Thursday, January 26, 2023


 What I have learned about casting devils is very important for every believer. 

Satan rebelled against Yehovah, our Creator in Heaven and took with him one third of the angels. Those angels were very good and each had a specific gift, but when they fell they became the opposite. If they were love, they became hate. 

They have been defeated on the cross by our Savior Yehoshua HaMashiach. He took the authority or the keys from Satan. His kingdom of darkness is no longer powerful because it has been defeated and destroyed by our Savior Yehoshua. We do not fear demons or men, for at salvation we have received Yehoshua and He has given us power over the devils.

Luke 10:19

"Behold , I give you the authority to trample on serpent and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you."

Mark 16:15-18

"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he  who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents ; and if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

Next we must know the devil has power to come into our bodies when we sin. Even we repent the demon who came when we sinned has to be removed forcibly. He is a squatter. He no longer belong in the believer and you must take the authority Yehoshua has given you and remove him.  Every sin you have committed has put you in bondage. 

The devil does not live where the Holy Spirit is. When you got saved the Holy Spirit came into your body. 

The demons or evil spirits or unclean spirits stay in your flesh. In you legs, mind, stomach, liver, hands, anyway they find empty.  Demons come in groups. 

How do I cast out demons, you may ask. 

You must repent of all the sins you have committed since you can remember. Write them down. Forgive everyone who has hurt you. 

If you do not forgive them, Yehovah cannot forgive you. Read Matthew 6:9-13 the prayer Yehoshua gave to the apostles. You are only forgiven as you forgive others, but if you do not forgive you will not be forgiven. There are many verses in the Scriptures. You are a believer and should read the Bible and know the will of Elohim on this subject.

Then apply the Blood of Yehoshua over the sins,and then i reject them. I say "I reject you. I renounce you, I refuse you demon of..(say the name of that sin-demon) to stay in my body. You are now trespassing and I evict you from my body in the mighty name of Yehoshua (Jesus) HaMashiach, ( Messiah) the Son of the living Elohim Yehovah  I take authority over you  and  I cast you into the Abyss. Go and never come back."  

You do not have to say exactly what I said. I do this because it gives me the faith in Yehoshua. He is the One who is removing them. It is your faith in His name that causes the demons to go.

You may have unbelief in you. You think that you do not have the authority. If you think that you have a demon of unbelief. I also had to do this. 

You may have to continue to do it until you know that you are free. When you are casting the demons, you may cough, vomit, burp, spit or whatever. They may speak through vocal cords and scream. You be happy because they are coming out. 

Do not think you do not have demons. Remember the curses of disobedience come up to the third and fourth generation. You may have done the same sins your ancestors have done. You have do this. The curses must repent of those sins, apply the Blood of Yehoshua over those sins and curses, renounce them and cast them out. Pray and ask Yehoshua to anoint to do this. He will give you the grace you need. Ask Him daily for His grace to hear His voice. You need discernment and patience.  Do not expect to happen in one day. Yehovah will reveal to you what you have forgotten and then you will cast that demon out as the others. 

Daily repent of sin; cover that sin with the Blood of Yehoshua, and take authority of that demon who has come in. If you do this every day you will stay free from demon attacks.

I was in a church 27-28 years off and on. The pastor never preach on us being in need of deliverance. It is obvious the pastors and the congregation we are all the same. All of us need deliverance. Do not be ashamed all Christians need to be delivered. You cannot cast the devil out from a person who has not being born again. The devil will attack you if you try. This happened to me. He will cause sickness and much harm. The same was is when you try to come against the principalities of the air, wind, rain, earthquakes etc. You are not authorized to do that. The authority you and I have received as sons of Yehovah is to heal the sick, which is demonic, and cast out all demons from ourselves and any believer in Him and Yehoshua that asks you for help.

If you need more information which I am sure you do visit the following web sites.

you can also send me a email at: 

and visit these websites. 

I pray you do this  and be free in the mighty name of Yehoshua HaMashiach, our Savior, Master, King, and Bridegroom.


Final word: deliverance is only for believers. 



Thursday, January 12, 2023



Today I want to listen to a portion of a true story.

One day, Clemens went to visit her friend Juliana. When she arrived she was surprised to find two other visitors there. One was her friend Claudia and the other was Ronald, the young worship leader. This situation seemed strange to Clemens, but she joined the group. Soon Ronald asked for prayer. All three girls prayed for him. Then suddenly Claudia left saying, “I am going to tell the pastor.” She practically ran out of that place. Clemens was perplexed. “What happen to her? Why is she running downtown to talk to the pastor?” What is the big news?””Claudia is usually so well behaved and very nice.  What is she going to report to the pastor?” Soon after Ronald also left, Clemens left alone with Juliana. Now was her chance to ask questions, “Juliana, what happened, why Claudia left running saying that she would tell the pastor something…but what is the news? Telling him what? Is anything wrong?”

This true story is written in my new book “THE LOST SHEEP.”

This is the story of a very deceived person. We cannot serve two Masters, either we serve one or the other.

My books are on sale on Amazon.  I have other books there that you may be interested to read.

Be blessed as you search for truth. Yehovah’s  grace will guide you and keep you from falling into deception. Deception is taking many into the land of the enemy and cause them to lose a life of peace and joy. Only as we serve Yehovah according to His ways, will be at peace and receive eternal life.



Beloved brethren, my heart aches as I hear so many so called Christians, who are supposed to be disciples of Yehoshua and servants of our Creator Yehovah, speaking evil against the Jews.

How can the branch who has been grafted into the olive tree grumble and criticizes the root that sustain her? Can they rule and make new laws? Has not Yehovah chosen the true descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to receive the oracles of Yehovah? Has He not sent His only Begotten Son into this world to the descendants of Avraham and Yitzchaq, and Ya’aqov to the land He has given them to Israel? Has not Yehoshua, His only Ben been born in Bethlehem and grown in Nazareth? Did not Yehoshua died for the sins of His Jewish people, and for the Gentiles? Did He, Yehoshua not die and rose again after three days and returned to Heaven, and then ten days sent the Holy Spirit to lead and empower all of us who believe in Him?

Has He not preached to the Jews first and commanded them to go into thew world to make disciples of all nations? Have not the Christians received the truth of the gospel from the Jewish people who received the gospel first and then went to teach the whole world?

My question as a Jewish person, why the so-called disciples or Christians of Mashiach/Messiah, hate the Jews? Why they speak evil and condemn them about the Palestinians who have taken possession of the land that belong rightly to the Jewish people? The Palestinians are pilgrims, not owner of the land.

The Palestinians do not belong there, they are Arabic and not Jewish. The land they occupy was called Palestine after Israel was sent out because of their sin. But the Palestinian are foreigners, and their own nation, refuse them. Yehovah has brought back all the tribes back to Israel, as He promised He would do in the last days. They came back after they finish their time in exile. They need to know Yehoshua as the Gentiles do, no different. However, now in Israel there are many Jewish people who are true disciples of Yehoshua and many are getting saved every day.

The Palestinians are not Jewish, but Arabic. They are the same as Mexicans who have come to America and then they would force us to get us out of here or destroy us. This is exactly the plan of the Palestinians, and they speak it plainly in Arabic, but Christians do not speak Arabic, so they many of them hate all Jewish people.  How can you a so called Christians, who supposed to love Yehovah with all your heart, soul and strength, and your neighbor as yourself, hate the people Yehovah has chosen, and through them you are blessed?

They have given you the Mashiach true faith, and you hate them?

The Palestinians  could become  part of Israel, as many Arabic families have done,  but they want to destroy Israel and want to be  the true heirs of the land. They plainly say, go into the sea!

They want the land, which will never happen. They forget that they are fighting against Yehovah Himself. Yehovah is committed in Covenant with Israel, and He will chastise them if they do wrong, as He will do to America very soon, and the whole world, but will not remove them from the land He has given them through the promise He made to Abraham and to  Israel.

Christians wake up and love them, do not curse them with your hate and evil speaking.

Christians you do not know the facts and make Israel look like they are of the devil. You are mistaken, and you are indeed fighting against Yehovah Himself.

 Why do you as a born again Christian, our brethren in the Mashiach, do not learn Arabic and listen of the words and threats the Palestinians  speak in Arabic against the Jewish people? The Palestinians receive benefits, they are taken care by Israel,  but they want to steal the whole land which Yehovah has given strictly to the descendants of Abraham. They cannot do that for it has been promised strictly to the descendants of Avraham as already mentioned. I just want to make sure you are really listen to what I am saying. And you can get angry with me, but you are coming under the judgment of Yehovah Himself because you are cursing Israel, His Chosen People.

Listen to the word of Yehovah to Avraham and Israel.

Genesis 12:2-3 “I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the family of the earth shall be blessed”

Beloved many have been blessed through the many inventions Yehovah has given to His People Israel. You yourself in your house have things Israel has invented. The nations have been blessed through Israel because Yehovah keeps His word.

I urge to you, brother and sister who have learned the gospel through us, the Jewish people, do not curse us. His word is truth. Many nations who fought Israel have been destroyed by Yehovah, and He is still faithful to His word. People who have come against Israel have been judged. What will you say to Yehovah on judgment day?