Sunday, April 10, 2022


Today I am beginning talking about widows and orphans, and I may also include the foreigners at times, for often they are together considered   special people from Yehovah.

Let us begin this message by talking about the relationship of Yehovah with Abram.

And Yehovah said to Abram, “Go yourself out of your land, from your relatives and from your father’s house, to a land which I show you. And I shall make you a great nation, and barakh you, and make your name great, and you shall be a berakah! (Blessings!)

And I shall barakh (bless) those who barakh you, and curse who curses you. And in you all the clans (families) of the earth shall be barukh (blessed).”

Bereshit/Genesis 12:1-3 HS

 I wrote the bless words in the Hebrew language for Yehovah spoke the blessings in the Hebrew language, not in English, or in Greek, or Italian, or German or any other language.

Let us read this above passage in Italian now. You may be able to read it and know what it says.

I will still use the Name of the Most Powerful, Strong, Compassionate, Loving, Redeemer, Rock, Shepherd, Most High, Supreme Being of the Universe, Yehovah, in the Name He has graciously given us. I honor Him, and I hope you do the same. So let us read the same Scriptures that I wrote above  in the Italian language.

Yehovah disse ad Abramo: ‘Vattene dal tuo paese e dal tuo parentado e dalla casa di tuo padre, nel paese dove ti mostero’, e Io faro’ di te una grande nazione e ti benediro’ e redero’ grande il tuo nome e tu sarai fonte di benedizione: e benediro’ quelli che ti benediranno e malediro’ chi ti maledira’ e in te saranno benedette tutte le famiglie della terra’.

Bereshit/Genesi 12:1-3

Just happen today I called my sister-in-law in Italy and had to speak in my Sardinian slang mixed with pure Italian language. It was interesting as I tried to converse with her about Yehovah. My dialect is fine, I can still speak it, but I cannot use terms that I would use in the English language. I am saying this because the Hebrew Language is very special and at times words cannot be translated correctly into the various languages. It may take more words, than in Hebrew. One word many be translated into one sentence!  And at times the translators have made terrible mistakes, sadly, but true.

However today we are speaking of widows and orphans.  And we will discover that in every language Yehovah is commanding us to bless the Hebrew People whom He has chosen in Abram for the whole world to be blessed. Indeed, we have been blessed with so many inventions discovered by the Hebrew People. They have indeed become a blessing to the nations every time we use the computer and the telephones. They have added so much to it, but most people do not know these things. What about Google search, and so many, many inventions. Zuckerman is Jewish and, did he not invent Face Book? So many people have been blessed by the Hebrew people inventions.

And let us not forget that we know Yehovah, and Yehoshua, His only Ben (Son) through them. You and I could die and go to the eternal hell if Yehovah did not cause the Hebrew people to spread the Torah (the teachings and instructions) they received from Him.  Yehovah kept His promise to Abram, as He always does to all of us.

 The Hebrew people have been a blessing to the nations, and they have also been cursed. And they still are being cursed from the deception and of the ignorance that pervades the world.

Yehovah said that all the families of the earth would be blessed. He uses the word families, and not just people! This is important. He created one man and gave him a woman for wife. They multiplied and filled the earth.

A family consists of a man and a woman who join as one in love, and with the barakh of Yehovah, they give birth to sons and daughters.

And they will live together until death separates them. Other times they separate to get divorced. When that happens, sadly, the family is broken.

When a son is separated from the father who cared for him, can be disastrous.

Many boys and girls end up in the gangs because they lack the love and support of their own father. They steal and kill,  and become addicted to drugs and alcohol, to fill the void in their lives. But that will not help them. They need something else, or someone else to fill that void.

What is our role in society toward the widow and the orphan? Yehovah is very concerned about them. They have a special place in His Great Loving and Caring Heart. He will help them, but He uses us all to be a blessing to them.

For Yehovah your Elohim is Elohim of elohims and Adon of Adons (Lord of lords), the great Elohim, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality nor takes a bribe. He administers justice for the fatherless and the widow, (almanah) and loves the stranger, giving him food and clothing. Therefore love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Mitsrayim (Egypt). You shall fear Yehovah your Elohim; you shall serve Him, and to Him you shall hold fast, and take oaths in His name. He is your praise, and He is your Elohim, who has done for you these great and awesome things which your eyes have seen.”

Devarim/Deuteronomy 10:17-21

Much can be said about the orphans and the widows, or the almanah in Hebrew. We do not realize the terrible situations finds herself in a widow or even an alman a divorced woman.

My concordance says something like the following. The life of the widow is a desolate house, a desolate place. An almanah is a widow a woman who because she has lost her husband has lost her social and economic position. She is cut off from society, which means to destroy, it is like a death.

  In Israel the situation for a widow was worse if she had no children, who would provide for her in her old age.

As a widow without children, she could return to her father’s home and was subjected to the Levirate law whereby a close relative could marry her to help her get a child for the lost husband to continue his name.  We see this case with Judah and Tamar. We also saw Ruth marrying the close relative Boaz.

In the west we do not have this outlet. A widow can go to work and make a living if she is young enough. The government will also help her if needed. But the degrading feeling of standing in line to get food stamps, is nothing to be desired. She feels as low as she never thought possible. All hope of a future is lost forever. Her husband is gone, and now she must provide for herself, one way or another.

But the financial provision alone is not the only problem. She misses the family love. She needs people to talk too, and to be considered part of a family. How can this happen?

She cries and seeks comfort. Many times, she becomes promiscuous, because of the need to be loved and heard. But after that escaped, she feels so unworthy, and she no longer considers her life to be worth living. She may start secret drinking of doing drugs.  Now the guilt of her sin, and the fact that she is still very much alone and cut off from society is very depressing. She may feel to continue her new way of life and completely loose her dignity and loose her soul in the process.  This situation is usually common to the widow and the alman divorced woman as well. Many times, she conceives and now the shame is overwhelming, and she aborts her child. Things go from bad to worse.

If she does not know Yehovah and is not born again by the Spirit of Yehovah, she become completely depressed, but no one cares enough to invite her to their family reunions. She needs the support of people who can identify with her sorrow. Yehovah want us, all of us, even us who are hurting with our own lost, to reach out and comfort them. Not only provide food, but companionship. She needed the support of other neighbors to care and make feel wanted.

I will speak more about this in a later message. Listen to the Words of Yehovah.

“Leave Your fatherless children, I will preserve them alive; and let your widows trust in Me.”

Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 49:11

Yehovah loves the Widows and the orphans, He will preserve them, they will live on, and Yehovah wants them to trust their lives in His capable Hands.

I will continue talking on this subject on my next message. For now, I want you to consider your neighbors and find out if there are any  widows and orphans. Consider ministering to them and invite them into your life.




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