Friday, February 28, 2020


Yehovah gave me a dream this morning.  In this dream I was preparing to give a message. The message was going to begin with talking about the most revered Name of Elohim, our Creator. His Name has been neglected out of fear of men, and possibly other reasons. But now the situation is so bad. His Name is defiled, literally corrupt because it is forbidden to be pronounced.  
 I am not implying that each individual is corrupt. Yehovah has always a remnant, and I hope you are one of them.
However, the Name of Yehovah has been hidden for too long. To be hidden one day would have been too much, but it is going for millennia,  and it is time to REPENT. Yes, repent. Whoever was that did not permit to place the correct vowels on the letters, (yod, hey, vav, hey), sinned against Yehovah. Those original people are now dead and gone, yet the lie persists.
The vowels of Yehovah are the same as my name Devorah. The vowels are, shewa, cholem and qamats. They are the tree vowels that allow us to pronounce the Name correctly.
Even my name is a little distorted for many write it and pronounced without the final hey, or even simply Debra! I do not accept that. Yehovah has given me the name Deborah, and it is pronounced  Devorah in Hebrew, with the accent on the final ‘rah’ and so it must be. Yehovah is also pronounced with the accent on the final “vah.”
I personal refuse any variation on my name.  Can you imagine Yehovah how He feels when they have forbidden  pronouncing His Name all together? What a shame! Each of us loves to hear our name called, but we deny our Creator the same right.
Sarai name was changed, together with Abram. He added the "hey" on both names. Yehovah Name has  two “Hey” in His Name. It means something of value, or He would have avoided using them. Each letter is important.
 Names mean something in Hebrew. In our days parents name their children names that have no meaning. It is a shame! But Yehovah gives meaning to every word He has spoken. Every letter is important in the Word. And not only the letters, but their pronunciation.
 Then why the Most Sacred Name has been corrupted by some fearful leaders? How come the rest of the leaders, and their followers, have continued to obey that teaching, until today, but are disobeying their Creator Yehovah?
His Name is being dishonored.
Yehovah dried up the Yarden/Jordan so that people would get to know Him and rever Him. We must not corrupt His Word, or be found guilty in His sight.
“For Yehovah your Elohim[i] dried up the waters of the Yarden before you until you had passed over, as Yehovah your Elohim did to the Sea of Reeds, which He dried up before us until we had passed over, so that all the people of the earth shall know the hand of Yehovah, that it is strong, so that you shall rever Yehovah your Elohim forever.”Yehoshua/Joshua 4:23-24 (HS)
How can we obey our  Elohim Yehovah if we cannot swear by His Name?  Do you know that we are commanded to swear by His Most Holy Name?
 “If you will return, O Israel, “says Yehovah."Return to Me; And if you will put away your abominations out of My sight, then you shall not be moved. And you shall swear, “As Yehovah lives; In truth, in judgment, and in righteousness; The nations shall bless themselves in Him, and in Him they shall glory.” Yirmeyahu[ii] 4:1-2  
The English translators, including the most revered New King James, follows the perversion and calls Him, “The LORD” instead of the correct Name Yehovah.
Yirmeyahu is calling us to REPENT.
“RETURN, you backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings.” Yirmeyahu 3:2
Return means to repent. It means to turn around from going the wrong direction, and come back to Yehovah.
He goes further…
For thus says Yehovah to the men of Yahudah and Yerushalayim; “Break up your fallow ground, and do not sow among thorns. Circumcise yourselves to Yehovah, and take away the foreskins of your hearts, you men of Yahudah and inhabitants of Yerushalayim, lest My fury come forth like fire, and burn so that no one can quench it, because of the evil of your doings.” Yirmeyahu 4:3-4
Yisra’el went into captivity because they did not keep the Sabbath, and other sins. The Temple was destroyed because of sin. Altering and literally changing the Name of Yehovah is a horrible sin, and has its consequences as all sin. His Name must be spoken.  A person cannot remove the vowels to make the Name impossible to be pronounced. The People have been instructed to read Adonai[iii] instead, and the reader supposed to read Adonai, or LORD. THIS IS A LIE. Yehovah has not given anyone the right or authority to remove or to change His Name.
This is the reason in English the translators write “The LORD.” In English the people think and believe that His Name is The LORD! This is a lie. We must unveil this corruption, and choose to obey our Creator by Calling Him by His Correct Given Name YEHOVAH!  King James translators and all translators repent for your doing. Return to your Elohim and stop lying to people.
Yirmeyahu 16:19-21 Oh Yehovah, my strength and my fortress, the Gentiles shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, “Surely our fathers have inherited lies, worthlessness and unprofitable things.” Will a man make gods for himself, which are not gods? Therefore behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know My hand and My might; and they shall know that My name is Yehovah.
I want you to realize that the English New King James translates the correct Name Yehovah as “The LORD.” THEY DO THIS ALL THE TIME!
Now you know His Name, and You responsible to call Him by His correct Name.
Now you can swear by His Name in truth. The problem is when people swear by His Name they are lying. This is what vain is all about. We cannot pronounce His Name in vain. Vain in Hebrew is – shav-  which means, “deceit, deceitful, deception, emptiness, empty, false, falsehood and so forth. You understand that when you prevent  pronouncing the Name correctly you are making His Name of no value or useless, deceitful and so forth! You destroy His Name! His Name looses the power. But the power is in His Name, and we cannot call Him by a title and think we are protecting His Name.
His Name is in the Scriptures 6828 times! Do you think Yehovah fears that someone misuses His Name, so He commanded  to hide it after He gave it? NO! He did not say that, but man did that to their detriment! Those who are still obeying the FALSE teaching need to REPENT NOW! The world needs to know His Most Wonderful Name Yehovah. Let us shout it from housetops fearlessly! You must Get rid of the  false devotion, and realize you are corrupting and destroying the most revered Name in the Universe. Stop and Return to Him with all your heart, and experience His Blessings.
There is no Fear of Yehovah anymore in most people. They choose to obey their false teachers instead of Yehovah. Let us pray for their repentance, for Yehovah is a forgiving Elohim. He is ready to forgive when we come to Him in repentance with a very contrite heart. Each of us has sinned, each of us must repent, and we must forgive the sinners. We forgive those who removed the Name from the Bibles, but we cannot obey their rules. We choose to obey only Yehovah and serve him with all our heart. Yehoshua, Yehovah’s only Ben/Son, died and rose again to Redeem us sinners. Let us cry out to Yehovah with a true remorse and true sorrow and receive His forgiveness. Let us receive the cleansing of the Blood of Yehoshua who paid the price in full once and for all. His Blood was shed. Now let us receive His atonement and be at peace. Let us thank Him for giving us a new chance. His love is available to us all. He is our Father, and we are his children. Spend time seeking Him today. Do not forget that this evening begins the Sabbath day of rest.
Shabbat Shalom!
Yehovah El Olam (Yehovah El Everlasting)-Bereshit/Genesis 21:33
Yehovah HaShophet  (Yehovah the Judge) – Shophetim/Judges 11:27
Yehovah  Izuz  Vegibore (Yehovah Strong and Mighty)- Tehillim/Psalm 24:8
Yehovah Elohe Tzevaoat  (Yehovah Elohim of Hosts)- Tehillim/Psalms 89:8
Anochi Yehovah Eloheka (I am Yehovah Your Elohim)-Shemot/Exodus 20:2
Today if you want too, take the time to find out His Name, and change it in your Bible. Do not be afraid to  the correct what is false. Learn to say His most Powerful Name with reverence and holy fear. The Fear of Yehovah has to come back to the church so that we do not destroy His Word, and stop sinning against Him.

[i] Commonly called God.
[ii] Jeremiah
[iii] Lord

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