As I was praying today, I felt very upset about the false teachings in the churches.
Many prominent preachers teach that Yehoshua was born again at His resurrection.
This is a lie and is heresy. They say He took all our sinners, therefore He died and
went to hell. He was not Elohim in the flesh. This is heresy. He received worship
by many. Read the scriptures and find out. He was fully Man, and fully Elohim.
Yet, so many prominent ministries teach this error. This is the great falling away
before the return of Yehoshua.
They also teach that we are as God, and one of those televangelists even said of
himself: ---(his name)--------- Jehovah, and he chants together with other
televangelists “I Am..I Am….” This is blasphemy, and it is done to begin the
preparation to receive the anti-Mashiach commonly called anti-Christ!
Those leaders, teach also teach that now we can bring about the Kingdom of God
before “Jesus” returns. They do not even know His Name!
Let me correct you, again, Jesus is not the correct name of our Savior.
Yes, He may respond to you if ignorantly, as I did in the past, called Him Jesus,
however, when you study the Scriptures you find out that -that name came about
only circa 500 years ago after the letter J was invented. The letter J did not exist
until then.
Yehoshua was born to a Hebrew family, and was Hebrew, and spoke Hebrew, and he Scriptures were written in Hebrew, not in Greek or English or any other language, except with some Aramaic. He received the name Yehoshua, and later on they wrote the contract form, which is Yeshua.
Yehoshua means Yehovah is Salvation, for He came in the name of the Father. Yeshua means Salvation,, because He came to save us from our sins.
Let us also be aware that the name of our Creator is Yehovah, and you can find the
Name correctly written in various Hebrew manuscript. You can read the book “His
Hallowed Name Revealed Again” by Keith Johnson, for more information. What
the rabbis did is they removed the cholem from the letter hey in order to remember
to pronounce the name differently. However the correct name is found in many
important manuscripts. However, they persist to continue the tradition of the older
rabbis and pronounce the Most Holy Name as a title such as Adonai, (Lord) or
HaShem, (the Name), and some others they also pronounce the Sacred Name as
G’D. In the English Scriptures the translators have given us, instead of the correct
name Yehovah, the simple title “the LORD” out of fear of men, which is to be a
coward. This is evil, and we read in the book of Chazon/Revelation that the
cowardly will go to the lake of fire! Therefore this morning I am praying:
Father Yehovah, I repent for all the times, I, myself, called You the Lord, not
knowing Your correct Most Holy Name. And I repent for every Messianic rabbi,
and every evangelist and teacher and any believer who is calling you lord, and
refuse to submit to Your Word and call YOU by the correct Name You have given
us. I ask for your forgiveness and for your mercy.
I ask that in your mercy you will remove the fear of man, the cowardly emotions, and replace them with the holy righteous Fear of Yehovah. And I also ask that You will cause the church to obey you to keep the Sabbath day holy according to your Commandment.
I pray that You be merciful to us and grant us the fullness of Your Spirit by
sending us another Pentecost to refresh us, and remove all false teachings
concerning the Word You have given us, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and
speaking in tongues. I thank you that I speak in tongues and will not allow
anyone to convince me otherwise and to become a coward!
I know the power we have against the devil when we speak in tongues. And I
know He has convinced many denominations to stop speaking in tongues
because his kingdom, Satan’s, is in danger and been destroyed by it. I pray you
dissolve all false teachings concerning the deity of Yehoshua. Please intervene
and help us to become what You have created us to be.
Release Your Hand to Heal as you did to the apostles in the beginning of their
ministry when they were forbidden by the religious leaders, to speak the name of
Yehoshua. This has happened again, but You can change it.
Please shake the foundation of out beliefs and help us to serve You in the holy Fear of Yehovah, which is the beginning of wisdom, and of knowledge, and protects us from sinning against You.
Please change us from our wicked ways, and help us to be pleasing to you and
love you with all our hearts, souls and minds. Do not let us go astray, but save us
from our iniquities. I thank you Yehoshua for the blood You shed on Calvary.
Help us to believe Your Word, which says, “I am the way, the truth and the life,
and no one comes to the Father but through Me.” Let the lies of Satan be
revealed to the ignorant, and to the deceived, and Your truth be established in all
our lives. Amen.
Yochanan/John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
Mishley/Proverbs 1:7 The Fear of Yehovah is the beginning of knowledge, but
fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Tehillim/Psalms 25:14 The secret of Yehovah is with those who Fear Him, and
He will show them His Covenant.
Tehillim/Psalm 15:10 But He honor those who Fear Yehovah.
Chazon/Revelation 21:7-8 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will
be his Elohim (God) and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving,
abominable, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake
which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”