This morning I was having a conversation with another minister, and we talked about the fact that indeed we are living on the Last Days.
Therefore I have decided to write something about this fact. During the time when Yehoshua lived in Israel, He was continually attacked by the religious leaders because He refused the abide to their traditions that He had not given them.
They had created a long list of many rules to add in order to not break the Torah. They added things Yehovah not instructed them to add.
In fact the word declares that we cannot add nor take away from His Word
(See Devarim/Deuteronomy.4:2).
Yehoshua, who gave the Torah would not bow to their man made rules which were keeping the people away from Him.
We do not reach Him by our own methods, but by His methods. In fact He looks at the heart to discern our spiritual condition.
Many will enter His kingdom by a simple declaration of faith, as the thief on the cross.
Let me write what did happened that day while Yehoshua was paying the price of our salvation by giving His life for you and me on the cross between two thieves.
one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, “If
you are
the Mashiach, save Yourself and us.” But the other, answering,
saying, rebuked him, saying, “Do you not even fear Elohim, seeing
you are under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we
receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing
wrong. Then he said, “Adonai, remember me when You come into Your
kingdom.” And Yehoshua said to Him, “Assuredly, I say to you,
today you will be with Me in Paradise.”Luqas/Luke 23:39-43
I want for you to notice that this man was a thief. He had lived a life cheating and robbing people, but some how he recognized that Yehoshua was indeed the expected Mashiach. He knew this Man, was not an ordinary man, but Yehovah in the flesh, and He was innocent.
He discerned the times and discerned the “Man.”
He did not have to do anything more except to simply believe and Yehoshua saw His motives. He knew His heart. He did not have to keep the man made rules to be saved.
He did not do it to escape going to Hell, he sincerely knew Yehoshua had a kingdom, and he wanted to be there with Him.
But the religious leaders were blinded by their self made traditions, and did not read the scriptures for what they were really saying. They added and taken away from it, and lost their way in the process! That was their sad situation! Listen to what they said to Yehoshua and what He answered them,
Then the Pharisees and Sadducces came, and testing Him asked that He would show then a sign from heaven. He answered and said to them, “When it is evening you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red; and in the morning, ‘It will be foul weather
today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.” And He left them and departed.-Mattithyahu/Matthew 16:3-4
Yehoshua came at the exact time He was supposed to come. Many believed in Him, but many religious leaders would not believe, and eventually handed Him over to be crucified. They did not realized that by doing that they actually helped Him to fulfill the sign of the prophet Yonah. And would be three days and three nights in the grave.
Sin will always blind us.
We must repent of our own sin, and read the Word of Yehovah with His understanding. Do as He says, and never be conformed to the ways of the world, which will indeed mislead any of us, and lead us to destruction.
Yehoshua came into this world to save us and bring us into relationship with our Heavenly Father in Heaven. He came once, and He is very soon is coming back again and all those who have believed in Him, will be united with Him for all eternity.
What are you doing with your life? Are you continuing to do you secret sin, and refuse to repent and be justified by His grace? He has paid the full price for your salvation, but if you refuse to receive Him and choose to consecrate your life to Him, you will never become part of His Kingdom.
His word said that you and I must be born again of the Ruach haQodesh, or Holy Spirit. You must be born from on high, or you will not be able to enter into His kingdom. Death is presently taking many lives. Will you take a chance and continue to be in sin and be lost for eternity?
No! That should not happened! Make up your mind now, and choose to serve Him and receive eternal life.
Today, simply confess Him as your King and Savior. All you need to do is to call upon Him, humble yourself and confess your faults to the Father in Heaven, Yehovah.
He will not cast you away, for He already knows all about you.
Stop sinning and ask Yehovah, with all your heart, to forgive you and He will. Do not hide anything from Him. Choose to serve Him alone. Get rid of any other god you may be worshiping now. Open your whole heart to Him in repentance as the thief on the cross, and He will hear you. He will save you from your sin and give you His Spirit to abide in you to lead you into all truth.
Until next time, be well.
For more information you can reach me at
You can also visit Amazon and find my autobiography, New Life and Glory, and other books. You can download them or get the softback. You will be blessed and get more understanding of you walk with Yehovah and His only Ben/Son Yehoshua.
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