Tuesday, December 20, 2022


 I am shocked about those who think that Ukraine is somehow sinless. We forget that Yehovah will use anyone to judge us. Ukraine has been using Nazis soldiers. The Government lied to Putin years ago making deals. Ukraine is using the Nazis to fight for it. 

Nazis killed men women and children who did nothing, but they were in the wrong faith: they were worshipers of God, our Creator, whose name is Yehovah.Their own fault to them, was they were Jewish! Those are the Nazis. And as they did then, they would do it again. 

Beware of Replacement Theology, it is against the God/ Yehovah given right to the Jewish People. Yehovah is faithful. He promised to bring the Jewish back to Israel, and He has. He also promises in His Word that He will never remove them again. Every Word of Yehovah is pure and sure.

Has the world forgotten? 

Next, Ukraine has been involved in many other terrible sins, and should Yehovah be silent? 

Next, the West is involved in this War by sending arms to help Ukraine which is  under the judgment of Yehovah.

Do you all read the Scriptures? 

Instead of helping that government in Ukraine, why not counsel Vladimir to repent of his personal sin, and the sin of the nation that he is reigning? 

Soon the Missiles will fly all over the world, including America that is helping Ukraine with weapons, and Russia has the right to attack us, because we with all the West are helping Ukraine, and this may very be the DESIRE OF THE LEADERS IN THE UN, NATO, WHICH INCLUDES THE USA.

What we need to do is not to criticize Russia, but to REPENT NOW. 


We Americans have become enamored with sin. We as Americans love to turn our backs on Yehovah and Yehoshua our Savior. We have import  idols, and we display them outside our houses to make sure everyone know that we are idolaters. 

We also made banners to make sure everyone that everyone knows that we defying Yehovah and have become like SODOM. 

WE American allow a government who makes laws to love sin, and yet we, disciples of Yehoshua, are silent and do not open our mouths because we are in pornography as the heathen. 

We no longer preach Yehoshua and Him Crucified. We preach prosperity, and well being. 

We do not want to suffer, but we will loose our lives through the missiles that are going to fly.

We have opened our doors to the heathen without investigate them and they are running this country. Crime is continually increasing.

Famine is here and increasing. 

The man-made virus and shots have killed an  innumerable  number of people. This also is part of the judgment of Yehovah on the world.

There is much more I could say, but you can figure it out for yourselves. 

Is there a way out?

Yes, personally humble ourselves and cry out to Yehovah for His Mercy. Pray for the government leaders to Repent. Do not trust any man who will come to govern, for he will be even worse than what we have now. 

Listen to the voice of Yehovah personally. 

If you are a disciple of Yehoshua you have His Spirit in you, and He will show you things to come after you repent of your personal sin. 

Pray for pastors to repent and to preach the Cross. Stop sinning if they are sinning as the heathen. 

Repent is the message of today. 

Be encouraged and do what is required, and then no matter what will happen, and when persecution will come and kill you, you will be with your Savior in Heaven. 

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