He took with Him Kepha and Yochanan/John and his brother Ya’aqov/James, and “He began to be sorrowful and deeply distressed.”
He then said to them, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even unto death. Stay here and watch with Me.” Mattithyahu 26:38
Yehoshua was now beginning to take upon Himself the weight of all the sins that were committed since the fall of Adam, present, and future. You can imagine Him feeling the weight of the millions and millions of babies that were and would be murdered in the womb? Can you imagine Him taking the weight of all the lies and deceptions we have committed, and all the corruption committed by the government that supposed to serve us, but instead has turned against us and oppress us, and all those who sold their own countries for money to their enemies? He carried the burden of all those of us who have negated His Sacred Name and given Him another name, or rather call Him by a simple title. Those of us who blasphemed His Great awesome name by our actions daily, and choose to continue to do so. Think about all the sins of pedophilia, and human trafficking, and continue to do so thinking they will escape the judgment of our Most Holy Elohim. Every stinking sin, He had to pay the price for it, instead of us sinners.
Yehoshua continued in His agony, and falling on His face prayed,
“O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” Mattithyahu 26:39
Yehoshua continued in prayer, and He knew very well that there was no other way for the Redemption of human kind. The penalty of sin is death. Yehovah, the Father had decreed. (See Yechezqel/Ezekiel 18:4; Romiyim/Romans 3:23; 6:23) Man in is sinful state could not pay for his own sin. The Sacrifice had to be perfect. Man is corrupt, but Yehovah Himself would have to come and die for all human kind,
(See Bereshit/Genesis 15:9-20). The Covenant was sealed by Him passing between the dead animals. We cannot forget this.
Yehoshua, Elohim in the flesh, is sinless and came to fulfill the Covenant He did with Avraham. Yehoshua suffered on Gethsemane and continued to suffer on the Cross, until the price had been paid in full, and then He cried out, “It is finished!”Yochanan/John 19:30
Yehoshua paid the price to purchase His bride; us, you and me. What are you going to do?
In a few days is Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement. The Temple was destroyed in 70 AD. There is no High Priest to offer the sacrifice, and without shedding of blood there is no remission for the life of the flesh is in the blood, (See Wayyiqra/Leviticus 17:11;
Ivrim/ Hebrews 9:22). The blood has to be shed to be forgiven.
Prayers and good deeds have no value for our redemption. Yehoshua, the very Elohim in the flesh, came to fulfill the Covenant and gave His life for you and me. Now is the time to receive His sacrifice to sanctify your soul.
Repent of your sin and believe in the One who has died and rose again for you. Seek His face now. Yehoshua’s tomb is empty, you can go to Israel and never find His bones. He is alive, and He still has all His bones in His Resurrected Body. He is ALIVE!
Let us allow Yehovah to restore our blind sight and give us His Light in order for us to receive His gift of salvation. Yehoshua came in His Father’s Name, and He did what He was supposed to do. He died for you and me, in order to fulfill the Scriptures. Please read Yeshayahu/Isaiah 53 and the Psalms, and the whole Torah, and you find Him there. He is not hidden that we cannot find Him, in fact today if you whisper His lovely name, He may appear to you and let you know that indeed He is “THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE.” Yochanan 14:6, “You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.” Yochanan 8:32
Enjoy Yom Kippur this year, knowing personally your Sacrifice.
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