and scourge you in their synagogues. You will be brought before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.”

Mattithyahu/Matthew 10:16-20

Yehoshua continuous to say that our own brothers will deliver us up to death! Please read this whole chapter. These times are here already. Open your eyes and see what is happening. Now is the time to come to the Way.

Do not focus your eyes on one politician who has the key to delivers us from the maladies of the hour. There is not one man alive who is able to do this. Only Yehovah can do this. But we must do something first if we want a change to take place.

I will mention one single word: REPENT!

We are in this mess because of our own sin and the corporal sins.

Let me mention some of those sins. Idolatry, sexual immorality, pornography, homosexuality, abortions, murderers, human trafficking, lying, stealing, gossiping, and on and on. You may not have done any of these sins, but if you have not yet given your life to our Savior Yehoshua HaMashiach, you are lost for all eternity. He is the WAY and no man comes to the Father in Heaven apart from Him. Mary cannot save you. She did not shed the blood that cleanses your sin. Anthony, or Daniel, of anyone can save you, but Yehoshua, who is commonly called Jesus, but this is not His true name. He was Jewish and had a Jewish name. His name means: Yehovah Saves.

Just know in your heart that anything Yehoshua would not do, it is sin.

Would He watch a porn move? Would He drink blood? Would He cuss? Would He do drugs? Would He become drunk? No, my friend, He is holy. He is pure. His is righteous and would not lie on the income taxes! He is sinless, therefore He became our substitute on the cross for you a sinner, and me a sinner. But in the moment you surrender his life to Him, and invite Him in He will change your life. Just simply repent of your sin, in your own words, and see the difference.

You will never be alone again. He will be with you until He will take you to Heaven to be with Him. He will be with you in the tribulation that is coming. But if you do not call upon Him now that He is near you, you may die suddenly from a heart attack, and die instantly, and be separated from Him forever in hell.

There is only one Door, and it is Yehoshua, Shaul found the Door, and went in.

Then Yehoshua said to them again, “Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep” 9 I am the Door.”

Yochanan/John 10:7, 9

When you die, for you will die, if you do not know Him as your Door, you will be lost for all eternity. Make your choice now.

Think about it. If you are a Christian who is lukewarm, such as the Laodicean church, He will spit you our of this mouth. You will not be saved. You cannot live in the world, and accept sin in your life, and go church thinking you are OK. Read His Book, and find out what He expects of you.

Do not wait until you are drowning in despair crying for help. Now is the time for you to let go of your sin, whatever it may be.

He died on the cross and suffer horrible pain in order to pay for your salvation. Now it is up to you, if you are also willing to live for Him. Make up your mind today. Do not wait until it is too late.

Call upon His name now, and He will answer you. Repent of your sins, and choose to serve Him from now on. Now is only between you and Him. But in the future all your sins will be heard by all at the judgment. It is going to be too late to be saved. Do not wait until you are dying, for death may come very quickly, and even in your sleep! You may not have the time to repent.

Shaul/Paul suffered so much persecution, and you and I are heading toward it to. As I mentioned, no politician will be able to save you, or anyone apart from Yehovah allowing him to do good. Do not put your trust in men, for men have not power to do so. If you do, you will be very much disappointed.

Only Yehoshua can, for He paid the price for your salvation, died and rose again on the third day as He said He would. We will rise again, but we must make sure we will rise to be in unity with Him.

My own testimony.

I denied Him in 1977, but a few month later I cried out to Heaven to find out if Him and the Father Yehovah was real. He was, and I began to serve Him, and never regretted it. My love for Him increases daily. He is the only way, truth, and life, and no one comes to the Father except through Him. I love Him and the Father Yehovah, with all my heart, you can do the same.

Please read the Scriptures and you will begin to love Him with all your heart.

He has been knocking to the door of your heart, open up to Him now and be saved.
