We are living in the “Last Days” and many people think this world is going on forever. But one day this planet is going to burn with fire. Yehovah will actually renew the Heavens and the earth.
Yehovah is going to reveal that He is in control. Now is the time for each us to think on eternity. Will you consider examine yourself today, and see if there is any wicked thing in you?
If you repent, O Yisra’el,” declares Yehovah, “return to Me. And if your remove your abominations from My presence, and cease straying, and shall swear, ‘As Yehovah lives, ‘in truth, in right-ruling, and in righteousness – then nations will barakh (bless) themselves in Him, and they shall boast in Him!’”
Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 4:1-2
Literally these words were given to Israel who was worshiping other gods. But they applies, sadly, to America today. America is backslidden now, and many ignorant souls worship devils.
Satan is a common name now among young people, and also old people. Many have literally consecrated themselves to him. He instructs them to sin, to watch pornography; to be sexually immoral; same sex-marriages; man with man and women with women; adultery; fornication; stealing; drugs; and all immorality. He promises glorious things, especially money and sex if they do those things he wants them to do, and eventually also curse God! Those souls have fallen into his trap. One day he will take them into his home of torment and fire. At that time it will be too late to repent to Yehovah. If you are involved in any of those sins or any other habitual sin, such as alcohol, drugs, or gossip, or anything else that Yehovah would not do, you will be ending in torment for all eternity.
Now is the time to repent.
“Break up your tillable ground, and do not sow among thorns. Circumcise yourselves unto Yehovah, and take away the foreskin of your hearts, you men of Yahudah and inhabitants of Yerushalayim., lest My wrath come forth like fire and burn, with none to quench it, because of the evil of your deeds.”
Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 4:3-4
I speak specifically to the assemblies (churches) in America. We are in this land and we are experiencing Covid 19, earthquakes, floods, and a government who is not helping us. We as the called out ones are responsible to do something about it. Such catastrophe are allowed by Yehovah to help us. If we listen to His voice and repent, He will stop sending these signals. The Word calls those things Harbingers. You may have read the books of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. If you have not, your should do so.
What is happening, I believe, is a warning from Yehovah unto us to change and recognize Him as our Creator, and recognize His only Ben, His only Son, Yehoshua HaMashiach, our Messiah.
Today is the day to repent. Listen to what the prophet Yirmeyahu has said, for it applies to all of us.
Yehoshua was answering the man who came to Him with questions.
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born from above, he is unable to see the reign of Elohim.” Yochanan/John 3:3
He kept telling him,
“Truly, truly I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Ruach, He is unable to enter into the reign of Elohim. That which has been born of the flesh is flesh, and that which has been born of the Ruach is spirit.”
Yochanan/John 3:5-6
Remember, Yehoshua died on the cross and also rose again. His resurrection confirmed His Deity. He was Elohim (God) in the Flesh. He died for you to inherit eternal life. For we cannot go to Heaven with our sins. But we could not pay for it with good works. The penalty for sin is death.
(See Romans 3:23)
Read some of my other messages too, and know that unless you are not born again by the Spirit of Yehoshua you cannot be saved.
We must repent of our sin first, and then his Ruach, (Spirit), will come into our life, and we are born again. You will become new, your sins will be canceled as though you never sinned. Yehoshua shed His blood for you, and when you repent, His blood will cleanse you. At that point the past will be gone forever, and now you have the ability to live for Him. Forsaking all other gods.
Now, in this very moment, you can be born again!
To repent means to turn away from sin, and begin to serve Yehovah. You must be very sorry of your sin, and ask Yehovah to forgive you for offending Him, and others.
The Holy Spirit will help you to repent now. Do not wait. Seek him now, for He is very near you.
I have spoken about being born again, because although you may go to church, no one told you that you need to be born again. Only after you are born again, you get baptized, and not before or at birth.
And after this experience you can receive the Power of the Ruach haQodesh and receive the Prayer language (See Ma’aseh/Acts 1:8; 2:1-4
You can write to me for more information, at shomerhatorah@gmail.com
Will you please visit Amazon and down load my books. I have my autobiography, “NEW LIFE AND GLORY; THE LOST SHEEP; AND STRINGS OF PEARLS available now for you
Thank you.
Thank you for seeking Yehovah today.
Please remember that Yehovah is the correct Hebrew name of our Creator, whom the translators wrongly give Him the title of the LORD, but He has a name. I honor Him by calling Him by His Name that He graciously has given us in His Word over 6800 times!
I speak about this fact in other messages, and you many want to read about it. But you can also find a few books who teach about His Name.
Yehoshua is the correct name of His only Ben/Son. We know Yehovah as a Son, read the Psalms and find out. But you can also read the so called New Testament and find Him there. He is the Lamb of Elohim who came down from Heaven and became man, in order to save us from our sins.
The Ruach haQodesh is called Holy Spirit in English. I also use the names of the books in the Bible in Hebrew and in English.
Yahudah is Judah
Yehrushalayim is Jerusalem.
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