Monday, November 25, 2019


“Then He said to  him, ‘A certain man gave a great supper and invited many, and sent his servant at supper time to say to those who were invited, ‘Come, for all things are now ready. But they all with one accord began to make excuses. The first said to him, ‘I have bought a piece of ground, and I must go and see it. I ask you to have me excused’”- Luke 14:16-18 
            The Son of the living Elohim (God)  is saying, “A certain man gave a great supper and invited  many.”  However, all  made excuses. I have been inviting people to come to learn the Word,  and invariably many make excuses. Others say that they will come, but they do not. We need to invite homeless people that  may be in need of a shower, and  their dirty clothe may smell from perspiration. They may  need natural and spiritual cleansing as we all do. In the past, (and sometimes now also),   I have gone to the beach to help another ministry to feed the poor physically and spiritually. Some of them they  understand that they need to serve their Creator, but others come only to be fed.
            I am not talking today about inviting people to a church building, but to invite the lost to serve Yehovah and believe in His only Son, Yehoshua ha’Mashiach.
            We cannot be selective on who to invite,  and we do need wisdom how to present the Word, which is Truth. We also cannot pressure them to   force a commitment. This is not effective, and it will not bear fruit that will endure to eternal life. 
            I personally take time to teach someone who is interested.  Because  I  keep the Shabbat day holy,  I invite friends to my home to celebrate Shabbat on the beginning of the Shabbat, which is at sundown Friday evening, or  the sixth day of the week. We eat some food, share the Word, take communion, and pray for one another. It is a special time to connect with one another and mostly with Yehovah and Yehoshua.
            I do not teach man made  religion or traditions of man.  I teach the Word and I believe that if I do this little thing, those who come will eventually understand Truth and some day be fully committed to serve Yehovah as I do.
            If someone make excuses, that person is not ready to repent of his sin. I simply keep on praying for them. Yehovah is the only one who can save, but we must do what He has commanded us: “Preach the gospel.” I  obey Yehovah  to share the Word, and He will  do the convicting and saving.  To Him be all the glory! What is your excuse? Will you come to Him while you still have the gift of life? Once you die, it is too late.

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