Thursday, February 17, 2022


 Part 3

I need to end this subject for a while. But I will speak of and idol that most people do not recognize.

Let us think for one short time on how do you feel about yourself. If you are a follower of Yehoshua I hope you will not fall into this category.

However if you are not, most likely you may at times think that you are invincible. You may think no one can tell you what to do. You may hate follow good rules, especially the rules of the Kingdom of Yehovah. You many want to do just the opposite of what He requires of us His children.

You may have heard the following verse preached on television a while ago.

“I said, “You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High.”

Tehillim/Psalm 82:6

I heard this teaching from a very known television preacher. I do not want to attack the person, but shine some light on the Word.

On the basis of this word they say that they are little gods. I reject this because man was created in Elohim’s image, in the sense that He received the ability to think and have a personal will to choose and to know right and wrong.

Let us read the second part of the above verse:

But you shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.

Tehillim/Psalm 82:6b

Man has no special favors with Elohim. He is not god. When we sin, He has the right to discipline us, and even to take our lives, if He so chooses.

Let us read some other verses.

I, Yehovah, am the first; and with the last I am He.”

Yeshayahu/Isaiah 41:4

I am the Aleph and the Tav, the Beginning and the End,” says Yehovah, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.

Chazon/Revelation 1:8

What He is saying is that there is no other Elohim. He is not saying “I am the Big Elohim, the Head, and I have many small Elohim to help me reign on the earth. They make small decisions for Me, because I am too busy to deal with everyone. I really need help to do this huge job, so I created little gods. I cannot do my job without them, so I have made them gods too.”

Let me say to you one simple thing. He is Almighty and all powerful. He has not created humans to be little gods. In fact the first thing man did is to disobey Him, and we continue do so every day!

He has many angels who serve Him and help us. Without their help we could have died many times because of our stupid mistakes! I can testify this in my own life. I am so thankful for sending His angels to me, to help me, up to the present. The angels are powerful, live in His presence and carry His Presence and only speak His Word with power. They overthrow governments and nations. They carry the Power of Yehovah. Yehovah has not created little gods called men! Remove this foolish teaching from your mind. Man is submitted to Yehovah and if he disobeys Him he, eventually if he does not repent, ends up in Hell.

Those religions that teach man is god, need to submit to Yehovah, instead of listening to the words of Satan. He tried to place this thought in the Garden of Eden to Chava, also called Eve. He wanted to rule on this earth by receiving obedience and worship from men. I have spoken about this already.

My suggestion is to read the whole Book called the Bible, which is the Word of Yehovah, although the translators have messed up somethings.

Let us read another verse together.

I am Yehovah, that is My name;

and My glory I will not give to another,

nor My praise to carved images.

Yeshayahu/Isaiah 42:8

Do I have to say more?

I am talking to those who teach this lie. Can you change your hair from black to white, or vice versa?

Can you make water boil without fire? Can you make bread and bake it without an oven?

Can you walk on water on your own free will?

Kepha (Peter) did that in the presence of Yehoshua, but soon got he got so scare and was drowning! He could only do it because Yehoshua said to him to do it. But so far, no one else has done it! Can you decide when you will die?

You will be able to say it, only if you plan to kill yourself! But I pray you are not such a fool.

Yet a person who listens to some speaker, has told me several times that, yes, we can decide to die when we want.

Let me say this very frankly: this is a lie and a false teaching. If this was possible I would have died many times before my time which is not yet.

If a person would be able to do this, no one would suffer years with cancer or any other disease.

However, believers also are not able to decide when they will die. If they would, no one would die of accidents, because they would be careful and stay home safe.

And if they knew how to die naturally, just because they are in need of food, and without a steady income, they would simply die.

If a person teaches this false teaching is in idolatry, because is making himself to be Elohim.

However, he may have a god complex because he or she is demon possessed!

Also can you tell me with precision, without praying to Yehovah, when the war will start? NO.

He has given us gifts to use only according to His will. If a person would be able to know this without praying to Yehovah, that person is in witchcraft and is in idolatry. But the devil does not know everything, only what he hears someone say.

Do not believe every thing that shines is pure gold. Even if it shines it does not mean it is gold. It may be cheap metal.

Look at the source. What king of person is him or her? Do you see the fruit of the Spirit in them?

Are they compassionate and give the poor even when they do not have much?

Let see some of the qualifications together.

Do they love Yehovah and their neighbor”

You shall love Yehovah your Elohim with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandments. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Mattithyahu/Matthew 22:37

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is not law.

Galatians 5:22

In conclusion, idolatry is unfaithfulness toward our Creator. He has married us through the Covenant. If we become idolaters we are harlots!

We must honor Yehovah and serve Him not in pride and arrogance, but in humility. Do not be gullible and believe everything you hear, but test with the Word of Yehovah.

Believe the gospel and receive the free gift of salvation through Yehoshua. If you do, His Spirit will come into your life, and you will have the grace to serve the Father and the Son. Be at peace with Yehovah and with yourself, and stop wanting to become a god, for it will never happen.

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