Friday, August 9, 2019



(Part 2

As I mentioned in the first message this will be a day of disaster for those who have not chosen to serve Yehovah with all their heart. Such person is called a godless person, or a person without Yehovah, who is our Elohim, and without Yehoshua who gave his life to save them.
The prophet Amos spoke the following words under the inspiration of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) “Woe to you who are longing for the day of Yehovah.  What does the day of Yehovah mean to you? It is darkness, and not light. -Amos 5:18.(HS)
Yoel says the same thing (Yoel 2:2). It is going to be a day of clouds and thick darkness  (Tsephanyah 1:15-16).
The prophet Yeshayahu said the judgment will come suddenly because men have defiled the earth with sin. “For the earth has been defiled under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the Torot, changed the Law, broken the everlasting Covenant. Therefore a curse shall consume the earth, and those who consume the earth, and those who dwell in it be punished. Therefore the inhabitants of men shall be left.” -Yeshayahu/Isaiah 24:5-6 (HS)
Why am I writing about this subject? I write on this subject because it is upon us. We have defiled the earth with the blood of the innocent. Slaves and unborn babies have suffered at our hands and they have been murdered!  Children and even adults have been offered to other gods,  our hands are filled with blood …
“For your hands have been defiled with blood, and your fingers with wickedness; your lips have spoken falsehood, your tongue mutters unrighteousness. 4 No one calls for righteousness, and no one judges for truth. They trust in emptiness and speak worthlessness; they conceive trouble and bring forth wickedness.”- Yeshayahu/Isaiah 59:3-4 (HS)
Has not Yehovah told us in advance of the sin we would commit and of the calamities that would come upon us? Then why are we so hard in their heart and did not listen to His voice? He is warning us of the days ahead that are upon us already.
If you hear His voice do not harden your heart, or you will suffer the consequence in one sudden moment when you least expect. Can you imagine that He will destroy the earth with fire with its  inhabitants! I pray you  and take heed to his message today and  will make changes in your life is you need to do so.
17 “Is it not yet a little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into garden land, and garden land be reckoned as a forest? 18 and in that day the deaf shall the words of the Book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of gloom, and out of darkness. 19 and the meek ones shall increase their joy in Yehovah, and the poor among men rejoice in the Qodesh (Holy) One of Yisra’el. 20 For the ruthless one is brought to naught, the scorner is consumed, and all who watch for evil shall be cut off, 21 those who make a man to sin in word, and lay a snare for him who reproves in the gate, and turn aside the righteous in the gate, and turn aside the righteous with emptiness. 22 Therefore thus said Yehovah, who ransomed Avraham, concerning the house of Ya’aqov, “Ya’aqov is no longer put to shame, no longer does his face grow pale.  23 For when he sees his children, the work of My hands, in his midst, they shall qadosh (hallow) My Name, and qadosh (hallow) the Qadosh One of Ya’aqov, and revere the Elohim of Yisra’el.  24 And those who went astray in spirit shall come to understanding, and the grumblers accept instruction.” -Yeshayahu/Isaiah 29:17-24
Once the merciless, murderers, thieves and robbers,  and all liars will be destroyed, those who will stay alive will live in complete peace: emotionally, spiritually and physically. Yehovah will have to clean up the wicked in order for His faithful people to enjoy His shalom.
Where are you now spiritually? Have you surrendered your whole life to Him? Beware of “Evil company  corrupts good habits. -Qorin’tiyim1/1 Corinthians 15:33
“The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them away. -Mishley/Proverbs 12:26 NKJV
“The righteous is a guide to his neighbour, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.” -Mishley/Proverbs 12:26
Meditate on these passages of Scriptures, and if you need to do a change in your life style, please do it before it is too late. I personally know a person who had to divorce her husband because he wanted her to take drugs with him, and have out of marriage affairs also together with him. And on top of this he asked her to just live together without being married, in other words He was asking for a divorce. He wanted her to go on welfare and simply live together. He did not want to support her, but wanted her physical body.
 He had been defiled by  the free hippy lifestyle and now he was completely out of his mind, so to speak. She had no choice but to divorce him and  let him go. This is one case, but there are many cases of  non believers who will make their friends go away from the ways of Yehovah. Be careful and choose your friends carefully, or it could cost you eternity with Yehovah, and end up forever  with Satan and his angels.
We are living in very difficult times. Be faithful to your wife and children.  If you are a woman, be faithful to your husband and your children. Be in the Word, serve Yehovah by obeying his Commandments, and develop integrity at your work place. Yehovah knows what you do, and one day He will reward your faithfulness.

Until next time still continuing this message.   

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