Monday, December 26, 2022


This is a little story between two old friends.

Maria goes to visit Michele, and she reaches her house and rings the doorbell. Michele is busy getting ready to go out, but she quickly goes to the door and opened it. To her surprise is Maria, her old friend. “Good morning, Maria, what a surprise, I did not know you were in town! Come in.” “Thank you, Michele. Yes, I just came to be with the family for Christmas.” Oh, you too worship the sun.” “What are you talking about it? I worship Jesus.” “Really?” “Yes, we worship His birthday.”

“Maria can you give me the Scriptures verse that teaches us to celebrate His Birthday?” “Well, I think the Catholic Church made up this day, after all it does not really matter if it is His Birthday or not, but it is a tradition.” “Oh, your faith is based on tradition.” “Well, a little, we believe the church has taught us the truth.” “My friend, let me tell you that you and I will be judged by the written Word of Elohim, and not on the tradition received by the pastors and priests.”

“Yehoshua was not born on December 25th, .

”But the false gods were. Zeus, Baal, Mithra, Mercury, Saturn and all other ones. I also suppose Diana, The Queen of Heaven, which became the title of Mary the mother of Yehoshua/Jesus, are false gods and I suppose they also receive honor on December 25 every year.

 “How do you know?” “Mary, Yehoshua is the real name of our Savior, and He  was possible around March-April on our calendar, but could have been any time in the last month of the first day of Biblical Month. I read that someone has actually found the record in an old library in Italy giving a specific date, but I prefer not to do that, although I did it in the past. We do not have the necessary two witnesses to prove the specific date.  

The lamb had to be one year old, not 15 or16 month old to be offered as sacrifice for Passover. Yehoshua was born before the first day of the Biblical Month, and died on the 14thday of the same month. He rose again three days later as He Himself prophesied. I cannot give all the scriptures, but I mentioned at least one.”

Mattithyahu/Matthew 16:21 From that time Yehoshua began to show to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day.”

“He rose three days later. He fulfilled the spring feasts of Wayyiqra/Leviticus 23.”

Mary was stunned!

“Michele I was never taught all this. How do you know?” “Mary I read the Bible, and study the Torah.”

“So, this year I will no longer celebrate the birth of the sun gods and will not get into debt buying gifts for everybody! I will no longer be deceived.” “Mary, we do not celebrate the birth of Yehoshua, unless we know it. However, we are not told to celebrate His birth, but His death. He has given us His Word, and by keeping the feasts, we celebrate His Death and Resurrection.” “Michele, this is so wonderful news!”  

Beloved reader do not follow the traditions of men, but seek Yehovah and learn of His only Son, Yehoshua, who gave His life to save you. Be not a follower but a leader.

All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of our King, Elohim (God) Yehovah, our Creator. Do not be fooled any longer but search the Scriptures.

I hope this little message has helped you.


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