the nation and kingdom which will not serve you shall perish, And those nations
shall beutterly ruined.”- Isaiah 60:12
verse three we read that the foreigners (the Gentiles), will come to see the
glory of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem). Kings, meaning leaders, will come to bless Yehovah
in Yehrushalayim, the city He chose for Himself “Therefore your gates shall be open
continually; They shall not be shut Day or night, That men may bring to you the wealth of the Gentiles.
And their kings in procession.”- Isaiah 60:11
glory of Lebanon shall come to her (see
verse 13). They will bring materials to beautify the sanctuary. Such
favor is so different from what Yehovah has said in the book of Isaiah “ For
the iniquity of his covetousness I
was angry and struck him; I hid and was angry, And he went on backsliding in
the way of his heart. ” - Isaiah 57:17.
After that we read “I have seen his ways, and will
heal him; I will also lead him, and restore comforts to him and to his
mourners.”- Isaiah 57:18.
In this chapter, we see continuous blessings. From these verses
I learn that Yehovah is more interested in
blessing me, than to strike me when I do wrong. However, He is a good Father,
and He will not allow me to lose my soul
when I am living in sin. Nonetheless, it is encouraging to know that even when His hand may come upon
us to chastise us because of our disobedience;
yet when we repent, He quickly changes his mind toward us, and He blesses
us instead. His compassion toward us is greater than His
also makes our enemies to come and bow down to us, as verse fourteen declares “When a man’s ways please Yehovah, He makes even
his enemies to be at peace with him.”- Proverbs 16:7 Yehovah’s Word is indeed true. He always fulfills His Word! The Word
today is directed to Israel.
Gentiles, will bless Israel.
Those who will not come and honor Him in Yehrushalayim (Jerusalem), Yehovah will judge. I hope that you love the Chosen People of Yehovah, Israel… “I
will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in
you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”- Genesis
-12:3. This promise still stands
today. Please do not fight against Israel for the Word has been proven right. Even
nations that has ruled and oppressed Israel has been destroyed. Yehovah is
faithful to His Covenant, and the Covenant is not invalid when Israel may not
be obeying Him perfectly. Yehovah is responsible for Israel no matter is she is
perfect or not. He is faithful! He will always fight for His Covenant People.
Therefore, please, do good to His Covenant People and be blessed.
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