Wednesday, December 22, 2021


 Shalom my friends,

Today is December 22, and in three days all over the world will be celebrated the “Birth of Jesus.” But was He really born December 25, or it is another fable? I want to encourage you and not be offended by this message, which I also spoke about in the past. However, you may not have read what I said, therefore today I want speak about it again.

I am very interested in truth. I dislike lies and deception. Could it be that this date was actually used to worship the birth of the sun gods, and not the birth of our Savior?

December 25 is actually the birthday of Mithra, a sun god. It is a day dedicated to the sun.

Saturnalia was an agricultural festival celebrated in the middle of December. Work stopped for all, and even the slaves stopped their duties. At times they dressed to be like their masters and they sat at the head table, while their masters served them!

They gambled, played music and sang. They socialized by giving gifts.

Giving gifts in America began in the 19th century. In the Colonial America some rejected the traditions of Europe, while others rejected the holiday due to their pagan roots.

Most Americans today celebrate Santa Claus, Christmas trees, (which is a pagan worship) hanging stockings, giving gifts.

But the 16th Century, a group of Protestants reformers, known as Puritans, sought to purify the Church of England, and purge the Roman Catholic traditions. But these traditions still are observed now.

Christmas had roots in the pagan roman winter festivals of Saturnalia. It is no wonder since the church was sabotaged by Constantine a false Christian, who worshiped Mithra the sun god, and kept the tradition of worship on sunday instead of on the Sabbath. He transferred the keeping of the blessed day of keeping the Sabbath day Holy, Saturday and moved that day to the sun god worship day which is Sun-day. He changed the Commandment of Yehovah, which it cannot be done. Yehovah is Elohim, and man has no authority to change any of His Commandments.

He is King of kings and Master or Lord of Lords. We are his children if we have belived in His only Ben/Son Yehoshua. We do not have the power to change any of the rules of the our Heavenly King!

But Constantine began this reform and the he forbade this Commandment and others, and the roman church kept his rules and made more. The believers were forbade from keeping the feasts of Yehovah as we read in Wayyiqra/Leviticus 23 and other important commandments.

In England they celebrated Christmas from December 25th to January 6. And consisted of rowdy celebrations including feasting, gambling, drinking, and masquerade balls.

On Christmas 1620 Puritans armed with muskets protected their families from the natives Americans.

I got much information and there is much, much more to learn, from the internet. I got most information from a Torah Teacher in the period when I left the church I was attending, and began to teach Torah.

The root of this holiday is pagan, no doubt. What you do is up to you. But know that if you are indeed celebrating Christmas or the birth of our Mashiach, Messiah, then you must worship the ONE you say you are celebrating the birthday for it.

Giving gifts to anyone is not an act of worship. Getting drunk is not worship to our Savior, but it may be to Mithra.

Gambling and or doing drugs and drinking is not worship to our Savior. Orgies are not worship to our Savior. If you partake in any of these things and you claim to be a Christian stop doing these things, or you may be honoring the false gods. Decorating trees is a pagan worship.

And now, let us ask the question: Was Yehoshua (Jesus) really born on December 25?” NO.

He was not born on December 25.

Yehoshua was actually born on the first day of the Biblical Month, as you read in Shemot/Exodus 12:1-2. Yehovah told us when the year starts. The Year does not begin in the seventh biblical month and neither on January 1.

The year according to Yehovah’s Calendar may begin in the middle of March or before. The reason for that is because it depends on the sighting of the New Moon, and of the ripeness of the barley. We learn about this as we study the Scriptures.

His Birthday is the very month of the Passover, when the shepherds were in the field watching by night for the birth of the Passover lamb that would be born on the first of the month in order to be one year old the following year to be offered as the Passover sacrifice. The Passover lambs had to be one year old, not 15 or so month old, if He would have be born during the feast of Tabernacles.

Yehoshua fulfilled all the Feasts, including the Passover. To be the Passover Lamb He had to be born in the first biblical month, which Yehovah said it was the month Israel came out of Egypt. They were no animals around the new born babies, He was placed in the special place where the lambs would be born for the Passover, for Joseph found no place in the inn.

But, all this had been calculated by our Father in Heaven.

Please go to You tube and find - WHEN WAS JESUS REALLY BORN? - By Jonathan Cahn. He gives so much details, and you will have to listen to his message and take notes for he gives much information. And if you are not familiar with the feast of Yehovah you will learn a bit of them in this video.

And now what are you going to do? You sent the gifts already. So what can you do? Did you do it as a tradition and obligation, or because you did it as unto Yehoshua?

Are you simply having fun and gamble, playing games, watch football, and not even worship your Savior Yehoshua on that famous December 25 thinking you are celebrating His birth, if you do then you are deceived and need to repent.

But if you are simply thinking it is His birthday, and you are making this day holy, as unto Him, not doing things you should not be doing, He will receive your worship. He will receive your worship any day of the week, but it is not His birthday.

Much love and please worship Yehoshua, and serve Him with all your heart, and you will be accepted. Receive Him as your Passover Lamb that was slain for you to Redeem you from the powers of darkness. Live for Him and He will reveal Himself to you, and reveal His Father Yehovah to you. Do not wait, now is the day of salvation.

Please read Yochanan/John 3:3, 5-8. You must be born again. Only if your are born again you are the child of Yehovah.

Who was and is Yehoshua?

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim. 2 He was in the beginning with Elohim. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

10 He was in the world, and world was made through Him, and thew world did not know Him. 11 He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of Elohim, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of Elohim.

Yochanan/John 1:1-5; 10-13

Please choose to serve Him, not only now, today, but every day of your earthly life, and forever in eternity. He is the only King, and all other kings will have to bow down to Him.

Please visit amazon and download my books. Be instructed and serve Him with love.

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