“ But
he who is joined to the Master is one spirit with Him. Flee sexual immorality.
Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual
immorality 1 sins against his own body.”- 1 Corinthians 6:17-18
chapter, beginning at verse twelve, is teaching us about sexual immorality. We must fully and completely know in our spirit, that as believers, we are
the tabernacle of Elohim. He no longer lives in the Tent in the wilderness where He talked with Moses. He is now inside our bodies, if we have
invited Him in and surrendered our lives to Him.
we have repented of our sins and asked Yehoshua to save us, we became one with
the Spirit of Yehovah. We are now the tent or house of Yehovah. He
lives His life in us. He speaks to us. We
can have communion with Him on a regular basis, which means daily, if we talk
to Him, and wait for Him to answer us.
hope that not a single born again believer will commit sexual immorality. When
the believer reads the Scriptures, she should also obey it. Daily prayer is of the utmost importance to
keep clean in this perverted world. We
are not allowed to bring unclean spirits in the
tabernacle Yehovah has given us.
Certainly it is not acceptable for a
clean person to bring pigs in their home, and sleep with them. Please do not stop reading, this message may
save your life. I have been hurt by believers who did not keep their testimony.
family and I have been deeply hurt by an
adulterous believer. We must remember that our body is not our own.
We have been bought with the price of the life of Yehoshua. He was spat upon; mocked; beaten; and pierced
for our salvation. As believers we must flee from temptation. We must not allow any man or woman to defile
you be pleased if your husband would bring another woman into your bed? Likewise, you
must not sleep with any man who is not your husband. Be holy, for He who bought you is holy (Leviticus 11:44).
Honor Yehovah with a pure heart and serve Him
with holy fear.
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