(Part 13)
I have been talking about Antioch paganism, and the
fact that the believers began to be called Christians there. I want to continue
to stress the fact that the situation instead of being correct by the so called
leader, or “Church Fathers”, it became worse. In fact those Church Fathers came
out of Gnosticism and introduced heretical believes to the Body of Messiah. I
just read that Augustine, a man who is revered even by the Protestants, had
been a Manichean for 9 years before joining the Catholic Church. Epiphanius had been a Nicolaitan, which is a
religion Yehoshua said He hates.
2:6 “But this you have that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also
Yehoshua was not pleased with this assembly because
they were lukewarm, however He commanded them because they hated the
Nicolaitans deeds, as He also hated. No
wander the hierarchy in the churches today is like a pyramid or a ladder. This
teaching began from the beginning or the birth of the so called “church,” but should
have been called assembly or congregation.
Yehovah did not command this type of rule ship. He
said to consider ourselves to be servants. We are not supposed to think highly about ourselves. He does not want
a believer in Him to rule over another, because
we are all brothers and sisters. We must always walk in humility, and not with
the pride of men.
Another church father is Ambrose who is also quoted
so many times in church services. He was a Valentinian which is another cult.
They all were in the cults and they brought their “gifts” to the assemblies.
What a shame! But how much more shame is to the churches now that they are
supposed be enlightened, to continue in error! Of course not all the assemblies
are in such deep error, and I thank Yehovah for this also, but the majority is.
However, now there is a teaching that every “church” needs to be governed by an
apostle. Those “apostles” are self proclaimed, and not appointed by Yehovah or
Yehoshua. Pride has no limit. Beware!
Of course we do not know what kind of life or other
kind of service those church fathers may have contributed to the believers, but
a corrupt tree cannot produce good fruit, and we see the fruit today.
All of those sects or cults rejected the Torah, which is called “Old Testament Law” and some rejected even the
Great Mighty One of Yisra’el of the Old Testament, Yehovah Himself, and the
Giver of Life! They equated Him to the Evil One, or haSatan! How tragic for
them, and for those who followed their teachings! The Valentinian reject all moral law, which
lead to total moral decay. They behaved as a half-way house for about two
hundred years between Christianity and heathenism and Christianity. The
Marcionites they also contributed to reject the Tanakh, or what is called the
Old Testament. Sun worshipping Mithraism, which is the worship of the sun at the center of it, infiltrated the Messianic
Teachings. The Manicheans worship on Sunday to honor the sun god, while being
Christians! This teaching continues today by all churches. When will the
leaders wake up and read the Scriptures?
There is much more to say, of course, but you
beloved reader, need to do some research yourself. I know it takes time to
search our roots, but it will pay off.
The Roman Catholic Church was birthed on 325 CE at
the Council of Nicea. The Roman Emperor Constantine, who was a zealous sun god
worshipper of Mithras, bore the title of “Pontifus Maximus” High Priest of
Paganism, and this is the title of the Pope. He was a sun god worshipper of
Mithras to the day He died. On March 7, 321 He made a proclamation stating: “All judges and city people and the craftsmen
shall rest upon the Venerable Day of the Sun.”
The legal final change took place at the Council of
Laodicea around 343 and 381 CE according to Canon 29 which states: Christians must not Judaize by resting
on the Sabbath, but must work on that day, rather honouring the Lord’s Day;
and, if they can, resting then as Christians. But if any shall be found to be
Judaizers, let them be shut out from Christ.”
They fought the Torah with all their might! They
were and still are anti-Semitic or anti-Truth.
Let us remember that the Roman Church describes
their act of changing the day of worship from the Sabbath to Sunday their mark of power. However, this does not
impress our Creator the Giver of the Torah. He is still King of the Universe,
and will always be. Let us not hate anyone, but love and continue to pray for
the salvation of the lost souls. We let Yehovah who is the Supreme Judge take
care of each of us. We must continue to love our neighbor as ourselves, and we
must obey the Commandments, in spite of others not wanting to do so. Each will
give an account for his on sin.
I know this message is not well received by most
believers, but the truth needs to be made known.
In 341 C.E. at the Council of Antioch, Believers in Yehovah
were forbidden to celebrating the Passover, which is the first Appointed Feast
of Yehovah
(Moadi) celebrated in the first biblical month. Instead
they were told to celebrate Easter, which is a day deeply-rooted in pagan
worship, and is named after the fertility goddess Easter. This goddess is also
known as Astarte. Because of this change
they began to dye the eggs for Easter. Originally the eggs were dipped in the
blood of the innocent sacrificed infants on the altar of Easter. So many pagan
traditions were becoming part of the so called “Christian” church.
Since many new converts came out of paganism, they
did not mind the change to Sunday at all. The fact that they did not have the
Bibles as we do today, and they could not read the Scriptures for themselves,
made the change easy. The church began teaching that John in the Lord’s Day was
in the Spirit, (Chazon/Rev. 1:10) therefore they now could worship on the
Lord’s Day. However, John or Yochanan did not mean Sunday; he meant that is was
the Sabbath’s Day, or Yehovah’s Day. Yehoshua never declared to be the Lord of
Sunday, but to be the Lord of the Sabbath.
When Constantine came into power there was great
persecution against the new believers, but he worked it out to unite paganism with faith. Syncretism! And this is still done today. Yehovah has no
need of days of rest, or worship days. He has given them to us, but the church
still neglect them. Now their faith became immersed in paganism. This was worse
than the persecution for their body, not they were losing their soul. During
this time the true believers or the Nazarene remained true to their faith, and
only lived and proclaimed the Torah. Because of that they were not in one
accord with the Christians. They were accused as heretics, and this goes on
even today. The Christians accuse the Torah keepers to be under the Law. A
person is under the Law if they are relying on their works to save them. But a
true believer is not under the Law for obeying the Commandments, which are not
OLD, but eternal. We obey Yehovah’s Word
out of love for Him. When we obey the Torah, which means instruction, we are
kept safe from the attacks of satan, who attacks those who disobey the Word of
Yehovah. If we keep the instructions we will not sin against Him. The Commandments help us to live
right, all the Commandments, not only those we would like to choose, and
discard the others. We cannot pick and choose in the Kingdom of Yehovah. Either
all or nothing. We must be fully committed to Him, and do His will, not ours. The
problem is that we have not been taught that the commandments are part of the
Covenant Yehovah had made with us. If we refuse to disobey His Commandments, we
are no longer in Covenant with Him, we become outsiders, or gentiles. Communion
and water Immersion are commanded, and they have to be observed as Yehovah as taught His People. And we also need to obey all other commandments.
“You shall love Yehovah with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all
your strength.”
26:16 this day YHWH your Elohim commands you to observe these statutes and
judgments; therefore you shall be careful to observe them with all your heart
and with all your soul.”
This is also what Yehoshua taught.
“And Yehoshua said to him, “You shall love Yehovah your Elohim with all your
heart, and with all your being, and with all your mind.”
You cannot say that you love Yehovah if you do not
obey Him. Yehoshua said:
you love Me, you shall guard My Commands.” ( Yochanan 14:15
I have taught in other passages about the Mashiach
teaching Torah. He did not come to abolish the Torah, but to fulfill, or to
give meaning to it. He suffered and was buried for our sins instead of us. We
know that obedience is part of the salvation experience, for we lived in
rebellion before we surrendered our lives to Yehovah to serve with all our
heart, and all our being. We do not belong to ourselves, but to Him. Let us not
become as the first Christians who ended up doing things contrary to the Commands.
I will end the Sabbath teaching today, but I want to
inspire you to dig deeper into your
faith, and find treasures for yourself. Read the Word, and the let the Word
change you.
His grace is sufficient for us to be able to serve
Him in Spirit and in Truth. Let us be faithful and love Him with all our heart
from today on and forevermore.
I must add that many churches are now beginning to obey the Commandments and keep the Sabbath Day Holy. They may still worship on Sunday, but they are making a real effort to change and to incorporate the Sabbath Commandment. Yehovah is merciful and slow to anger. He is going to renew the true believers. Those who did things contrary to His pattern. He will reveal His Covenant and bless them. Yehovah always has a Remanent. Let us continue to seek His Face and expect to see the great move of His Spirit all over the earth! Let us not be discouraged but hopeful.
I did not write this things to offend or to condemn anyone. I was in a church for many years, but He chose to take me out of it. I still minister at a small church some times. I love everyone no matter where they are at the present time. Many people are ignorant of the truth and this is the reason this message has been written. I was there too. But I am glad I am serving Him and doing all I can to obey Him with true Fear of Yehovah. We are called to repent, and when we do the Blood of Yeshua will cleanse everyone from all sin. He can blow on the ashes and resurrect them. Shalom.
I must add that many churches are now beginning to obey the Commandments and keep the Sabbath Day Holy. They may still worship on Sunday, but they are making a real effort to change and to incorporate the Sabbath Commandment. Yehovah is merciful and slow to anger. He is going to renew the true believers. Those who did things contrary to His pattern. He will reveal His Covenant and bless them. Yehovah always has a Remanent. Let us continue to seek His Face and expect to see the great move of His Spirit all over the earth! Let us not be discouraged but hopeful.
I did not write this things to offend or to condemn anyone. I was in a church for many years, but He chose to take me out of it. I still minister at a small church some times. I love everyone no matter where they are at the present time. Many people are ignorant of the truth and this is the reason this message has been written. I was there too. But I am glad I am serving Him and doing all I can to obey Him with true Fear of Yehovah. We are called to repent, and when we do the Blood of Yeshua will cleanse everyone from all sin. He can blow on the ashes and resurrect them. Shalom.
“Ye-varekhekha YHWH (Yehovah) ve-yishmerekha
YHWH panav ‘eleykha vichunnekha
YHWH panav ‘eleykha ve yasem lekha shalom.”
Bemidbar 6:24-26
“Yehovah bless you and keep you;
make His Face shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.”
they shall put My name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them.”
(Numbers) 6:24-26-27
Name is very important, and we cannot substitute His Most Holy Righteous and
Powerful Name. Let us call upon His Name and be saved!