Today I want to talk about the length of days, but not how many days we may have until the end of the world. That subject I live it to the scholars. They may give you dates and times when the New Heaven and New Earth will be re-created, but I will not talk about this today. Times and dates belong to Yehovah alone.
But I will speak on the length or our personal lives.
I have been occasionally been gifted with a gift that may not be too appreciated by the sinner, but welcomed by the righteous. By “righteous” I mean a person who has been born again and therefore has had his sins washed away in the Blood of Yehoshua.
As you may know, if you are familiar with my blogs, Yehoshua is the Biblical name of our Savior. His name is also shortened to Yeshua. He is the One whose name had been removed and given the name Jesus. However, as you may know, Yehoshua means “Yehovah saves,” while Jesus means nothing. Hebrew names have always a meaning. The name many times describes the person. But this is not the purpose of this message.
I want to ask you a question: Do ask Yehovah what is the length of your days on this planets? Would this knowledge scare you? It might if your sins are not washed in the Blood of Yehoshua. Because if you are born again you know that to be absent of this body is to be present to Yehovah. When our soul lives this body immediately is in the present of Yehovah. If we know Yehoshua as our Savior we have nothing to fear. Therefore as believers we know that dying is a blessing, not a curse. When we die we are going to Heaven, and we are alive for eternity, and eventually have a new body, as Yehoshua had at His resurrection.
But let us assume that you are not a believer, and Yehovah reveals to me, for some reason, that you will die in a a specific set time. What would you say to me? Would you tell me that I am cursing you? If you would say that means that you are far from Yehovah. You may have been saved, or born again in the past, but presently you are living in sin.
The right response to this information would be one of self-inspection. I would pray and ask Yehovah to reveal any secret sin in my life.
Or I may be fornicating and or not obeying His Commandments, and I would need to make things right.
We know that the length of days for the sinner are not blessed, and usually are shortened. In fact you may notice that a drunkard and a smoker do not live a healthy life and die early. I know personally one person who could not stop drinking and smoking and died at 58 years old. That was a shock to the family, the wife and daughter mourned his death for many years. You see, this man did not know that Yehoshua could help him to quit. He did not know that Yehoshua died for sins, and he could receive eternal life in Heaven with Him.
However there are others that may live a long life because people are praying for their deliverance and salvation. Those people will receive a visitation at the end of their days, before dying and finally give their lives to their Savior. However they lived a miserable life.
Others when told they will die, they will repent and Yehovah increase their life span.
I second Kings we read the following story:”In those days ‘”Chizqiyahu/Hezekiah was sick and near death. And Yeshayahu/Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, went to him and said to him, “Thus says Yehovah, “Set your house your house in order, for you shall die and not live.’
Melakhim 2/2 Kings 20:1
The Scriptures tells us the King cry out to Yehovah, and immediately Yehovah spoke to Yeshayahu telling him the following:
“Return to Chizqiyahu the leader of My people, “Thus said Yehovah,, the Elohim of Dawid your father,, “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears. See, I am going to heal you. On the third day go up to the House of Yehovah.” Melakhim 2, 20: 5
As you can see, Yehovah listens to our prayers. But sometimes we do nothing to change our ways, and then our life is cut short. In fact the Scriptures speaks about this subject.
Solomon reigned only 40 years, and the end of his reign had enemies, all of this because he disobeyed Yehovah. He got too many heathen wives that turned his heart after other gods.
“For Solomon went after Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Sidonians, and Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites. Solomon did evil in the sight of Yehovah, and did not fully follow Yehovah, as did his; father Dawid. Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, on the hills that is east of Jerusalem, and for Molech the abomination of the people of Ammon. Melakhim 1, 11:5-7
You may say that you would never do that! I warn you now. If you are not serving Yehovah and obeying Him, and you refuse to believe in the Mashiach Yehoshua, you are indeed an idolater. You are already serving other gods, and you need to repent.
Repent today and consecrate your life to Yehovah and believe the gospel.
Yehovah warned Solomon and told him:
“So if you walk in my ways to keep My statutes and My Commandments, as your father Dawid walked, then I will lengthen your days.”
Melakhim 1, 3:14
Solomon was the most wise man on earth. However, He had a problem with sex and that ruined him, and die prematurely. You think you can escape His Word if you do your own thing? You may be alive today by His pure mercy because He wants you to repent and save you from hell. Choose today to serve Him, and live a peaceful life. Amen.
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