Mishley/Proverbs 26:27 “Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, and he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him.”
The above verse of Scripture is written in the Bible, which is the collections of Scriptures that Yehovah, (Our Creator), has given us to teach and help us. However, we humans fall into the pit all the time. Why is this? One main reason is for lack of knowledge.
Hoshea/Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” NKJV
Hoshea 4:6 “My people is destroyed because of [your] disobedience!” (T I B)
Clearly lack of knowledge means we have no knowledge of the Word of Elohim, and therefore disobey it.
It is common sense, that if we do know the law, we will not do it. However it is crucial when it comes to the Word of Yehovah that we know it and obey it.
He has given us His Commandments for us to obey them. When we transgress any of them we will pay the consequences.
The Commandments are given to us to bless us, not to put us in bondage as some may want to imply.
If we criticize someone we are trying to destroy that person. When we try to blame someone and try to impeach him for no valid reason, we are digging a pit for ourselves.
It does not make any difference if we know the Word of Yehovah or not. His Word is perfect and truth. Therefore it always accomplishes what it says. His Word does not return void.
Yehovah is not like a man, who says one thing and does another.
When a man, who does not know Elohim (God), says he will never do, he does. Man is amazing in his deficient knowledge!
Haman wanted to destroy the Jews. He even made a pit for to hang a particular Jew because he would not bow the knee to him. But He ended up been hanged on it!
He received this bright idea from his own wife Zeresh and his friends. He was an enemy of the Jews, therefore he did not read the Tanakh, the Scriptures. He did not know the consequences to his sin.
Esther 5:14 Then his wife Zeresh and all his friends said to him, “Let a stake be put up, fifty amot high, and in the morning ask the king to have Mordechai impaled on it. Then you can go gaily with the king to the feast.” (T I B)
Ester 5:14 Then his wife Zeresh and all his friends said to him, “Let a gallows be made, fifty cubits high, and in the morning suggest to the king that Mordecai be hanged on it; then go merrily with the king to the banquet.”(NKJV)
Haman was not happy to kill only one Jew, but wanted all of them destroyed.
In Esther 7 we read that Haman wanted to destroy all the Jews in that kingdom. Queen Esther invited the king, her husband, and that wicked Haman to a banquet twice. The second day she revealed to the King the plan of the wicked Haman to destroy all her people.
When Haman heard that she was a Jew, he became very much afraid, however now he would receive the reward for his evil plan.
In the same gallows that he wanted to hand Mordecai, He was hanged on it.
The King said: “Hang him on it” Esther 7:9
You see, as children of Yehovah, we cannot bow the knew to another man! This is idolatry, which is the same as worshiping the deceiver called Satan, who is the liar and father of lies, and the murderer himself! Mordecai could not disobey Yehovah and bow the knee to a man. You may want to read the whole book of Esther. It will be of great help to you.
We must choose to worship only Yehovah and His only Ben/Son Mashiach Yehoshua, who is the Savior of the world. If we do not, Satan himself, will make you pay for it with your life.
This message is not to intimidate anyone, or to accuse anyone, but to make everyone aware of the righteous and Most Holy Elohim that we serve.
There is a Law of Retribution we must learn.
It is best to do unto others what we want others do to us. If we break that law we run into big troubles. The choice is always ours.
But if we repent of our wrong doings, we will be forgiven. To repent means to stop going the direction your are going now away from God, our Creator, and choose to serve Him alone.
Yehovah made provision for us when He sent His only Son to this planet to pay for our sins by His death. Yes, sin has a penalty: Death.
Yehoshua died and rose again on the third day according to the Word of Yehovah to redeem us from our sins.
Each of us must be born again. (Yochanan/John 3:3-8)
Today if you do not know Yehoshua as your Savior, and if you have not been born again of His Spirit, you can do it now.
Simply believe with all your heart that Yehoshua is Elohim in the flesh; ask Him to come into your life and save you from your sins. His Blood will wash away all your sins and make you clean.
His Spirit will come into your life and you will be born again and receive Eternal Life.
From that moment begin to obey the rules of the King Yehovah, and trust Him to give you eternal life with Him in Heaven.
One day in the future after we have died, we will rise again from the dead as Yehoshua did, and be with Him forever in Heaven, which is a place where is complete joy, and peace. A place where all needs are met. Never again for we will never experience any need. We will have everything we desire. We will no more be in a place of lies, strife and contentions, but we will live in complete freedom, serenity and fulfillment.
Without you being born again a person will indeed rise again, but not to a place of comfort, but to a place of great pain and discomfort for all eternity.
Choose where you want to spend eternity, heaven or hell.
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