Monday, May 23, 2022


Today I sense to publish this word I heard in the spirit a few days ago.  As you may have realized we are living in a world that is going to be changed very fast. America as it is now will be no more by next year.

Read the following:

TERROR! TERROR on every side!  Windows are closed, the curtains drawn close. Fear on every heart. All because My Son has been neglected, left out of their lives, and have spoken their own judgment.

 (To the leaders)


The fire of affliction is coming, and the fire of My Spirit is kindling.

Now is the time for AWAKENING.



The church, but not all, are still teaching that Yehoshua is coming back to deliver them and take them away before the tribulation. The church is asleep. Putin is preparing to attack. He wants to breach the resistance in Europe, Italy, Austria, Germany, France and England and other states. Many will die. China is preparing for a worldwide campaign.

Church you are sleeping. You cannot escape. America will be decimated.  The enemy’s plans are going to come to fruition soon. You as a believer in the Savior Yehoshua, need to wake up and clean up your life. You do not have much time.

An outbreak of the Spirit is coming very soon and has already begun in some of the hearts of men, but it is not yet visible. What are you doing? Will you continue to feast on the lies you have been fed? Please wake up today and seek the Face to the Almighty. Famine is coming, and it has already begun. All the money you have stored up will not be enough to sustain you in the days ahead. Do not be so concerned about your physical body and neglect your relationship with your Creator.

 Can you not yet see the danger ahead? Persecution is coming very fast. The Word will be fulfilled, and only after all these things take place the Son of Man will appear in His glory.

Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from Heaven, and the powers of the Heavens will be shaken. Then the Son of Man coming on the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of Heaven to the other.

Mattithyahu/Matthew 24:29-31

There is no silent rapture! Fix this in your mind now. He, Yehoshua, who you also call Jesus, will be visible to all and there will be great noise! The trumpet will sound, and it will be the last trumpet to sound  (Qorin’tiyim 1/1 Corinthians 15:52) and then He will come in His glory and defeat His enemies and take the righteous with Him. Read the Bible for yourself, and stop being fed those lies. Stop listening to such preachers! Read the Word and seek the Face of Yehovah now before it is too late for you. Do not be ignorant!

Do not be deceived by the false teachers who say that you will not have to go through the tribulation. Listen what Yehoshua says, not what those leaders have fed you. Be one who study the Word of Yehovah and stop believing what you hear on television or behind the pulpit of your own church. You will go through the tribulation and possibly your head will be cut off! Do not fear man, who can kill the body, but cannot kill your soul. Fear only Yehovah who will send you to Hell if you reject Him and the Way of Salvation, His only Ben/Son Yehoshua.

Fear Elohim (God) alone! Stop believing the lies. Cleanse yourself up from all filthiness of the flesh now, before you will be killed by the enemy.

I prayed that I would not be here during the tribulation. Yehovah has answered my prayer.

Persevere now in Holiness, for without holiness no one can see Yehovah. Obey Him and get rid of your secret sins. Do not hide from Him, for He knows all things you do in secret. Do not criticize others, while you have a log in your own eye. Stop judging others and judge yourself first. Walk humbly before Yehovah and obey Him alone. Reject all false teachings you hear.

“Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which will come to the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.”

Chazon/Revelation 3:10

Until next time, but today stop sleeping!  You must repent of your sin, and ask Yehoshua to come into your heart to save you. Believe that is Elohim, the only Son of Yehovah, and that He suffered and died because of your sin and that of others. But it is a personal issue. If you did not sin, His death would not have been necessary. But your sin and mine caused His death. You could not die for your sin, which is the penalty for your sin. (Romans 3:23), but Yehoshua Himself Who is sinless, could and did die for your sin. Today, if you did not yet receive Him as your Savior, you can do it now. If you do this you will have your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and you also will rise from the dead as He also did.

Be at peace today as you yield your life to Him.


Sunday, May 22, 2022



Part 2

I will continue today with the deceitfulness of riches.

Yehoshua had 12 apostles and one of them had the money box and stole the money from it. He complained about Myriam who lavishly poured the spikenard anointing oil on the feet of Yehoshua.

But one of His disciples, Judah Iscariot, Simon’s son, who would betray Him, said, “Why was this fragrant oil not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?” This he said, not because he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and had the money box; and he used to take what was put in it.”

Yochanan/John 12:4-6

Judas was taking money from the box thinking Yehoshua would not notice, and eventually he sold Yehoshua for 30 Pieces of silver!

Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver Him to you?” And they counted out to him thirty pieces of silver.  So from that time he sought opportunity to betray Him.

Mattithyahu/Matthew 26:14-16

Judas and many today are under the spell of having a lot of money, and they are deceived.  Remember when Yehoshua was tempted by Satan who promised Him the kingdom of the world if He, Yehoshua, would bow down and worship him.

Again the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”

Then Yehoshua said to him, ‘Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship Yehovah your Elohim, and Him only you shall worship.”

Mattithyahu/Matthew 4: 8-10

Some ministers have bowed the knee to worship Satan, and therefore they have been getting such wealth. But Satan is deceiving and at the end of their lives they will regret what they have done, but it will be too late for some of them.

We know of some ministries that they promise to give the money to the poor, but they use for their own personal purposes. They may give a small portion of that offering to the poor, but the rest goes into their personal wealth. They use it to buy themselves mansions down here on the earth, but they will lose their mansion in Heaven.

The fact that if they do not repent, they will never go there.

But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

Chazon/Revelation 21:8

Let us understand that Yehoshua has a remnant that does not lie and does not accumulate wealth from the offerings of the poor.  Yehoshua had 12 apostles, and one betrayed Him, not all ministers are doing wrong. But if you find out the minister you are sending the money has a mansion and fly privately owned airplanes, you do better if you do not trust him.

When a person brags that has the toilet bowl cover made of gold, I would run the other way. Yet, this is happening. That minister has gone into full deception and has forsaken Yehovah’s and Yehoshua’s teachings. I do not care how many books he/she has written, or how much he/she is on television, he/she is in for the glory and  the gold, and not for the love of Yehovah.

Be sober and vigilant for the devil is where you are to make you fall.

Those ministers have convinced you that Yehovah told them to get the plane, and even a more expensive plane, but look at their faces for they are not speaking the truth.  

 No. I believe that Yehovah would have to them, “Give to the poor and fly with other passengers who need salvation. Be humble. Do not misuse the money I am giving you. Do not steal. Do not use it for your own pleasure.”

We must pray and ask the Holy Spirit where to give the tithe and offerings, and attentively listen to what He says.

It is best to give directly to the poor in the city you are living, then to give to such ministries, for they have gone the way of the enemy and deceive you.

We are told from Yehovah, to personally give to the poor, not to send to some preacher. It is our responsibility to find a poor person and give to them what they need according to our possibility and the leading of the Holy Spirit.  Never give when emotionally touched by the preacher.

Next: Do not give to receive. Yehovah is a good accountant and knows how much you give, and He will reward you accordingly.

Yehoshua, our model, did not even have a place of his own to sleep when He began to minister. And so did the traveling teachers and evangelists later on. They always gave to the poor, individually.

At times the fellowship fed the poor, especially in the beginning. They gave unselfishly to the poor.  (See Ma’aseh/Acts 4:32-37).

I spoke about this in other messages. Paul is one of the greatest examples of a minister carrying the cross of humility and lack. He became an apostle and suffered so much for the gospel. But look at the fruit of his ministry. After so many centuries we are still blessed to read the words he wrote under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. He was a true minister. At the end of his life he died for the faith.

 You should read the Book of Ma’aseh/ Acts  and the letters he wrote. Find out what a true minister of the gospel is all about.

Do not be fooled by nice words.  

Paul actually worked and preached the gospel. Sometimes he may have lacked, and other times he had abundance according to the provision Yehovah gave Him and fed those who were with him. He worked to make a living.  He was not in for the money!

Yehoshua told me that the money is drying up. What He mean is the money will not be available as it is now. Famine is coming. You may have noticed the prices of everything you buy are getting higher every time you go to the store.

 Many big ministries will not be able to continue as they are. Others will close for lack of money. Many will also die. Tribulation is around the corner.

You will find out that many ministers will no longer be able to have the television station. Communism is here and soon Christians will suffer hunger, and the freedom will be taken away. Underground churches will be formed supernaturally by the Help of the Holy Spirit.

Once again, let me advice you to give to the poor, for this is the will of Yehovah and ask Him where He wants you to give your tithe and offerings. But always give to the poor.

Never give to get. But give because you must obey Yehovah. He will direct your path if you seek Him with all your heart.


Friday, May 20, 2022


Part one.

Aloha my friends!

In my last message I have spoken on the love of money, and today I need to continue to speak on money and its deceitfulness. Many of us may have been deceived by the influence of money in our own lives. I hope that what I will say to day will be constructive and not condemning anyone. However, I invite you, the readers, to make inventory on how you make your money and how you use or misuse it.  

When Yehoshua was teaching on the Parable of the Sower, He spoke about the various results that take place when the seed of the Word is sown. Some seed falls on the wayside and some on stony ground. Other seed falls among thorns, and others  fall on good ground. (See Marqos/Mark 4:3-8)

Today I want to speak on the seed that falls among thorns. Yehoshua explains it this way:

“And some seed fell among thorns; and the thorns grew up and chocked it, and it yielded no crop. 18 Now these are the ones sown among thorns; they are the ones who hear the word, and the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desire for other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.”

Marqos/Mark 4:7, 18-19

Please note that I call my Creator Yehovah, for I am fully convinced that it is His name.  A few years ago, I did not know His Name, but now that I have learned His name, I call Him by His Name, and He answers me. If you disagree with me, it is fine. It is up to you to search for truth, and you will find. I am fully convinced that Yehovah is His name. It took me a long time to accept this pronunciation, but I made some research myself, and found the Name written with the vowels and finally accepted it as truth. So far different vowels have not been found written on the four-letter name Yod, He, Vav, He, in any manuscript.

And now let me continue to speak on the deceitfulness of riches.

Take up the cross and follow Him.

This verse has not been preached from the pulpits of America for a very long time. Now the message has changed, but Yehovah has not changed. And now let us read what Yehoshua had to say to His disciples.

Then Yehoshua said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.   For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his sown soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?  For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with his angels, and then he will reward each according to his works.

Mattithyahu/Matthew 16:24-27

Yehoshua begins to say that if we desire to come after Him, we must deny self and take up his cross and follow Him. Frankly I have not heard such message from a very long time. The messages now are to get blessed which is to them to be rich and follow Him, because He loves you so much and wants you to have everything you want, as long as you continue to give your money to such ministers. I am not exaggerating. I heard one message saying that she wants the rewards now not later in Heaven. It is obvious she has no understanding of the Word, or she is completely backwardly into the world.  She is not serving my Savior, but self.  She is very wealthy now, and has a big ministry.

Such ministers equate been blessed to be wealthy! The word prosperity mean to be successful, not only becoming rich. You are very successful when you have, or the enormous palace they may have. The true prosperity or success we must achieve is to completely and immediately obey Him. Our goal in life is please our Heavenly Father and do His will, not to fulfill our fleshly cravings. But greed and great pride has, sadly, invaded the church. 

Riches chucks the true faith. The deceitfulness of riches is a true statement. Many have lost their way by twisting Scriptures to their own detriment.  Riches has deceived them and they deceive others. Once again, the love of money is the root of all evil.

Being prosperous has nothing to do with being a millionaire; flaying your own airplane, driving the most expensive car, such a Maserati, or Mercedes, or whatever expensive car they may have does not prove that they are blessed. Often this is the proof that they have left the way of the cross. They are deceived.

In fact, if you have all these things that you have acquired from the money you get on television promising great things to you, it is stealing. You are stealing from the naïve, and ignorant people who listens to you.

I heard many messages that promote blessing in exchange for giving to that minister all they ask. Making promises that they would get out of debt supernaturally, if they sent them that great amount of money! This is not of Yehovah. Yehovah does not work that way, however, those men and or women are cheating the public.

I never read in the Scriptures that been wealthy is the result of been blessed. Those ministers are not serving my Savior. They are saving, just to be nice, themselves.

Our model to follow is Yehoshua, and all the apostles.

To be continued.