Why talk about revival? Are we dying? Are we loosing sight of where we are?
Are we so consumed doing the same things over and over and we do not see that something is missing?
I remember in my early years of life, that my grandparents had a donkey that they placed a mask over his eyes and tied him on a rope. The rope was connected to the stone mills. The donkey had to go round and round to make the stone turn and grind the wheat in to flour. This poor donkey had no will power to change his situation. He had to do what he was told to do, and the rope was strong enough to keep him going. This was his job.
Some Governments do the same thing to their citizen, we may have this experienced already in some form. They brainwash the population to do their will, and they have to obey them, or they will threatened with punishment. The people loose their dignity and future. They have no mind on their own anymore.
Their future, in the natural is in the hands of the government. A person looses his life, or his personal desires for his future, in order to live his life in obedience to the ruthless leaders.
Sometimes religions do the same thing. They hire some of their congregation to do what the pastor envision, and a person has lost his free will to fulfill his calling in life.
They train that person to do a specific ministry, and bring to the lost souls into their church. This is good, but some times it can be too much for a new believer who is still growing in the life of the Kingdom of Yehovah.
They are not allowed to say that that is not their calling at that moment, and to quit, because they would be branded as rebellious!
Some pastors are very demanding and controlling, which damages the new believer.
Ourselves sometimes continue to do something over and over and see no results.
Unlike the donkey who is actually grinding flour, and doing the job right, we may be getting tired and want to quit because we do not see results.
We may become stressed and may take a trip to get away nicely.
I personally know such believers who had to remove themselves for a while and try to do something else.
How did they do it? How they discovered their true calling in life?
During that time they sought Yehovah.
He or she does not have to continue to do something that Yehovah has not equipped them to do.
Prayer is a most important key in the Kingdom of Heaven. We must pray and fast. Yes, praying and fasting will help you and I to enter into the presence of Elohim. Spend much time in the presence of Yehovah, and you will be blessed beyond any expectation.
If you have the heavenly prayer language, you must pray in your heavenly language and the Ruach HaQodesh/Holy Spirit, will intercede through you to the Father Yehovah on your behalf. Soon you will be able to hear the voice of Yehovah, and you will lovingly obey Him in everything He asks you to do.
Obedience is vital. He does not have to use you in His Kingdom if you are stiff-necked. Remember that you, if your are born again, have been bought with the precious life of Yeshua. You no longer belong to yourself, but to Him. You have to live a pure life.
Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from Elohim (God), and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify Elohim in your body and in your spirit.
Qorin’tiyim 1/1Corinthians 6:19-20
You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.
Qorin’tiyim 1/1 Corinthians 7:23
He wants you to consecrate your life to Him completely. He will certainly direct you to do His perfect will, and you will have peace.
Indeed, the Ruach HaQodesh will give you direction and you will receive the peace and joy you so needed.
As I said, you must obey Him. You learn of His will for your life first and foremost by reading and meditating His Word. Read the Word from Bereshit/Genesis to Chazon/Revelation. He will speak clearly to you, and when He does you obey Him.
If He says for you to move on to another fellowship, you must immediately obey Him. He also may tell you spend time alone with Him for a season, and He will speak to us very clearly.
He will manifest His glory as we surrender our lives to Him. He may speak to us through visions, dreams and or by simply hearing His voice.
When we are doing the will or our Father in Heaven, we feel content. We do not have to strive to produce, for the Ruach HaQodesh leads us gently, and He is not an evil taskmaster. He has prepared us for the ministry or for the job we are supposed to be doing.
The feeling of been misused or abused is removed with joy and peace and contentment. We no longer feel that we are robots. But one thing we must do: never be angry to our employers or pastors. Always know that we must forgive or we will not be forgiven. And if by chance we may have difficulty forgiving we ask for His grace, and He will give it to us. The Ruach HaQodesh/Holy Spirit, is our Helper, and will help us to be holy.
“It is for your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.” Yochanan/John 16:7-11
And if you are not born again, you must be. Yeshua says so.
“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of Elohim.” 5 “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of Elohim. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the “Spirit is spirit.” Yochanan/John 3:3,5-6
I have talked many times of the necessity of being born again. You should know that you cannot be a follower of Mashiach if you are not born again. You must be born again.
But how, you may ask? As mentioned in other messages to be born again means that we must acknowledge that we have sinned and deserve to go to hell, and be eternally separated from our Heavenly Father.
We must repent and confess our sins to Yehovah. Next believe in His only Ben/Son, Yehoshua, and receive in Him into your life. The reason for that is that He paid the price for our sins, which cannot be forgiven apart of the shedding of blood.
And according to the Torah/law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is not remission. Romiyim 9:22
We no longer need the sacrifice of animals, for they never took away the sin, but they provided a temporary covering. Now we have the blood of the Living Elohim, who became Flesh and die for our sins. In Him we have the true atonement. (See Yeshayahu/Isaiah 53; Tehillim/Psalm 22; Tehillim/Psalm 40:6-8)
You need to believe in him or you will be lost for eternity. He, Yeshua, is the only way to the Father.
He said it this way: I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Yochanan/John 14:6
If you will will do these simple things, you will experience your personal revival. Next you must be baptized in water in the name of the Father Yehovah, the Son Yeshua, and the Ruach HaQodesh.
There is something more that He, Yehoshua, wants you to have.
Now that you are born again, and obeyed Him in water Baptism you can receive the next blessing.
In the book of Ma’aseh/Acts He said: “..You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Ma’aseh/Acts 1:8
To receive this power is simple. You simply ask Yeshua to Baptize you with His Spirit and you will speak in the language He will give you. Simply open your mouth and do not think on what to say, let Him speak through you. His Spirit is in you, and you will be able to speak His language. He could give you earthly languages, languages you have never learned, or heavenly languages. However, when you speak in those languages you are praying the perfect prayers according to the will of the Father. You will be ready to pray for the sick and see the sick healed. You will be able to receive words of knowledge
to bless people.
Be ready for your personal revival and be ready to be used according to the perfect will of the Father in Heaven, Yehovah.
Please read Yochanan 1/1 John 1:7-9; Marqos/Mark 16:15-18; Qorin’tiyim 1/1 Corinthians 12, 14.
Please read the scriptures in order for you to have a better understanding of my message.
You can also reach me at: deborah.atzori@aol.com and shomerhatorah@gmail.com
Thank you very much and enjoy your personal revival!
Please read my books, New Life and Glory, and Strings of Pearls. Both are on Kindle/Ebook and on softback. Thank you.
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