Monday, October 21, 2019


“Catch us the foxes, The little foxes that spoil the vines,  For our vines have tender grapes.”- Songs of Solomon 2:15
            Foxes are animals that destroy the vine and, therefore, the fruit is lost. They are carnivorous and they act at night. They are certainly  not life givers, instead they will destroy what they desire and all that is palatable to them. The little foxes are those sins that destroy our love for Yehoshua, and lead us to destruction.  
            Lack of faith might be the root problem in your life. You  choose to believe a lie instead of the Word of Yehovah.  Perhaps it was  the result of hardness in your  heart that caused unbelief to set in. When you  to resist the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, your heart becomes hard.
            Of course resisting the Holy Spirit is sin. He is the One  who will reveal to your heart unforgiveness, bitterness and all hidden sin. But if you reject His conviction, soon you will become critical and  impatient with people. Love, one of the fruits of the Spirit of Yehovah, will no longer be operating in your life. You will become resentful and offended at the slightest negative word spoken towards  you.  Instead of being longsuffering, you will  become impatient. Instead of being kind, you will become unkind and angry.  Your relationship with Yehovah will be  marred. You will become a broken cistern that cannot hold any water. You will  no longer act as  a vessel of honor, instead you will be  on the way of becoming a vessel of dishonor. If you will continue to go that way, you will no longer be faithful to Elohim, nor to your family and friends.
            If  this message describes you,  allow the  Holy Spirit of Yehovah to refresh you now. Catch all the foxes hiding in your soul, and be renewed in your  spirit. Do not wait another day, for you do not know if you will be able to do so tomorrow.   Repent to the Father, welcome His correction, and be blessed today.

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