Hear, Yehovah, when I cry with my voice! Have mercy also upon me, and answer me. When You said, “Seek My face,” my heart said to You," Your face, Yehovah, I will seek.” Do not hide Your face from me; do not turn Your servant away in anger; you have been my help; do not leave me nor forsake me, O Elohim of my salvation.
-Psalm 27:7-9
According to this psalm King David had been a little backslidden in his walk with Yehovah. Maybe he had been so accustomed to be helped by Yehovah, that he neglected to come and spend quality time with his Elohim. Yehovah fought so many battle for him, and maybe He was taking Him for granted for a little while. We do not really know the facts, however, we have read that Yehovah was telling him to seek His face! Something was not quite right in his relationship with His Creator. Maybe he had some secret sin? Could it be that he needed to repent? The point is that Yehovah needed to hear from him.
And so it happens to many followers of The Way, Yehoshua Ha'Mashiach, (mostly called Jesus the Christ. I choose to use His biblical name, as you notice.)
Beginning from pastors and leaders, we have noticed that the gospel is not preached as it was in the past. Of course, not all pastors are guilty of this sin. But many maybe they have not sought the Face of Yehovah. Instead of having His Presence in their churches, they sought church growth to bring the people in. If He would have repented of their hidden sin, souls would have come, and the church would not need man's ways to make it grow. The congregation would have been healed and set free.
Yehovah is saying to them: “Seek My Face.”
Too many times pastors compromise the truth in order to have the people continue to come to their church. This is a problem for Yehoshua says it is not their church, or their people, but His bride.
I heard a pastor saying lately that Yehoshua told him that He is coming with vengeance for His bride, his sheep, because it has been fleeced!
I checked this word in my Italian-English dictionary and the definition for fleeced is: shear, pluck like a chicken, and some other dictionary may say cheated.
How many times the pastor or evangelist say: If you give this certain amount of money God will heal you, or you will get out of debt. And "You have to give all the tithe and offering to the church. This is also not true. Some people have gone into debt as result of false promises. And many have given out of their food money, in order to help pay for a building project. They have been taken advantage also because they have not received the Baptism of the Ruach haQodesh that He has graciously sent for us to help us in our prayer lives and ministries.
Many pastors have not addressed the issue of murdering the innocent in the mother’s womb out of fear of loosing their 501c3! What about speaking and warning their congregation that murder is sin, and if they do not repent will for sure end up in Hell?
What about preaching against sexual sin and, and about not stealing on the income tax. What about gossip?
The lost soul, who does all these sins, and many others, needs to hear a good sermon that convicts him or her to repent. They should get out of the meetings cleansed through the Blood of Yehoshua, not go home with an empty wallet, but their soul is still filled with sin.
I could speak on this subject a long time, however, I want to speak specifically to pastors now, and ask you to seek the face of your Creator and Savior. Yehoshua, or Yeshua, came into this world for you to be freed from your sin. Only you know what is the nature of your sin, but Yehovah knows. If you do not repent do not expect the Presence of Elohim/God, His Glory, to come into your congregation. If you refuse to receive the Pentecostal experience, you are cheating your congregation and you will have to give an account to Yehovah.
But You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, Judea and to the ends of the earth.” -Acts 1:8
Please read the Book of Acts and the letters to the churches, and visit some Spirit filled church in your area, and know that He is still pouring His Spirit on all flesh. He never stopped. He never took Him back. If you, as a pastor, refuse to receive this blessing you are fleecing the Bride of Messiah and you must repent. Do not follow the blind leaders of your organization, but follow the Word only, and Yehoshua is the Word made flesh.