This is part 3 of to the Jew first.
Yehoshua, also called Yeshua, which is the
contracted form of Yehoshua, which in English is Joshua, as mentioned in a
previous message, is the Ben Dawid or Son of David. The Gospel of Mattithyahu
in the Brit Chadashah/New Testament gives us His detailed genealogy. Yeshua is the
Word of Yehovah made flesh.
1:15, 9-13 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the
Word was Elohim. 2 He was in the beginning with Elohim. 3 All came to be
through Him, and without Him not even one came to be that came to be. 4 In Him
was Chai, (Light), and the Chai was the Light of men. 5 And the light shines in
the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. 9 He was the true Light,
which enlightens every man, coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and
the world came to be through Him, and the world did not know Him. 11 He came to His own, and His own did not
receive Him. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to become
children of Elohim, to those believing in His Name. 13 Who were born not of
blood nor of the desire of flesh nor of the desire of man, but of Elohim.
I have spoken in a previous message that Yehoshua or
Yeshua, who some erroneously call Him Jesus, was born as the descendant of Dawid
HaMelekh. Therefore Yehoshua was indeed the King of Israel!
Please note that the letter J is not in the Hebrew
alphabet. This letter was invented long after the birth of our Mashiach, and,
this letter J, is only about 500 years
Yehoshua came first to the Lost Sheep of Yisra’el,
to save them from their sin. Man is born in sin, as result of the sin of the
first man Adam. Yehoshua is also called the second Adam, for He came to undo, or
to recover what was lost. Adam had communion with Elohim every day until the
fall. This communion it has been restored in this Mashiach-King-Savior–Elohim Yehoshua.
How could He rescue us, the Jews first, and then,
all humanity, from our fallen nature and bring us back to our Father in Heaven?
Yehoshua, the only Ben of Elohim Yehovah, came as a Servant to take the penalty
of our sin, which is death. He left Heaven and became Man. At the right time He
had to die, and He did that, when voluntarily,
He took our place on the stake or cross.
Yes, man, betrayed Him as prophesied. However,
it was necessary to save the Jewish people, and all humanity.
Now I will write a few Scriptures. We already know
that Yehoshua is the Ben of Elohim.
2:16; 11-12 Why do the gentiles rage,
and the peoples meditate emptiness? 2 the sovereigns of the earth take their
stand, and the rulers take counsel together, against Yehovah and against His
Mashiach, 3 “Let us tear apart Their bonds, and throw away Their ropes from us.”
4 He who is sitting in the shamayim laughs, Yehovah mocks at them. 5 then He
speaks to them in His wrath, and troubles them in His rage, 6 “But I, I have
put My Sovereign on Tsiyon, My qodesh mountain.” “I inscribe for a law: Yehovah
has said to Me, ‘You are My Ben, Today I have brought You forth.
Here begins a prophetic utterance for the future,
and continue now in verse 11
Yehovah with reverence, and rejoice with trembling. 12 Kiss the Ben, lest He be
enraged, and you perish in the way. For soon His wrath is to be kindled. Barukh
are all those taking refuge in Him.
needed to establish once again that Yehoshua is the Ben of Elohim.
came from heaven to be our Sacrifice; we no longer would need animals.
40:6-9 You, Yehovah my Elohim have done many things; the wonders you have
devised for us cannot be set out before You; I would rehearse the tale of them,
but they are more than can be told. 7 You gave to understand that you do not
desire sacrifice and meal offering; You do not ask for burnt offering and sin
offering. 8 Then I said, “See, I will bring a scroll recounting what befell me.”
9 To do what pleases you, My Elohim, is My desire; Your Teaching is in My
inmost parts.
The above verses are prophetic words spoken by the
prophet and King David about our Mashiach!
Yehovah came to this world to pay the penalty for our sin. We are all
18:4 “See, all beings are Mine, the being of the father as well as the being of
the son is Mine. The being that is sinning shall die.”
3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of Elohim, 24 being
justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Mashiach
Yehoshua, whom Elohim set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith,
to demonstrate His righteousness.
Yehovah made a way for us to be reconciled to Him as
He was with Adam in the beginning of Creation. We can know Yehovah and Yehoshua
personally when we believe and accept Him. We must be born again.
3:1-5 And there was a man of the Pharisees, Nakhdimon was his name, a ruler of
the Yahudim. 2 this one came to Yehoshua by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we
know that You are a teacher come from Elohim, for no one is able to do these
signs You do if Elohim is not with him. 3 Yehoshua answered and said to him, “Truly,
truly, I say to you, unless one is born from above, he is unable to see the
reign of Elohim.” 4 Nakhdimon said to Him, “How is a man able to be born when
he is old?”5 Yehoshua answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born
of water and the Ruach, he is unable to enter into the reign of Elohim. 6 That
which has been born of the flesh is flesh, and that which has been born of the
Ruach is spirit. 7 “Do not marvel that I said to you, “You have to be born from
When a person recognizes their need for Yehovah, and
surrender their lives to Yehoshua , our Atonement, we become born again. His
Ruach haQodesh comes into our life and we are then born again.
But for this to take place Yehoshua had to first die
to redeem us from our sin.
Some folks think they are so perfect and they do not
want to recognize they are sinners. For instance, Have you ever looked to a
woman with lust? This is sin. Have you cheated on your spouse? That is also
sin. Have you stolen even only a pen or pencil? This is also sin. Have you had
an abortion? This is murder. Read the Torah, and the Shemot 20 and listen a
simple list of sins. We cannot redeem by ourselves. Our good works are like
filthy rags, Yeshayahu said it by inspiration of the Ruach haQodesh.
64:6 And all of us have become as one unclean, and all our righteousness are as
soiled rags. And all of us fade like a leaf, and our wickednesses, like the
wind, have taken us away. And here is no one who calls on Your Name, who stirs
himself up to take hold of You; for You have hidden Your face from us, and have
consumed us because of our wickednesses.
8 And now, O Yehovah, You are our
Father. We are all the work of Your hand.
59:1-3 Look, the hand of Yehovah has not become too short to save, nor His ear
too heavy to hear. 2 But your wickednesses have separated you from your Elohim.
And your sins have hidden His face from you, from hearing. 3 For your hands
have been defiled with blood, and your fingers with wickedness; your lips have
spoken falsehood, your tongue mutters unrighteousness.
We need a Savior, and He came!
As mentioned He was not accepted by His own people.
He was betrayed by one of disciples. Yehovah said it long before it happened.
41:9 “Even my own familiar friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has
lifted up His heel against Me.”
11:13 And Yehovah said to me, ‘Throw it to the potter,” the splendid price at
which I was valued by them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw
them into the House of Yehovah for the potter.
26:14,15; 20- Then one of the twelve, called Yahudah from Qeriyoth, went to the
chief kohenim, 15 and said, “What would you give me to deliver Him to you? And they
counted out to him thirty pieces of silver. 16 And from then on he was seeking
an occasion to deliver Him up.
And when evening came, He sat down with the twelve. 21 ad they were deeply
grieved, and began to say to Him, each of them, “Adonai, is it I? 23 And He answering,
said, “He who has dipped his hand with Me in the dish, he shall deliver Me up.
24 “Indeed, the Ben of Adam goes as it has been written concerning Him, but woe
to that man by whom the Ben of Adam is delivered up! It would have been good
for that man if he had not been born. 25 And Yahudah-he who delivered Him
up-answering, said, “Rabbi, is it I ? “ He said to him ,”you have said it.”
knew who would deliver Him, and He knew what kind of death He would die.
will end here for today, but will continue on my next message. Meanwhile please
read the Brit Chadash/New Testament, your Jewish Book, and learn all about your Jewish Mashiach. The
Book has been written by Jewish men, except maybe for Luqas, but we do not know
for sure if he was Jewish or not. Read the Scriptures, and you shall know the
truth and the Truth will make you free. You will have a personal relationship
with your Creator as you invite into your life.
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