Monday, December 6, 2021


Shalom my friends,

Today I need to share one of my testimonies. February 6, 1978 at 5:20 PM. I received a word from Yehovah (the LORD), saying to me: “One of your sons is Mine.” When I heard that word I knew one of my sons, would be taken from the earth to be with Him. In my heart I asked Him, “Which one?” He did not answer verbally, but in my heart I knew that my youngest son, who was almost five year old. He was my adopted child, and now I knew he would die and go to heaven.

I had complete peace. I immediately told my husband about it. But I think he felt I was becoming insane! After several month my husband left me and eventually got divorced.

I will not speak in detail about this time in my life, suffice to say that during that year I had many signs that my son would die.

Meanwhile he himself was supernaturally taken up to heaven and saw Yehoshua and God’s house which he described to be very big. He also had played with cats and dogs in Heaven. In one of his visits to heaven he also saw horses! He was taken there several times, as I understand.

Exactly one year later, February 6, 1979, my son fell into a ditch in Makawao, Maui, Hawaii, and died trying to save his brothers’ dog from drowning. The time was 5:20 PM! I saw my son for the last time, just before he died, therefore I know the correct time.

Because I was now a born again believer in Yehoshua some folks thought I just let him die, or I did not take care of him properly. I was practically blamed for his death. Those people although very much religious and church goers, were ignorant of the Word of Yehovah and of of His ways.

First of all we must remember that we are not shaped like cookies with a cutter and all die at the same age.

My mother lost seven live children after they were born from ages between a few months old, to 13 years old. Many years later, my oldest and only brother alive died at the age of 89! And I am still alive at 82, going on 83 in a few weeks!

I remember a family member came to me just a few weeks after my son’s death and asked me why would God take him? She was questioning the fact that Yehovah had already told me about it. I had no answer at that time, except that He had already told me that He would, and I know that Yehovah loved him, and my son wanted to go to Heaven because He loved Yehoshua whom he had seen in Heaven. He also saw an angel few days before he went to heaven when I was praying with him, before he would go to sleep.

This is all I knew. But that nice lady still questioned “God” for taking him, for he was now only 5 years and nine month old.

That thought did not made me think negatively about my Elohim, for I had consecrated

myself and my whole family to Him after He had told me about the fact that my boy was His.

Once I became a believer, for I had been an atheist for a while, I surrendered my whole life to Him, and dedicated my whole life to serve Him. I never questioned my Savior why he had to die, but of course I missed my boy, and still do.

Eventually I found the following verses in the Scriptures.

The righteous perishes, and no man takes it to heart; merciful men are taken away, while no one considers that the righteous is taken away from evil. He shall enter into peace; ….”

Yeshayahu/Isaiah 57:1-2

My son was taken away because my Savior did not want Him to go into drugs and alcohol which were all around the family. He was spared much pain, and so was I. But that is not the only reason why He took Him. Each of us has a time limit in this earth. We have to use this important time seeking Him, our Creator, and when we find Him, through His Word, or preaching of the word, or through personal revelation, we must choose to love Him with all our heart, and learn to trust Him, and obey Him.

I will see my son in Heaven soon, and I can hardly wait for that moment. But even more joyous is the moment I will see Yehoshua face to face! To die is to finish the race. When I will be done here, I will go to Him, and be with Him for all eternity.

My boy finished what he had been born to do. His calling was not one to be an evangelist in this world. He witness the short years He had been granted.

He did not have to live and experience pain and give me problems. He left completely pure and innocent. He received his reward. He has now the crown of life.

You may want to download my autobiography on and read the complete story of my life which includes the short life testimony of my son.

The reason I have written this blog today is because Marcus Lamb, a minister of the gospel has died recently. I heard some Christians blaming COVID 19, which triggered his death, they say. But I heard from his wife that he also had other physical problems. However, he went because he had finished his assignment down here. I will also see him in heaven some day.

This man was used by Elohim. I met him some time either in 19839 or in 1984. I was on the Island of Molokai as a missionary to help start a church for another ministry on Maui, Hawaii.

He came a the be a guest speaker. He had learned the whole book of Mark, one of the gospels, word for word and he recited it. He had an excellent memory.

However, he loved Yehovah and served Him. He was the person who started Day Star television program. He went to heaven at the age of about 60-or 62, I am not sure. He finished his race. He went to heaven to get his crown. Why do we worry? Going to heaven is our destination. Earth is only the place to learn about Yehovah and believe in Yehoshua, and learn of Him, and do His will.

This place is only temporary. In fact this earth will be destroyed and Yehovah will create a new one.

We cannot be attached to this life. Our goal is to get to know our Creator, Yehovah. Get to know His ways, which by the way, are not as our ways!

Why should a believer question Yehovah for taking Him? COVID did not cause his death. Yehovah decided to take him home. Yehovah could have healed him, but He did not because it was his time to take him. It was his time.

Today if you, beloved reader, realize that your days on this earth are numbered. You do not know how many days you have. However if you do not chose to learn about your Creator, or you refuse to believe the gospel, that Yehoshua came into this world to save us sinners, you will not find yourself in a peaceful place, but in the very hot place. If you have read any of my other blogs you will realize that there are only two places to go when your life is taken: one can be heaven, if you trust your life into the hands of a loving Father and Savior, and the other is a place of torment called hell.

Please choose today where you want to spend eternity. Do not wait, for your life could be removed by a simple cold or Covid, or by simply stopping breathing. Yehovah knows how you will die, but die you will.

Please realize that you are a sinner and need to be saved and rescued from the hands of a cruel master, which is Satan.

More next time, for now please seek your Creator and when you find Him, serve with all your heart.

Yehoshua said it this way: “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.”

Yochanan/John 14:6

He also said:

Most assuredly I say to you, unless one is born again, cannot see the kingdom of Elohim (God).

Yochanan/John 3:3

and He also said:

Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of Elohim (God).

Yochanan/John 3:5

Today can be your day of entering into the kingdom of Yehovah which never passes away. Chose Him today, and your name will be never removed from the book of life. Your name has to be written there, or you will be cast into the lake of fire!

Shalom until next time!

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